Chapter 6

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I was hidden behind a wall, well more like some crazy looking dark alleyway since the night skies had hit and everyone was out enjoying they're lovely Halloween. I bit my lip looking up from behind the wall and seeing someones backyard, but not only someone....but a little happy family with they're curtains opened. I bet they keep those open since no one really comes in they're backyard, i shrugged off the thoughts as i seen a few little kids running around the house, and the parents looking happier than they were just a few minutes ago. I jumped the wall, thankfully they had no dogs or i would have been shit out of luck on that one. As i walked closer and closer to the white house, i noticed that they had food, blankets, water, and much much more for my liking. 

''That's all i need to get me through the horrible night.'' I whispered to myself, i looked at the door realizing that it had been slightly opened. I slowly pulled the cold handle open as i looked inside with just a small peak, it was clear from anyone in the halls. Wow this place is really nice, i bit my lip looking at the walls that were mostly covered with family portraits i'm assuming. I could hear kids talking and parents laughing, walking inside a random dark room. I hid behind the door listening to the conversations going on in the other room. 

''Mummy can we go trick R treating next time than?'' I heard a sweet little voice, i started to feel a little bad for wanting to threaten this family but i'm hungry and cold. Living outside after being some hopeless runaway has it's ups and downs most of the time. 

''Sweet heart i already told you, once it's safe outside to even take the bus to school than maybe but don't ask when you know the answer.'' I rolled my eyes thinking back at how everyone was mumbling something about the Style's Mafia when i was making my way to the alley, i don't see how the fucking Styles are scary or fucking insane. But for all i know is that i'm not scared of them even if the young one with the long hair was drop dead gorgeous and all i wanted to do was run my hands down his tattooed torso. 

''Jessie we already told you not to speak of this again so stop and eat your dinner before bed.'' I heard a stronger voice speak to which got me thinking that of course it was those childrens father. I took a deep breath while looking down at my pocket, i have had a gun for a few months now since this guy had given it to me for free just to defend myself against crazies. I took another deep breath hoping this shit goes well, as soon as i had the balls to take this family hostage just to get the things i needed for the night to survive. 

''EVERYONE FUCKING HANDS UP AND DON'T YOU FUCKING MOVE BEFORE I BLOW EVERY SINGLE OF YOUR HEADS OFF WITH MY GUN, NOW GET ON THE FLOOR AND DON'T SAY ANYTHING OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND!'' I screamed out after running to the room the family was at, only to see the two children crying they're eyes out as the parents started to freak out but trying to calm the two little ones down. 

''Pl-please just take whatever you want but please please please don't hurt us.'' The mum started to cry while leaning down to take her kids in her arms as she hid her head in they're chest's. 

''No i'm not going to hurt you as long as you stay quiet and do as i say.'' I turned around quick before picking up an empty box they had on top of a really nice looking counter, while putting some food inside the box and making sure to look back only to see a phone in the blond ladies hand. ''what the fuck did i just say!'' Before i could even aim the gun at her head, i was tackled to the ground as the door was busted open by three to four cops. 

''TAKE THE GUN FROM HIM YOU IDIOT! DON'T JUST TACKLE HIM AND LEAVE THE DAMN THING IN HIS HAND!'' I heard one of the police officers yell down at the one that was holding me down along with two other guys. I soon felt the gun being pulled from my hand as the one cop that had hair all over his fat face pulled my hands behind my back and cuffed me, only leaving just a bit room for my wrist to breath. ''You young man, is in some deep deep trouble.'' One of them whispered in my ear as i was pulled up and pushed out of the house, i stayed quiet the whole time after they had checked me for any other weapons. I was still shocked from this night, how in the world did i become lonely and free to hurt and going to be placed behind bars because of my actions? 

''I....i... didn't mean to'' I stuttered out, feeling so fucking pathetic and weak was nothing i would have ever expected for myself to feel but right now that's exactly how i felt. I was now placed in the car without anyone saying anything else, i do remember seeing styles being placed in one of these or maybe it was someone else. I looked down at my lap feeling the hot tears spilling out of my eyes, what have i done? I sniffed a few times unable to wipe my runny nose since my hands were placed behind my back, and let me say they started to hurt more and more each time they drove and stopped at some red light. ''But i didn't mean to.'' I whispered to myself again, why haven't i just went out and looked for a job like everyone else?

3 hours 

I was sitting alone in this old rusty looking cell that reminded me of the boxes i would sleep in at random parks or even behind old house that were hard to get into. I kept my eyes down and felt like i was going to throw up from the lack of sleep and food, i didn't know what was going to happen to me or how i was going to get out of here not knowing anyone. 

''Put him in here and leave him till we can find out where he's going to be going next.'' I looked up as the cell door opened only to reveal some poor looking guy that had nappy hair, a full grown beard, clothes that looked like they didn't fit him anymore, and of course he looked so skinny i could have mistaken him for a skeleton. 

''Fine by me, get in there old fart.'' The old guy was pushed in the same cell as me, i watched as he fumbled forward only to land on top of his weak knees. He said nothing, not even looking up at me with those sad grey eyes, he looked so hopeless and from the looks of it he needed help. what had he done to get in here anyways? 

''Hey are you ok man?'' I asked while scooting closer to the man kneeling down, he looked up for the first time only to keep his gaze on me, i felt a little uncomfortable but he needed a friend. Just in case if we were going to be stuck in here together might as well be friends right? He ignored me and started playing with some pebbles that laid on the floor, this is going to be a long night. I groaned while letting my head hit the wall that i was sitting against. 

''Well this is Styles son so what do we do with him without the man finding out his son is imprisoned for murder?'' I looked ahead hearing them say Styles, could they be talking about the gorgeous boy that has been stuck in my head this whole time. 

''I don't know what to do nor do i want to know what the judge has planned for him but for all i know is putting him out there with the big dogs will teach him a lesson about hurting others the way he had.'' I saw the smirk playing on the older officers face as he gave a small wink to the shorter officer, what could these two be talking about? ''Let's say that we put him in the showers with some rapist's and act like we aren't paying attention while those dirty men have they're way with the young lad.'' I watched as they started talking about Styles, these guys are fucking officers and they're going to have some old guys rape the young lad? I shook my head thinking about anything to say but than that would get me into some trouble. So here i just say minding my own business but yet feeling bad for the tattooed man. 

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