Hello, Stranger

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Dean stood still, holding the door wide open, utterly speechless.

The person on the other side of the door stared right back at Dean, who in turn studied him closely. 

A trimmed beard neatly followed the line of the man's set jaw, covering the lower part of his worn face.  From beneath the shadow of a tidy black cap, two blue eyes twinkled mischievously.  He stood tall, barely hunching against the cold as the breeze swept in and out of his thick coat.  Beneath, his buttoned shirt was undone slightly at the top, partially revealing the beginnings of his chest.  Though his boots were caked with traces of snow and sludge, he didn't seem at all bothered by this, in fact, his full attention was focused solely on Dean. 

"Hey, chief.  Long time no see."  The man's voice came out low and gravely, but there was no mistaking the familiar tone.

"Benny?" Dean stared in disbelief.

"The one and only."

Dean's eyes lit up, a confirmation being the only thing needed for a warm smile to spread across his face.  He extended his arm, which Benny took, each of them gripping below the elbow and pulling each other forward into a tight hug.

"Good to see ya 'gain, brother," Benny said sincerely, clapping Dean across the back, "Only wish it were under better circumstances."

Dean nodded gravely, as pleased as he was to see Benny, it instantly meant that something serious was going on.  The last time they'd met, they'd parted with an agreement to only contact each other in an emergency - they'd be safer that way.

Dean stepped out of the doorway, allowing Benny passage into the hall. 

Cas, Alfie and Elsa suddenly appeared from the living room, curious to see what was taking so long.

Elsa recognised the newcomer almost instantly.  "Benny?" She laughed in disbelief, rushing forward to give him a hug.

"Knew you wouldn't be too far off," he grinned, returning the embrace. 

"What brings you here?"  She wondered aloud, her tone losing some of its lightness.  Like Dean, the memory of their previous parting was still fresh within her mind.

Benny glanced at Dean, before saying in a hushed voice, so only the two Winchesters could hear, "I think that's something we'll have to discuss later, you seem to have guests," he nodded towards Cas and Alfie in the doorway. 

Dean gave a curt nod of agreement, before putting on an outward air of cool as he called the others over to introduced them.

"Benny, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Castiel," Dean couldn't help but smile, "And this is his brother, Alfie, who also happens to be Elsa's best friend."

Benny shook each of their hands in turn.

"Cas, Alfie," Dean continued, "This is my best friend, Benny."

Cas gave a small wave and then invited Benny into the sitting room, explaining that they were about to watch a movie.  Seeing no reason decline the offer, Benny agreed and allowed Cas to lead the way.

Just as Dean was about to close the living room door behind them, Sam came down the first couple of steps on the staircase, intrigued to see what all the talking downstairs had been about.  Instantly, he caught a glimpse of Benny through the door and his face hardened.  Dean caught Sam's eye and, ignoring the glare Sam was giving him, gave him a stern warning look and closed the door.

"Who was that?"  Gabriel asked, joining Sam on the stairs. 

Sam didn't answer, instead, he turned around and marched noisily back up the way he'd come.

Lightkeeper /Destiel//Sabriel//MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now