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Benny stared passively at Sam, looking as though he was only mildly interested in the present situation. He didn't even flinch as Sam pressed the silver blade further into his throat, causing small beads of blood to well up at the puncture.

"Sam," Elsa whispered. "Stop it."

"He's a vampire," Sam stated.  There was an evident fire in his eyes as he fixated Benny with a glare.

"I can see that."

Sam paused.  "Did you know?"

"No!" Elsa snapped, suddenly furious.

"Then what's the problem?  We're hunters, aren't we?  So let's hunt."


Without a word, Benny watched as Sam shifted to look at his sister.  His right hand still held the weapon, but his grip had loosened marginally; the change was so little that Benny doubted Sam was even conscious of having altered his hold.

Following Sam's gaze, Benny let his eyes drift to Elsa's face.  Had he not been a vampire, it would probably have been a much harder task to read her expression in the dimness of the room.  As it was, he could see her perfectly. 

She was standing beside Sam, so close their shoulders were almost touching.  Her whole body seemed stiff, as though she'd been petrified, and her face had turned almost the same pale grey as her brother's.  There was only one key difference between the two: where Sam looked steely and bordering assertive, Elsa looked as though she was figuring out a particularly difficult maths problem or attempting not to be sick. 

"Els," Sam's voice was gentle.  "You don't have to watch." 

For a moment, both Winchesters stood in complete silence, holding each other's stares.  Then, "Give me the knife, please."  Elsa held out her upturned palm. 

Sam didn't move.

"Sam.  The knife."

"Why."  It didn't sound like a question.  It sounded like a challenge.

"Because," Elsa sighed, as if she'd suddenly been drained of energy, "Benny isn't a monster."

"He's a vampire."

"But not a monster."

Benny studied the two siblings.  Neither of them were looking at him — though he knew they'd be hyped-aware of any movements — they were watching each other, waiting, it seemed, for something to happen.  The sound of their heartbeats was deafening. 

The next second the room was alive with movement. 

Sam spun away from Elsa, momentarily taking the blade further into Benny's throat and coating it with sticky, thick red droplets. Elsa launched herself forward, almost catching Benny off guard as she shoved him out of the way, just as Sam completed his turn and flung the knife, sending it sailing across the room and into the opposite wall, point-first, with a satisfying thwack

For a moment, all three watched as the knife quivered, dripping small beads of red onto the floor. 

"You're an idiot," Sam stated.

"Who is?"

He turned to face his sister, who was still standing in front of Benny.  It would have almost seemed comical, given how much shorter she was, if she hadn't had the stance of an angry tiger.  "You are," Sam said, "And so am I.  Him too," he added, indicating towards Benny.  "We're all idiots."

Elsa relaxed a little.  "Yeah?"  She raised an eyebrow, "How d'you figure that?"

"You're an idiot because you risked yourself.  I'm an idiot because I nearly killed him."  Again, he looked past his sister towards Benny.  "And he's an idiot because he nearly let me."

Lightkeeper /Destiel//Sabriel//MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now