Chapter 23

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I've been here for over two months already, My love life towards zayn has been building up stronger each day. I know that being here in prison, i should probably be pissed off and grumpy but.....Something about Zayn just makes me happy and not thinking about the other men who keep smacking my arse when zayns not around. I also noticed a small change in me, i haven't been defending myself like i normally would, i would have to tell zayn what others said about me and he would cuddle me and tell me that they were just trying to scare me since they want me dead. I know i'm suppose to feel all uncomfortable with half the things he says but he's just trying to help me and not lie about what's going on. Right now i'm sitting here like a lazy arse i am since i can't go to the gym anymore, i love the gym and all but i just don't feel the same when i go back. So....anyways back to the waiting crap, i've been waiting for my phone call and since zayn's talking to his lawyer....He's not here which means i have to keep my eyes out for those fucking pricks that think they can pull another crime, well in here that is. 

''Styles, your up.'' I looked up at one of the guards who was waiting for me to walk right by his side, rolling my eyes. I jumped up from were i was sitting and reading one of zayn's bibles. Following the man with a small frown on my face, everyone kept staring at me with hungry eyes. This shit makes me so fucking sick, i just want to find a random gun and pull the trigger on all of these scum bags that keep eyeing me like i'm some kind of slut. Well they still think i'm zayn's bitch but that's not true, i don't even know why they are fucking with me when they should know who i am and what i can do. ''Take your time in there since no one is really bothering to use the damn thing today.'' Pushing me inside the room a little to rough, i groaned to myself. Finally picking up the phone and dialing my fathers number. 

''Styles business, who's this?'' I bit my lip to hold back the anger bubbling inside of me, how the fuck does he not know who this is? 

''It's fucking me father, how the hell did you not know it was me? I'm the only one who fucking calls your from this damn place. Look you really need to get me out of here, please father. I'm begging you, i swear i'll do anything and i'll even stay in my room as long as you want me to. Just please bail me out, i have learned my lesson father, i really have. I...just need out of here.'' Feeling hot tears build up behind my eyes, i sniffed a few times trying to hold back the sob's. I didn't really want to cry over something like this but i hate it in here so fucking bad. 

''You know what Harold, i'll see what i can do tomorrow. You've been in there for awhile now and i am missing my good drug dealer who needs to be home and help me out. I mean, you are the only one that i trust the most but you doing what you did on Halloween was over board. Your lucky your birthday is coming up as well, or i would have never thought about bringing you home. We'll talk some more about you coming back tomorrow when i visit.'' Smiling down at the floor with the phone pressed closer to my ear this time, usually i'd pull it away when i'm getting ready to scream at him which causes the guards to pull me out of the room. 

''Father? I also met a man in here that could work with us, he's trusting, brave, and young. He's been living on his own ever since he was young, i think he would be great for a house cleaner or something. I just don't want to leave the only person in here that's been helping me out through out the days.'' Biting my lip, i hope he doesn't mind bailing zayn out as well.

''Well....I have to think about that myself Harold, you already know that i'll have to meet this young lad. So just don't think to hard about this yeah?'' I wanted to keep talking about Zayn and him being free with me but i know if i push it than he'd probably change his mind. ''Look, let me just talk to Simon about this since he's the one that told me everything that had happened. Besides the fact that you had called from prison. But listen Harold, i have to go now. I have business to attend to and i can't afford to be late.'' Nodding my head, i realized that he couldn't even see this. 

''Yeah ok father, thanks and i'll see you tomorrow as well. But please think about that ok? Please think about zayn, just trust me on this. This is the only thing...well other than me asking for you to bail me out that is. But please just be the father i have needed in my life, please just.....please father.'' I begged, i was never one to beg but when it comes for something i really want then i have to or nothing would be in my life the way it has been. Well....not true though, i didn't really need to beg to anyone but my father, mostly everyone is just falling to their knee's in order for me not to hurt them. 

''Like i said Harold, i'll think about it. Now good bye.'' with that, he hung up without even telling me to take care or that he loves me. I do love my father but it's like.....I don't have one since he's always doing shit for himself and his other men. I just wanted to be the son he's always prayed for but i am. I walked out of the room that was empty of other inmates just to see that the guards were to busy talking to someone else who had blood on their face. There are so many fights going on in this place, it's worse than an actual fight club. Rolling my eyes, i walked closer to were one of the guards was, just so i wouldn't get in trouble for just walking away. They get really pissed off and than it's the hole for you, which is stupid cause they hardly pay attention. And where the fuck were they when i was getting raped that one day? Where the fuck were they when i got jumped a few days ago when zayn had to use the phone to call his lawyer? Everything wasn't making any sense here, i want to say that they just suck at watching the inmates but another part of me think's that this shit is planned in a way. 

''Ah there you are Styles, ready to go back to your cell? It's already half passed eight and you know what tomorrow is? Field day so....make sure you get enough sleep so you could feel wide away for the cleaning.'' I groaned, yes in here there are chosen inmates for each month to go out in the empty fields and clean up a bit. But i wish i could have just went to do some community work which you have to take a bus. I would at least like to leave this place for about 20 minutes or so. 

''Yeah whatever, it's not like i'm going to be sleeping tonight anyways, and wait....Since it's half passed eight, than were's zayn? Shouldn't he be out by now?'' Looking up at the chubbier, slightly taller guard. He looked around while shrugging his shoulders. ''I mean, his lawyer couldn't have possibly kept him this long, and i heard most prisons don't let them stay this long. Zayn's been gone for over a few hours already.'' Crossing my arms while walking side by side with the lad. 

''Your asking me things i don't even know Styles, now just shut up and keep walking. I'll go check what's going on after i get on my break but that won't happen if you keep yapping away.'' I so badly wanted to tell him off and maybe just smack that smirk right off his stupid fat face. But than again.....He is going to be checking what's taking zayn so long, i hope nothing happened. Oh my god what if they decided to let him out without even letting me know or letting him come to be to tell me he was leaving? Feeling myself weaken a bit, i licked over my dry lips while trying to hold back the hot tears that wanted to spill out.

''If they were letting him free, wouldn't they have to come and tell me? And maybe let him get his stuff as well?'' I needed to know what was going on before i threw myself into some bitch fit. 

''They don't let the other inmates know if someone was getting out, i'm sure they wouldn't even care about what you felt. Other than that, someone comes and get's their things. So enough talking and i'll check what's going on, other wise your just wasting my time Styles.'' Wait till i fucking get out, i'm going to blow this fucking building up. 

''Yes sir.'' Putting my head down, i waited for him to say something else but instead...he just pushed me inside my cell and left without another word. Please god.....please don't let my zayn leave just yet. I put my head in my hands while crying silently, not wanting to sound like some pussy who just lost his dick. 

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