Building Blocks For Bad News

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As the film dragged on, Dean no longer felt that Bee Movie had been a sensible choice. He didn't seem to be the only one who thought this either; Elsa, who had previously been lounging across the sofa with Alfie, now sat a little stiffly, trying hard to keep her attention focused on the screen. Benny still looked quite calm, though Dean knew him well enough to detect the true solemnity of his mood.

The only people who seemed to be genuinely enjoying the film were Cas and Alfie. Of course, Cas loved bees, so he was bound to find the movie interesting, and Alfie was the type of laid-back person who was perfectly content to just watch film after film, regardless of how awful others might find them.

Mercifully, the movie was shorter than Dean had remembered (though still longer than he would have liked) and all three Novaks decided to go home not long after it had ended. Dean had offered to drive them home but, as it was still light outside and the snow had eased off, Cas had decided that they would all walk.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," Dean kissed Cas softly as he began to walk out of the door.

Cas hummed in agreement, pulling Dean in for another kiss.

"See," Dean smiled.  "I knew you missed me."

"Yes, but your lips are also incredibly warm," Cas grinned.

"Ah, so I'm just a free heater?" Dean chuckled.

"Something like that."

"I love you," Dean sighed, cradling Cas between his arms.

"I know," Cas whispered back.

Dean's eyes widened, "No, you did not just— Cas, that's not fair! You can't just Hans Solo me like that!"

Cas couldn't help laughing, the sides of his eyes crinkling up in a way that made Dean want to melt.

"Alright," Cas looked back up at Dean.  "I love you too."

"There we go," Dean smiled, giving Cas a final kiss.

Cas then turned to leave, dragging Gabriel with him, who was still receiving instructions from Sam to text him as soon as he got home, so that Sam knew he was safe.


Alfie and Elsa had already said goodbye and were stood part the way up the drive, still in conversation, waiting for the other two to catch up.

"Are you feeling okay?" Alfie asked suddenly.  "You look a little pale."

"Yeah, no, I'm just— just a little out of it."

Alfie continued to watch her with concern. "Okay, well, message me if you need anything, alright?"

"Thanks, Samandriel."

Alfie smiled. Elsa was quite possible the only person who still used his actual name, everyone else just used his nickname which, to this day, he still didn't know how he'd gotten.  And, though he actually quite liked his nickname and had quickly gotten used to it, he always enjoyed the fact that Elsa preferred his real name.

"Oh, and Elsa?" Alfie added, as his brothers caught up.  "You really should put on a coat."

Elsa grinned, listening as he mimicked the advice she'd given him not five minutes previous. Then, giving a small wave, she turned and hurried back into the house, shutting the door behind her.


A short while later, Cas, Gabriel and Alfie were trudging alongside the main road in near silence. Few birds were able to be seen or heard, having hidden themselves away for the coming winter, and any clues there may have been as to previous animal wanderings had melted away with the snow. The sun, still hanging in the sky, looked sickly and its light was noticeably diminished from its former glory during the summer months.

"So," Gabriel began, thrusting his hands deeper inside his coat pockets, "What d'you think of that Benny? I bet you anything Cas is jealous."

"Jealous?" Cas cocked his head to one side, fixing Gabriel with an intent stare.  "Why would I be jealous?"

"Because," Gabriel rolled his eyes as if the matter was obvious, "Dean said he was his best friend."

Cas continued to maintain his puzzled look.

"And you don't have a best friend, Cas."

"Yes I do," he retorted.  "Dean."

"That doesn't count.  Dean can't be your boyfriend and your best friend."

"Oh yeah, who's your best friend then?"

Gabriel paused to think for a moment. Of course, he naturally wanted to say Sam, but that would entirely contradict his previous point. Instead, he tried to shift the attention away from himself. "We don't even need to ask who Alfie's bestie is," he teased.  "Him and Elsa are practically inseparable."

Alfie merely rolled his eyes.  "I believe the original topic was our opinions on Benny, was it not?"

"Sometimes I wonder if you even hear yourself speak," Gabriel laughed.  "It's almost hard to believe you were raised in the same home as the rest of us. You may as well be related to the Queen of England."

"Anyway," Cas cut across, "I was going to say that Benny seems quite nice."

"Agreed," Alfie stated.

Gabriel, having not properly met Benny, nodded thoughtfully. Sam had seemed to really dislike him but Cas and Alfie, who were normally quite good judges of character, clearly thought otherwise. Gabriel decided that he'd have to be introduced to Benny himself before forming his own opinion. It was, after all, only fair.


Several minutes after the Novaks had said their final goodbyes of the evening, the remaining four had the house to themselves. Bobby had left not long after they'd returned home from school, though where he'd gone none of them knew, and Jody hadn't been home since they'd seen her that morning.

Dean, Sam and Elsa made their way into the living room, all proceeding to take a seat on the same sofa. It was a little bit of a squeeze as Dean sat in the middle, stretching out and occupying a lot of the space: but they preferred it to being spread around the room.

Benny, on the other hand, perched on the edge of the coffee table so that he was facing them front on.

"So," Dean attempted to break the building tension, "I'm guessing you didn't just drop by to say hello?"

"'Fraid not, chief," Benny looked cautiously between the three of them.

"So, uh, why are you here then?" Sam asked, trying to keep his voice level.

"Ah, about that," Benny took his cap off and placed it on the table beside him, rubbing a hand over his face.  "I warn you now, you ain't gonna like it." He glanced over at Elsa, who smiled meekly. Benny took this as an indication to proceed. "It's about John."

"What?" Dean looked up suddenly. "What can he possible have done now?" he covered his face in his hands in exasperation, "He's in prison for God's sakes."

"No," Benny shook his head.  "He ain't."


If you're wondering why I'm managaing to update so frequently, it's because I've made some chapters in advance.  One of these is a Thanksgiving chapter, which I'm hoping to post on the day, except it's several chapters away so I have to post the rest first. :'D

~ Kat

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