Chapter 10

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I waited for this damn twat to answer me but nothing came out of his mouth, maybe he was deaf or something, or maybe he was just asking for an arse whipping from me. Shrugging my shoulders i walked over at the sink that was a bit clean if i may say so myself, i already know i'm going to be put in the hole by the only man that raped me. I know i may seem ok with what had happened but deep down inside something is telling me to be strong and don't let little things like 'Rape' get to me. I never went to school, i never had a real job, never been in a relationship, and of course i never loved another human being in my life. I don't have time for love or anyone but myself, yeah i cared a bit for my mates that had died but you know what? They're gone now and there's nothing anyone can do about it but move on with life like it never happened. 

''God this shit is so stupid, how the fuck am i suppose to get along with people if everyone is so low class?'' I mumbled to myself as i looked over at the figure on the bottom bunk, and who the fuck is that? I tried to peak a little by standing on my tip toes but the sheet that they were using was pulled over they're damn head. I slowly walked the 2 inches and grabbed the sheet only to have my hand smacked away from the boy laying down.

''Don't fucking touch me you diseased wannabe.'' I was taken back but than again everyone call's me useless names that don't bother me so why not just show this arse who he's talking to like that. 

''Unless you want to get your arse beat to death by me than i suggest you to get up and look me in the eyes and say that you stupid bastard.'' I backed away just to lean against the wall waiting for this fucker to get up and repeat what he just said that way i can just knock his dumbarse out right here while he know's who did it. 

''No let me say something pretty boy, UNLESS you want to get fucked up again and possibly put in his place than i suggest you leave me the fuck alone before i do more damage to that face.'' I finally got to see the man that was also threatening me just like i was doing to him seconds ago, and of course it would be the Zayn kid who thought he was some badarse just cause he got the last hit while i was being pulled away by the damn guards. 

''Just cause you hit back doesn't mean you won the fight stupid arse, but now that we're caged in together how about we finish what we had started without the fucking police stopping us? Other thing dumbarse, no one talks to me like i'm some peasant when the only slaves here are the ones that fall to they're knees for me.'' Without another word, i grabbed the skinny twat by his shirt and slammed him against the cold hard wall hearing his breath hitch. 

''GET OFF ME!'' He screamed while trying to push me off, but me of course being taller, more masculine, and let me just say i knew how to fight but i never used most of my moves since i'm not into the whole coaching thing like boxing for example. 

''You gonna make me bitch? You gonna make me drop you and let you go after everything you just said and done earlier? I don't think i'll let this slide, if i can murder an old lady and a small child than i'm sure i could just kill you with a snap of your neck.'' I smirked up at the scared looking bitch as he tried to hide the fact that he was literally about to piss his pants. ''I'm not scared of anyone, so right now i could care less about your life and end it right now. but i'm not, i need to be a good boy so i can get out of here.'' I dropped him to the floor while backing away and smiling a fake smile. 

''Your such a fucking arsehole, why would you hurt people that haven't done shit to you? You don't even know anyone and how they're life can be but yet you attend to hurt those who are innocent.'' I shrugged my broad shoulders while tracing my rose tattoo on my arm. 

''Does it look like i care about others? No, so stop thinking that i'm someone that would even care for a lonely kitten in the middle of the road because i fucking don't. Your a nobody and that's what i see everyone else as too. Your just a poor man that doesn't have a life ahead of himself, someone that looks like they will never be loved the way you think you will, someone that has a troubled life but yet here you are trying to talk down to me. Well guess what? I don't give a rat's arse on how you live or what had happened to you cause anything i want i get rather i have to earn it or take it.'' With that, i turned on my gaze back to the halls that i was once going to escape but than again if i look closer. There right at the door was something behind it, a brick fucking wall that would be hard to jump. 

''You think just because your the Lead mafia's son that your better than everyone? Please whatever Harold, your nothing but a shitty human being with a small heart and a rotten brain. You hurt those who have loved ones, who have fun, who can feel for others, but i know that your just jealous because they have a life that you would want.'' I started laughing so fucking hard i honestly thought i was going to break or bruise a rib. 

''Your so fucking funny you know that? Why the fuck would i be jealous of poor useless people when i have everything i want here? Your so fucking stupid that it's actually pretty funny with the things you come up with. And here i am thinking you might be some smart poor guy that has everything in his mind to say something clever to me but nope your here thinking i'm a jealous twat that wants to have love and lust.'' Shaking my head, i looked over at the sink getting a bit thirsty from all this talking. 

''Your just saying that cause you don't want to admit the truth, well let me tell you something KID. Your nothing, your not loved, your stupid, you think everyone likes you when they're really probably planning a murder to end your pathetic life. I bet if you died right now no one would remember you or maybe they would just throw a huge party at the neighborhood knowing that they can now go out without being frightened or nervous. Your so pathetic that i feel bad for the people that live under the same roof as you, i bet your daddy doesn't even want you there with him which is why he hasn't even came yet to come get you.'' This time he was smirking but i have to admit he did look rather attractive doing so. 

''You don't know shit about me nor do you want to, i could easily get someone in this damn prison to rape and kill your arse within a heart beat.'' I bit my lip thinking back at the events that happened hours ago with that pig and his cold heart. 

''Is that so? Maybe you would like to watch as well since you seem like the perverted type, you know? Since you don't give a shit about people that is. I'm not going to lecture you on your life when your right, i don't know anything about you but i do know that your a heartless troll that needs to get his arse beat. Nobody is scared of you to do it too, the reason why they don't is because if someone touches you than they know your just going to get your little mafia to kill them.'' I looked down at my feet, the shoes that i was given which weren't that bad but they weren't my type. 

''I handle everything on my own and if you keep talking than i'm just going to forget about my bail and murder you myself. So shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business before i make you.'' I turned to face the other way, away from the prick standing on his feet now. As soon as i let my eyes close, i could feel someone's chest....Not just someone but that dumbarse up against me. I didn't even want to turn around so i just stayed facing away from him.

''Keep telling yourself that but we both know that once you get use to living in this gross, terrifying, dump they call prison. Your going to end up being someone's bitch than you'll wish you were just a normal lad that had a regular house, parents that loved him, and maybe just a kitten you call Darly but no. Your here and ready to become nothing but prey for all these creepers in here.'' He whispered in my ear while i smelt the smoke on his breath. I slowly turned to be faced with the man that was still leaning close to me. 

''Than i'll be ready to start hurting them pricks if they even think about laying a hand on me, you think i'm scared but i'm not. You can stop trying though since it's not working, like i said.....''I leaned up to his ear this time and whispered. ''I'm not fucking scared of anyone.'' With that i pushed him away and jumped on top of my top bunk while facing the wall. I'll make sure nothing happens to me, i'm a big boy and i can handle myself. 

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