An Unexpected Development

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Gabriel had been sat waiting on the fence by the car park for the past ten minutes.  Despite the woollen hat and gloves he was wearing, which he'd 'borrowed' from one of his older brothers, he was still feeling ridiculously cold.  His nose in particular had already turned a light shade of red and he was certain he was going to catch a chill. 

A gust of wind made a sudden rush towards him, pulling strands of his golden hair out from underneath his hat.  Frustrated, he made a failed attempt to reorganise himself, his gloved hands fumbling uselessly, before giving up entirely.  Instead, he resigned to stay sitting exactly where he was, his arms folded across his chest in annoyance. 

Several minutes later, when Gabriel had resorted to watching his breath make clouds in the air for entertainment, a polished black Impala finally rolled into view.  In spite of his annoyance at their lateness, Gabriel couldn't help but smile as the car pulled up in front of him and three figures stepped out. 

Without any form of hesitation, Gabriel ran around to the passengers side and threw himself into Sam's arms.

"Wow there," his boyfriend chuckled, returning the hug.  "What's up with you?"

"I'm freezing!"  Gabriel chattered, working his arms inside Sam's coat and stealing some of its warmth.  "If I catch my death out here I blame you."

Sam had to stop himself from rolling his eyes; Gabriel was a huge drama queen. 

"Where's Cas?"  Dean asked, interrupting the moment as he tried to locate his own boyfriend amongst the crowd of people heading for the school.

"Inside," Gabriel mumbled.  "He didn't want to wait out here."

"Charming," Dean smiled, shaking his head.

"And before you ask, Alfie hasn't even left the house yet," Gabriel continued, turning to Elsa, "Mum only managed to drag him out of bed as we were leaving."

"And Bobby was worried we'd be late," she laughed.  It seemed her best friend was, perhaps, even more hopeless than she was when it came to getting up in the mornings. 

"Now can we please go inside?"  Gabriel asked, still clinging to Sam.  "Otherwise I really will die."

No one wanting to protest, the four of them joined the stream of people heading towards the entrance hall.


Dean parted from the others as soon as he'd reached the first staircase.  Being in a different year to them, he had entirely different classes.  As they made their way across the hall towards the science department, Dean climbed the stairs and headed over to English instead. 

Sure enough, just as Gabriel had predicted, Dean instantly spotted Cas at the back of the classroom.  He was sat on top of a desk, facing away from Dean and swinging his legs beneath him as he chatted to an enthusiastic redhead who was speaking animatedly about something, her eyes shining brightly.

Stealthily, Dean made his way over to the two, creeping up slowly behind Cas.  The redhead had seen him do this but needed no prompting to play along, acting as though she was none the wiser. 

Dean observed Cas from behind.  He hadn't seen his boyfriend in a week, as half-term had come around and Bobby had insisted they had a small family break away.  Now, as Dean stared at the back of Cas' scruffy raven-black hair, he couldn't resist any longer.  Without warning, he snaked his arms around Cas' waist and buried his head in the crook of his neck. 

For a fleeting second, Cas thought he was being attacked and cried out in shock.  However, he soon realised who it was and, as he breathed in the familiar scent of leather and petrol, swivelled round to face Dean.

Lightkeeper /Destiel//Sabriel//MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now