Chapter 19

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Harry had fallen asleep once again in my arms, i smiled down at the lad who i came to take a liking to. He really is trying to change for the best but i don't think he'll ever be the nice person i want him to. He's always going to be this mean, young, pretty, killer boy who loved to hurt and murder people that have done nothing but be nice or afraid of him. He had three of his maids....Or mates as he says it, murdered for something he wanted to do. I pity the boy so much, but he needs to learn to behave himself and not harm those who have done nothing to him at all. But something tells me that this strange old guy over there has something to do with this all, i keep getting these thoughts in my head that maybe Harry's in here because of that old man. Was he the one who called about the killing? Was he the one that caused the killing of his mates? There was so many questions running through my mind that once i looked back down at the sleeping boy, he was smiling....Dimples and everything. The only thing different though, was that he was asleep. So what could he possibly be dreaming about....Or who could he be dreaming of. 

''He is a beauty, isn't he?'' I flinched from the sudden voice, looking to my side i seen the old man standing there with a deck of cards in his hand and a smirk on his face. ''You know, when he was younger he was always outside playing football, chasing leaves and butterflies, singing in his room with the door wide open, dancing around in his boxers. But now he's something else.....Someone new that i don't even know anymore. I've been the one to take care of him when he was younger, the one to feed and shower him when his father wasn't around.'' The man pulled out an apple while taking a huge bite out of it and finally looking me in the eyes. ''He's taking a liking to you, and that's hard to get out of the one and only Harry styles.'' 

''Is this why you keep fucking with him? Telling him shit that scares him? He doesn't even know you so why are you acting like some creep? Your the one that put him in here huh?'' I started feeling my blood boil as my hands became damp with sweat. 

''Your a silly boy, he's the one that put himself in here so don't go blaming everyone else for his stupid mistakes. If he would have just listened to his father and would have stayed inside when he was told than none of what happened would have occurred. So don't go blaming me for what he did, look at him and tell yourself.....Is he really going to be getting out with everything he has done? Would you want someone like him out on the streets hurting people again? You know once a killer, always a killer. He will never change, he may seem like he's changing now but what will happen once he's out on the free world again? Think about that Malik, once you know what's best for him than come talk to me again.'' 

''Wait, How the hell do you know all this? I mean like.....Why are you in here anyways?'' I needed to know more about the man that knows the most about my angel here, he can't just say something creepy like that and than walk away like he did nothing wrong. He stopped as he walked and slowly turned around to face me once more but with a small smile on his old face. 

''So you would like to know more about me right? You would like to know why i'm in here? Why i'm telling you about this young boy here that's asleep in your arms? Zayn i know that your thinking about protecting this lad who has been killing his whole life, shit he's even murdered family members. So who would let a man like that live? Who would want someone walking the earth, that will only murder half his whole family? Did you know he's been thinking about killing his father just to take over the business? Maybe you should meet me somewhere just to talk privately.'' He cocked his head to the side while looking to see if anyone else was watching us. 

''I'm not going to go behind harry's back and have you talk shit about him. Either you tell me how you got in here and why your here scaring the shit out of him or you just leave us both alone and never show your face in front of us again. I may seem like a nice guy but once you piss me off to the point where i want to rip heads off, than that's a sign for you to leave it at it is and walk away like the good boy you are. So what do you want?'' I gripped tighter around harrys waist while he shift a bit just to get comfortable. 

''Oh we're not going behind his back lad, we're just talking man to man. So why would i want to do something grown up? Just talk to me by the showers and i'll let you know about his other plans. Who knows, maybe he's using you just to protect himself and than when he's out....If he ever get's out, than maybe he'll end your life. But we never know, this kid your holding is a psychopath.'' Looking down at the sleeping figure, i rolled my eyes as i placed him to the side but closer to the wall just to cover him up and jump out of bed. 

''Let's talk around the corner, i don't want to leave him by himself for to long. I don't trust anyone here, they look at him like he's a piece of meat. But he's mine so they better back off, and i don't trust you either. You probably have something planned huh? Planned for someone to come in here and rape him while i'm by the showers?'' I stood up straight while crossing my arms over my chest, feeling my face start to heat up from the anger. I could literally feel the steam escaping my ears as my eyes wanted to bulge from their sockets and punch the old man in the face with that stupid wrinkled smirk on his face. 

''Now why would i even plan something like that if i don't know anyone in this damn place? I'm in the mafia kid, i don't make new friends. I keep the people outside, not the ones in here.'' He chuckled while shaking his head. ''I have a son of my own as well Zayn, His name is Matty and he's been out of prison for over three years now. I'm just stuck in this damn place and i have never been out of this hell hole for two years now. I was suppose to wait for my kid to bail me out until he was robbed at gun point. Now all i get is just visits and phone calls from him. But never had he stopped trying to get me out, so why would i want to hurt your little toy over there? I would hate for someone to treat my kid as someones bitch but you know what? Matty has never been one to act so low.'' He spoke with so much emotion, but i still couldn't bring myself to trust this guy. 

''I don't know, i mean i feel bad for you and all but i don't think i want to talk about this behind my boys back. So let's just step out of the cell and talk yeah?'' He took a deep breath while looking around again and than back down at this picture he had been holding along with his cards. 

''Fine, let's talk right here. But don't get mad and start breaking out into punches if your toy hears everything we're saying.'' He looked over my shoulder while seeing that harry was still deep in his dream land. ''Well, i'm a friend of Harry's father. He's been my mate for over ten whole years now. But when i found out about the shooting which matty had told me, i couldn't bring myself to smile. Harry's father had fucked me over a few months ago when he was suppose to collect some drugs from my place and give them to matty for this huge trade that he was given. That was all the money he was getting to bail me out....But harry's father took the drugs and sold them for his own, having harry buy anything he wanted. Matty couldn't do anything about it though, Styles was much stronger without me there, had more protection. There are five different groups in this place that are after Styles but now that they know his pretty kid is in here, than what do you think their going to do?'' My eyes widened as i looked back at harry who was smiling in his sleep. Holy fucking shit......

''No, this can't be though.'' I whispered while looking back down at the deck of cards. 

''I know and i'm sorry but i'm just saying, make sure you control him before he ends up dead before he could even go to court. I see you eyeing my cards too, see this right here.'' He pulled out the picture he had been looking down at just to show me a really nice looking guy. ''This is my kid, Matty. You must know that he's liked harry for so long, and i mean more than just a guy should like another guy. He's wanted to ask Styles permission to take him out and show him a good time. But after everything had happened, it just went down hill.'' I looked down, Harry's mine though, and only mine so Matty can fuck off. ''Don't worry, i think harry likes you. But i have to go, i need to make a phone call.'' Nodding, i walked back inside the cell seeing harry grip the blankets around him and snuggle under them as if he was cold. 

''What am i gonna do with you harry?'' I mumbled, sliding my hands down my face, i slowly made my way to the bed and laid down while wrapping my arms around his nice fitted waist. ''I care about you so much.'' Kissing the back of his head, i just met this guy and i'm already falling head over hills for him. How can this be?

If you guys want to see a picture of Matty than just let me know XD i'll put his picture in the next chappie 

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