Chapter 17

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I laid here, sniffing back the snot that was escaping my nose, wiping away the left over tears i had shed just because of the events that had happened hours ago. I know i'm not suppose to be crying and showing that i'm weak, but damn. It's not my fault that i haven't seen so many big, scarred up looking men here before. I mean, i can't even get up and take a piss without someone staring at me from the other cells, i can't even rest my head on zayn's chest while having someone staring right at my face. I seriously needed to get out of here and fast before i end up doing something for someone that i will regret. I squeezed my eyes shut while turning in zayn's arms. Right now, he was holding me tight to his chest, my exposed arse feeling up on his hard cock, i must admit though....I did like the feeling of him eating me out while gripping at my arse like some ball. If only this was something real and romantic instead of being forced and played out just to keep me alive. Rolling my eyes, i let my hands fall against the broad chest the belonged to zayn since i had turned to look at his sleeping face. 

''I know this was all your fault and shit like that, but thank you for defending me and keeping me safe. After everything i had said and done to you, shows that your really a nice person and you don't let anyone say shit to you to bring you down. I'm glad we met, and i'm glad that you don't let words get to you....Even though you do have a bit of a anger issue when it comes to be saying certain things. But thank you again and please....just please don't let me go zayn. I'm already as scared as it can be and yes i know that your sleeping, but i just needed to let it all out. I'm being honest, which means i'm scared. I'm not suppose to be but you know what? I am ok.'' I huffed out while taking a deep breath, finally closing my eyes again to get some rest. I know that it wasn't even time for bed but the police pigs don't give a shit if we're up or not. 

''Your very welcome doll, just don't piss me off and we'll be all good. I was asleep but heating your voice woke me up. It's so raspy and loud, i don't think we'll be able to sleep tonight if we sleep now. So what do you want to do other than laying here and cuddling?'' I rolled my eyes, i hate cuddling but right now i really needed it. 

''We can just lay here and talk about our family or maybe just talk about inmates that keep talking shit about you and your looks.'' I chuckled while shaking my head, i watched as he jolted up just to look down at me while he was now sitting. ''What?'' 

''They're talking about me now? About what?'' Shrugging my shoulder's, i pulled the blanket that was draped over my waist just to cover everything except my head. 

''Just about how they think your lying and how your probably the bitch or whatever. I'm sure i look better in this skirt than you would ever look anyways.'' Smirking up at the man gaping, he shook his head while running his fingers through my untamed hair. 

''That you do indeed, no one in this god awful place can beat you at looking pretty and sexy. So nope, i guess your just the main bitch up in this place.'' Glaring at the laughing prick, i pushed him off the bed while he landed with a loud thud. 

''You know that was very rude of you princess.'' He chuckled while standing up and looking out into the halls which were filled with inmates that sold half they're shit for cigs, people that were playing cards, but there was always this older looking man who sat there staring at me like he knew what my life was about. ''You ok?'' I felt zayn's finger poke at my stomach while sitting right next to me. 

''I'm fine, but haven't you noticed that ever since i've been in here that......that guy over there has been keeping a close eye on me for some reason? He can't possibly want me as well, i mean look at him. He's about 60 years fucking old so i'm sure his dick doesn't even get hard anymore.'' 

''Yeah i've noticed him, but maybe he just thinks your so damn pretty that it's hard to stop staring.'' He chuckled while shaking his messy hair to the side just to get it to stand up right, putting some water in his hair wasn't even going to help but whatever he thinks is best than i guess i have no say in this all. ''He probably know's you or something.'' Shrugging his shoulders, i looked back at the old hag who was still staring at me like his eyes were only glued to mine, like it was his job to stare at me with that cold cold....cold glare. ''I'm gonna go see if they have extra sheets in the laundry room, hopefully that Nick guy can hand me one. It's getting really cold here now, and i'm not gonna get sick without medicine.'' I watched as he slipped on his shoes that matched the rest of ours. 

''Wait your just going to leave me alone in here?'' I tried to jump out of bed but noticing that i was still naked from earlier's events, i just stayed put while eyeing the man that was going to bring us some sheets. 

''That's why you stay in here and make sure the cell door is shut ok? If anyone touches you, just tell them that your going to get me.'' I looked down while biting down on my lip, ''Don't be nervous love, i'm here to protect you from them.'' 

''You do know once we're out, i'm so leaving this place and moving to a different state. I'm not sticking here anymore just because my father has a job down here. I hate him so fucking much, he was suppose to help me out and there he is, at home having the time of his life. I remember when he got arrested, i was the only one there to bail him out.'' I sniffed a few times, no i'm not going to cry...I think it's just allergies. 

''I know doll, and that's why your better than he is, that's why i believe you can change into this person you are right now instead of being someone that wants to be kneeled to like loki. Your a good person harry and i know that you can do it. Being here is maybe teaching you a lesson, which is good and bad at the same time. It's good because your not being some cocky arsehole, but bad cause now everyone thinks your some bitch.''

''That last part was your fucking fault so don't bring that shit up, and thanks anyways.'' I shrugged while looking ahead, the old man that was sitting at the tables with a stack of cards was now standing and looking at the two of us. ''You better hurry and get the sheets before it gets to late, make sure to at least bring me something to wear under this damn skirt yeah? I mean i'm not wearing it right now but, when i wear the tiny thing that is.'' With a kiss to my cheek, he was out like flash. ''Please hurry too.'' I whispered, trying to ignore the stares i was getting. I snuggled under the two blankets that were keeping me a little warm.

''I know who you are, you finally got caught and you deserve to be in here with the rest of us.'' I peaked my head from under the blanket just to see the old man standing just outside the bars of the cell door, i hope he know's that they aren't locked other wise he could come in and say that to my face so i can just break his fucking neck. 

''Why the fuck do you even care? You know nothing about me so fuck the hell off and mind your own damn business old hag.'' I groaned while hiding back under the white sheets. I knew he was still here, not hearing the foot steps that would probably be loud since he is a bit over weight and looks like he's the type to drag his feet.

''I know your father, and i think he should be in here with you after all you've done was hurt others and murder innocent families along with your prick of a dad.'' I bit my lip trying to hold back the anger, i'm not about to just out of this bed stark naked just to fuck some old guy up. Squeezing my eyes shut, ignoring his breathing. ''You do know that even though you have a 'DADDY' in here, that doesn't mean these people out here are planning on hurting you still. I would watch my back if i were you Styles, don't want to be anywhere alone without your pimp.'' With that i looked up and saw that he was walking away and out of my sight. People in here are really pissing me the fuck off, and i'm going to find out who that mother fucker is as well.

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