Chapter 18

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The whole day has went by pretty well actually, no one really looked at me in a way that they would want a piece of my arse, no one said anything to Zayn nor i just to piss us off, and those Nazi freaks haven't even shown their ugly arse faces around lately. I felt some what relieved in a way, but than again all that can be taken away once you start thinking positive. I know i've done bad in my life, i know that i've killed over 90 people. My first kill was when i was 10 and my father had me shoot my cousin in the middle of the street for stealing 50 cents from my fathers jar that he kept in the living room. I still remember it like it was yesterday.......  Me playing outside while throwing a football across the grass and getting grass stains all over my knees, my cousin vinny who was only 8 years old and kind of slow in a way, Vinny only wanted a bag of chips from the ice cream man that would drive by and give us stuff, but the only thing that changed that day was Vinny getting caught and shot...but not only did my hand pull the trigger and shot my baby cousin in the eye, but i felt the urge to go around and shoot everyone that was on the streets, in their homes, at the park, shit even in the stores. As the years would go by, i would grow stronger and stronger each day with the proud look on my father's face, but all that changed when he and i got into this huge fight about the business and all. 

''Harry Styles, You are allowed another phone call.'' I looked up from having my head laying on Zayn's lap the whole time while he read his bible, throwing my blankets off and standing to my feet. I pulled the skirt down a bit more just to cover up more of my thighs and my meat stick in the front. 

''I'll be back Zayn.'' I mumbled while looking down at the man with a smile on his face and the little five o'clock shadow that looked so good on him, now coming out more like a scruff. 

''Take your time love, no need to hurry ok?'' I nodded while fixing my head scarf and following the guard that was also trying his hardest not to look at me. I felt so uncomfortable that this is actually the most i have been so embarrassed in my fucking life. We stopped in front of the phone on the wall that was a little dirty, i bet they don't even clean this shit. Shivering from the germs that i will be touching, i gently picked up the nasty thing while dialing my father's work number. Waiting for someone to pick up, i looked around to see a few guys also on the phones that were across the room. Some of them crying and the other's just being all lovey dovey on the damn thing. Rolling my eyes but than smiling when someone picked up. 

''Mr. Styles Officer, if your calling for something in return than you got the right number. What do you want and who are you?'' I groaned while licking over my lips just to start off with a regular talk instead of getting upset with the man that won't even help me out of this place. ''Wait, Harry? Is that you?'' 

''Yes Father, I just want to know something that has been on my mind all fucking day. Remember that one time i bailed you out of prison? Well.....How come you can't do the same for me? I mean, i am your fucking son and your only one too. So why can't you just come and bail me out and we can talk about the whole thing at home.'' I tried being reasonable for the first time in my life, being calm and sweet with someone else wasn't my thing, but knowing zayn....I guess it worked.

''Harry Harry Harry, you just don't get it do you? You have to learn to control your anger, you need to learn to pay attention when someone else attacks other than having your men fight for you. You have murdered three of our great men out there after i told you not to fucking go out. I knew something like this was going to happen, but yet you still disobeyed me. I think it would be best if you did your time, and maybe.....just maybe i'll bail you out after a year or two. Now be good and don't go doing as other's say. Don't want my son to become someones bitch.'' He chuckled lastly than hung up on me. I gaped at the phone while feeling angry tears brim my eyes. Clouding my vision and making it hard for me to see the hook were the phone goes. 

''You done Styles? You have to get back to your cell and let someone else use the phone.'' One of the guards said, i slowly nodded while keeping my head down. As we walked down the halls in order to get back to my place, i could see out of the corner of my eye that the old man that was telling me about watching my back, was standing there looking at me. Finally entering my cell, i stood there just frozen, not moving, thinking back at everything my father had said to me. 

''Everything ok doll, you look like your about to cry. Come over here and sit, i don't want you standing that way and having your back side flashing the horny men out there.'' Shaking out of my thoughts, i walked quicker than usual just to fall into Zayn's arms. ''You want to tell me what happened?'' I shook my head but than again.....

''My father said he doesn't want to bail me out, that he wants me to stay in here and learn my lesson. He says that he'll bail me out in a year or two if i'm good.'' I sniffed a few times not even caring that i'm crying right now, all i'm caring about is zayn holding me and not letting me go. ''Then this old fucking man keeps staring at me and telling me that i better watch my back, i don't even know who he is but i know he know's who my father is.'' Wiping away the tears that had fallen, i looked up to see zayn looking down while frowning. 

''If i'm making myself clear love, i think somethings going on with you father. Tell me more......'' I took a deep breath while nodding my head just to tell him what else he said....Something else was in mind though. 

''Wait a fucking second? My father said not to become someones bitch....How the hell would he come up with that so fast? He's never thought of me as someones bitch nor someones little pet. So how would he know about that?'' I shot up in a sitting position to look into Zayn's eyes who looked shocked. '' don't think that old guy is the one telling my father everything, do you?'' I choked out, i couldn't keep anymore tears in now. I let them pour out of my eyes as i felt zayn's hands cup my cheeks. ''Stop zayn.'' I pulled away while hugging myself just to cover up my naked torso.

''You need to calm down and tell me more love, i can help you but you need to let me in.'' I shook my head while squeezing my watery eyes together. 

''I don't know what's going on anymore zayn, someone is in here spying on us and then telling my father everything. My father hates pussies and that's what i'm seeming to come off as. I'm being someones bitch toy and there's the guy telling my father what i'm wearing, that i'm crying all the time, that i even let the guy that's being my pimp or whatever you want to call it.....eating me out. Zayn i don't want to think that my father has someone in here watching me, but i know for a fact that he does. You know how this will end? My own damn father will end up killing me because of this place, he doesn't like people in his family being over ruled but yet......I ruined him by being in here and being someones toy.'' I let out a horrid cry as i covered my face and started shaking from so much fear. I have never in my fucking life been this scared before, everything has fallen down hill for me. 

''Baby i don't think that's it at all, everyone isn't suppose to be a winner love. And i know this ain't going to help but what if you liked it? What if you liked being manhandled and loved by another man? What if you liked dressing in those clothes and crying because of the feels in here? You can still be your tough arse act shit but you can also be the real you and be happy at the same time while doing it. I care about you, and i'm going to help you. I know i say that a lot but it's true. I'm going to find this old fucking fart and kick his arse if he keeps staring at you, you know why?'' I bit my lip while looking up to watch him talk. ''Because no one looks at my beautiful doll, that's why.'' I started chuckling wetly while throwing my arms around his shoulders and hugging him close to my chest.

''Your so stupid, but it's funny. And thank you Zayn, but i'm gonna find out what's going on, i'm not that stupid.'' I mumbled out while closing my eyes and letting the sleep take over. 

''Oh don't worry babe, don't worry about anything at all.'' 

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