Always Awake

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It was dark out when Gabriel woke.

Through the gap in his curtains, he could just about make out the silhouettes of the houses over the street. The moon, unlike the previous day's sun, shone brightly, giving off a health glow. Around it, the expanse of the velvety sky was littered with a chorus glittering stars. Not a single cloud was in sight.

Tossing his duvet to the side, Gabriel clambered out of bed and fumbled along the base of the wall for his phone. Feeling his was along, he found the item of his search and pulled it away from the charging lead, only just remembering to turn it off at the socket.

Gabriel clicked the power button at the side of his phone.

The harsh, artificial light made his eyes water as he strained to read the time: 3:54am. Turning the brightness down as low as it would go, he then began to search through his contacts. He didn't want to go back to bed just yet and he hoped that, just maybe, Sam would be awake too.

Opening up a conversation, Gabriel typed a short message and hit send. He watched the screen intently for several seconds, as if expecting an immediate response. Realising it was unlikely he'd get one, he lightly threw his phone onto the bed and got up to walk over to the window.

Leaning right against the glass, Gabriel cupped his hands around his face in an attempt to see better. As would be expected, anything he could make out in the darkness was perfectly still, with the exception of several trees swaying in a light breeze.


Sam jolted awake as his phone vibrated loudly from his bedside table. Hurriedly picking it up, he quickly turned the vibrate off and allowed himself a few moments to calm down from the shock of having being woken so suddenly.

Briefly, he wondered whether anyone else in the house was awake. He lay unmoving, training his ears to pick up on any sounds or movements. The only sound he heard was that of faint snoring from the next room: either Dean or Benny (who'd set up camp in the far corner of Dean's room, underneath the window).

Satisfied that he seemed to be the only one awake (or moving around at least) Sam allowed himself to check his phone. A message appeared on the screen, from a sender listed as Trickster.

Sam chuckled on seeing his boyfriend's display name. Gabriel certainly was a trickster. Though, come to think of it, he hadn't pranked anyone lately. Sam decided that was probably suspicious and he'd have to keep his eyes open for anymore trip wires or buckets of glitter placed over doorways (he would not fall for that one again). With this in mind, Sam tapped the screen and opened up the message.


Gabriel had remained starting out into the night for a considerable amount of time. He was only disturbed by a soft ping originating from his discarded phone. Picking it up off the bed, Gabriel opened the message.

Moose: You're a bit late to be up for a midnight snack.

Gabriel smiled as he read the message, just as another came through.

Moose: Is everything okay?

Gabriel quickly typed back a reply, not wanting Sam to worry.

Trickster: I'm fine - just couldn't sleep. Didn't expect you to be up too though.

Moose: I wasn't... I forgot to put my phone on silent.

Trickster: Sorry :'D

Moose: Its fine. Besides, I like our late night talks.

Lightkeeper /Destiel//Sabriel//MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now