Different Kinds of War

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"Hurry up before you freeze," Dean laughed, watching Cas standing in the drive way, ankle deep in snow, his face upturned to the sky as he tried to catch the delicate snowflakes on the surface of his gloves.

School had been cancelled around midday, when the snowfall had threatened to blockade the students within the school. Naturally, everyone had been overjoyed at this turn of events and had hurriedly begun arranging their rides home. Dean had driven back to Bobby's with Cas, Alfie and Elsa, while Sam had accompanied Michael and the rest of the Novaks back to the Novak household.

"Cas!" Dean called again, leaning out of the front door, "If you catch a cold I'll—"

Dean was cut short as a perfectly crafted snowball sailed through the air and collided with his face. Dean froze.

Cas burst into a fit of giggles, watching as Dean burst back into life, shaking the snow out of his hair and shivering as some of it fell down his back.

"You think this is funny, Novak?" Dean yelled, trying to fight his growing smile, "Well congratulations, you just declared war!"

The smile vanished from Cas' face as Dean suddenly stooped down and began gathering snow from the doorstep, carefully compacting it into roughly shaped snowballs. Sensing that things were about to get out of hand, Cas took off running along the side of the house, trying to formulate some sort of plan as he went. Wading through the snow, Cas made it to the back door and knocked frantically on the glass pane.

"Alfie! Elsa! I need back up!" For a moment, there was no response.

"Back up for what?"

Looking up, Cas saw Elsa leaning casually out of a window on the top floor, her hair hiding her face as it became coated with freshly fallen snowflakes.

Before Cas had the chance to answer, Dean stumbled into view behind him, cradling an armful of snowballs. Laughing, Cas dodged to the side as Dean hurled the first tiny mound of snow towards him. It breezed past, just missing the side of Cas' face, and smacked into the door behind him. Dean huffed.

Relishing in his small victory, Cas was too late in moving to avoid the second snowball, which hit him in the stomach.

"I've been hit!" Cas yelled dramatically, doubling over and clutching his sides.

"What do you want, a sympathy vote?" Dean chuckled, coming slowly towards him.

Cas mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" Dean moved closer, reaching out to bring Cas into a warm hug. 

"I said," Cas repeated, straightening up, "Eat snow."

Dean reeled back as Cas threw a handful of snow in his face, twisting expertly out of his grip, and sprinted away across the lawn.

"That's it!" Dean shouted after him, "You're going down!"

"Whatcha thinking, Winchesters verse Novaks, or mix it up a bit?"

Dean looked around as Alfie appeared, closely followed by Elsa. Both of them had hastily dragged on coats and scarves, with Alfie having added a pair of fluffy-orange mittens to his look.

"Elsa, with me," Dean ordered, grinning madly.  "Alfie: run like hell."

Without hesitation, Alfie raced off through the snow, following the recent footprints of his brother that led away from the house and toward the field beyond. Pausing briefly, Alfie glanced back the way he'd come, watching Dean and Elsa converse as they armed themselves with more weaponised snow. Alfie smiled as Elsa suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked upwards. Both of them remained still for a moment, studying each other. Then, getting ready to run again, Alfie gave a quick wink, a grin spreading across his face, and disappeared from view.

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