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I'm a chill guy. I totally have lots of friends. Today will be a great day Alex. These are lies I tell myself everyday. Life is a living hell but I as of today I will officially be sent off to space bitches! Anyways, my name is Alexa-no-Alex. My name is Alexander Eiden, I have no friends and my self esteem is lower than the Liverian Abyss on planet Krebin, nice to meet ya. Today is a special day; today is known as 'Day of Partnership'. This is where pilots like myself are paired with their second hand and the next day we're thrown into space together until we reach planet Krebin; we do more training there and later get our actual missions. The part of this that I hate, is we don't get any say in who we're paired with. But the one person I hate, the one that reigns supreme claiming the title of 'Good Job Asshole' is Taras Ivanov. He's an angry Russian boy, he's quite silent like myself but just tends to get on my nerves. The only thing I remotely like about him is his accent but that's beyond the point.

I give myself a quick pep talk, fix my red flannel shirt, attempt to tame my black hair which had a habit to stick out all over the place. I left my room which had been lit by only the sunlight clawing its way through the blinds. My sister Alice stool out in the open uncomfortable while my mother fixed the ribbons cleverly braided into her pastel blue dyed hair. She as well was participating in the Day of Partnership as she was of the age of 17; being only a year younger than me. I convinced her to join the National Institute of Space Exploration, or the N.I.S.E for short. Her friend Sasha was waiting outside to walk to the N.I.S.E center; Alice winned anxiously for mom to stop perfecting everything. Alice left the house in a rush and I slowly followed behind exchanging small talk with my mom as we were walking together. I met up halfway with someone who I was chill and walked the rest of the way with him. Leir Herrint, he's the same age as me, also a pilot. He has a tall structure much like myself, we're definitely the tallest in our class without a doubt. He has cute wire glasses that matches his pastel smol bean personality. Approaching the large building I began to get butterflies in my stomach, there were so many people here.I forced my way through the crowd and took a seat in the array of chairs for us participating in the current event. I looked to my left and just my luck, it was the short Russian kid, Taras. He was on his phone avoiding any eye contact at all. Good, I didn't want to be yelled at in a random language I didn't even know. Taras has no friends like me so there was no way he was gonna leave to go anywhere. I sat up to look around and from across the room I saw Alice surrounded by her nervous group of friends. Thirty mindless minutes later and my thoughts were interrupted by blaring speakers.

"The ceremony will be starting in exactly one minute. Take your seats." The head of N.I.S.E was speaking into a microphone up front on a large stage; it was Julian Lyric, he's kinda chill with me. We've had the occasional conversations about conspiracy theories. 

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