Happy New Year!

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December 31st 2017, 23:00. One hour until midnight.


"You drink?" Lucifer asked, approaching Elsa with an easy smile.

"Just water, thanks."

"'Course," he grinned, passing a glass to the woman behind the bar.

Ellen's Diner was packed with people ready to celebrate New Years.  Usual business had finished - only light snacks were still being served aside from, of course, drinks - and the place was lit up with a mixture of fairy lights and dimmed overhead lighting.

According to Jo, such parties were thrown at the diner every New Year's Eve and had quickly become the talk of the town.  Looking around, you could see why. 

"Where's Michael?" Elsa asked, taking a sip form the recently filled glass of water as she leant against the bar.  Funny, she thought, I'm actually on the right side of it this time.


Elsa nodded.

"What 'bout you?  How come you're on your own?"

She laughed, though the sound was somewhat drowned by the blaring music.  "My brothers are off with their boyfriends.  I've been sat with Samandriel, Jade and Charlie," she leaned aside, attempting to point to the back of the room, where three figures were assembled closely together in a booth.  "I came to get a drink."

"Ah," Lucifer shrugged.  "Clearly I have impeccable timing.  One of my many talents."  His gaze drifted away from the brunette in front of him, his eyes sweeping over the tops of the crowd.  He took a sip of his beer, holding the bottle lightly around the neck.

"I think I'm going to go back over," Elsa said, her voice straining to be heard.

Lucifer nodded, a faint smile touching his lips. He'd heard something like that from her before. Dimly, he was aware of old memories resurfacing in his mind. Long, empty corridors. Whiteness and rain. Remember the rain.

"I think I'm going to go back inside."

That's what she'd said. He was impressed he remembered that but, really, how could he forget? It had been back when Michael's mother was in hospital - when she'd still been alive, Lucifer thought with a pang.


"Sorry," he smiled easily, swirling the bottle in his hand.  "Just thinking."

"I'll see you later, then," Elsa called over the top of the music. 

Lucifer nodded, raising his bottle slightly in a half-toast as he watched her weave away through the crowd.  Now alone, he leant casually on the surface of the bar, turning his wrist to check the time.  The watch face gleamed back at him.  23:10. 

Not long until midnight. 


Elsa slotted herself into the booth, reclaiming her seat beside Alfie: who was watching her with a strange, almost secretive, smile.  Opposite, Jade was playing absentmindedly with a straw, swirling it gently around her drink.  Charlie was next to her, speaking animatedly. 

"...I have the strangest feeling about this year.  Well," she quickly glanced at her phone, "Not this year - yet.  But next year."

Lightkeeper /Destiel//Sabriel//MichiferWhere stories live. Discover now