Chapter 20

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I had woken up to the sounds of soft snores coming from my side, of course it would be zayn. Who else would it be anyways? Sitting up, i looked around to make sure none of this was some long sad dream to which it wasn't since i was still locked behind bars and wearing this damn skirt that was only for girls. But than something had clouded my thoughts, how come none of these fucking guards yell at these people in here to leave me alone? I mean, i know that i'm hated and all but they have no right to let these men treat me like this and make me wear things i don't want to. Looking down at the ugly skirt and trailing my fingers along my shaved legs, i started feeling the cold air hit my naked thighs as i started shivering from the breeze that was coming in from the small cracks that were just right outside mine and zayn's cell. I miss being free, miss hearing my mates call my name for me to eat, miss taking a shower whenever i wanted, i even miss dealing with my father who would complain about every single thing. Looking down at Zayn, he was sleeping like a little innocent angel. sure he was cute and all but i can never trust anyone in this place, not even this boy. 

''I need to get the fuck out of here.'' Whispering, i kept my eyes on the man sleeping in the same bed as me, shockingly he didn't even move a muscle. He usually answers to everything i say when he's suppose to be asleep but maybe this time he's really asleep and not giving a shit if he could hear me or not. Shrugging my shoulders, i looked over at the other cells that were holding back some crazy looking inmates who kept bickering about the food, about their wives, kids, pets, letters, and some other things more about sex.

''Lay down doll, you only have a few more hours than we have to wake up and shower. Don't you want to shower and all that?'' I could hear his soft voice as i closed my eyes and took in his sweetness towards me. 

''Zayn, i want to call my father again and see if he can just bail me out. I can't be in here anymore, everyone's looking at me with hungry eyes and i hate feeling like the center of attention in this fucking place. I'm suppose to be the big badarse mafia and no one's suppose to even think about hurting me when they know that i could easily have them killed.'' Squeezing my eyes shut, i tightened my grip around my thighs making sure i could feel the pain. ''I'm sick and tired of being your little bitch zayn, i'm sorry for talking this way and all but i'm known for Styles son, the man that's suppose to be feared, but i am wearing a damn skirt, headbands that are girly, and what the fuck is up with me and shaving? I mean come on, shaving under my armpits is going to far. I ge tthe legs part since i thought about shaving them before, but everything else is just going out of control.'' 

''First of all, i'm not offended at all about your mood swings but like i said....If you want to live and get out of here without being touched or anything like that. Than you have to listen no matter what. I'm sorry that this had to have happened but i know why, this all started with your father and his ex mate. I'll tell you the story later, i'm to tired to even keep up with my mouth.'' 

''Wait zayn......You said that you know one of my father's mates? But how? That's impossible zayn, this can't be happening, is he here or something?'' Quickly looking around, i started feeling a slight of dizziness hitting my head. ''Oh god, what's happening?'' Mumbling to myself, i started pulling at the roots of my hair just to get these thoughts out of my head. I felt the bed dip as zayn sat up just to bring my close to his chest. 

''Babe calm down, i'll tell you when you've had more rest. Right now, i really need to sleep since i have a lot on my mind as well.'' He started rocking us back and forth while kissing the top of my head just to rub his hands down my back. ''Relax love, you'll be fine and i'm here to protect you from whoever it is that's trying to hurt you.'' For once, i actually believed him. I know he's been trying to be nice to me but here i am being such a dick to this poor boy. 

''Zayn, i think you should have just minded your own business, cause now your dragged in this whole problem. I don't want you hurt and if i can than i would do anything i could just to protect you instead of having you do that for me. I know i'm not well liked in this place....Well other than people wanting me because of my body and shit. But......I care about you just as much as you do to me. Before i get out though, i really need to find out who your talking about and why this old guy in here keeps threatening me like this.'' Pulling away, zayn took a deep breath while nodding.

''The old guy that keeps talking to you in such a rude manner is the one that is your father's ex mate. I know you don't remember him, but that's because he left when you were still young. He has a son named Matty, i'm sure you know about him?'' I tuned zayn out for awhile, Matty.....I use to have the biggest crush on him until he turned me down for his stupid job. He's probably like in his late 20's now since it's been awhile. ''Harry you still listening?'' Shaking my head, i looked up to meet eyes with the beautiful man that has been taking care of me even though i didn't ask him to. 

''I know Matty, he was the sweetest man i could have ever met.....Well before you that is. We lost touch though, since i have been more into my job as he had too, but we've lost contact and my father knew his father. Thing's went down between those two but i don't want to get into that. I'm going to be dealing with that man once we get out of here, and i mean out of the cell for showers. I have so much to ask him and there's only a matter of time to know what my father is planning.'' 

''But.....You don't have feeling's for matty anymore, do you? I mean like.....Do you still want to talk to him and get to know him some more after losing contact?'' I can't believe zayn's asking me this now, i bit my lip while thinking about the way matty would teach me how to hold a gun, how to snort through a straw, drink without getting laid by some creep, walk around the house like a boss, shit he even taught me how to speak his language which was gang slang. Looking down at my nasty skirt, i thought about matty and his think about it, matty and zayn kind of had the same style and same attitude. ''Harry? Doll? Babe?'' Snapping from my thoughts, i took in everything i just told myself. Cupping zayns cheeks, i looked into his sad eyes. 

''I don't care about matty, we just met..zayn and here you are already talking about us like we're in a relationship. We're not but i do care about you for taking care of me and treating me so kind. If i had the chance to meet Matty again and spill my feelings out to him.....about how i use to feel of course than i would. But right now, i'm only here because i got caught....I think someone in my house had called the cops but right now, i don't want to think about that either until the morning. I want to talk to the man who claims to be matty's father, i need to know why he's coming at me like this and what will it take to get him to fucking stop.'' 

''Good, cause i really do care about you. I just kind of don't want to lose you i guess, i don't know what's wrong with me harry. But i just keep having these feelings towards you. I guess it's just love at first sight.....I mean i don't love you or anything but you know what i mean.'' He started rambling while i just put my hand over his soft lips. 

''You talk to much boo, but i know what you mean. I care about you to and it's weird since we started out with hating one another. I'm glad your here for me, but i just can't stop thinking about what's going on outside of this prison and what's going on in my father's crazy head.'' I backed up against the wall were i was sitting on the bed, just to let my head fall back and rest my eyes. I know that Matty's fucking father lied to zayn, he's always been the type to lie just to save his own arse or for someone to feel bad for him. I'm going to find out why he's in here. 

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