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Today is the day. The day I get launched into space with a guy I don't remotely like in the slightest way. I grabbed my journal and wrote down my dream. It was just a quick one of me calling dad on the phone in the ship. I tuck the journal back into one of the bags and I head out the door. Alice and mom were already at the N.I.S.E launching sector so I was left alone.

I attempt to walk down the streets with my mountain of bags being pulled by my twig-like arms. Reaching the N.I.S.E launching sector was basically a 'You don't have to pull this mountain anymore.' sign. I reach my ship-the Gamma:6.8; it seems like Taras is already inside putting things away.

"I dibs left." Taras says placing his guitar in a cupboard.

"Hello to you too." I sigh dragging the mountain of bags to the right side of the ship which was about the size of a bedroom. There's a indent kinda in the wall, and within that little square indent thing is a bed with blue sheets. Drawers are under, above, and on the sides of the bed. Everything in here was coloured white and looked futuristic and clean. I open one of the cupboards and put my stuff inside; starting with the smaller bags.

Taras had finished putting his shit away before I even got close to half-way.

"Launch is in half hour. Hurry te' fack up." Taras spat walking out of the ship to say his farewells to his girlfriend. How could someone as introverted as Taras get a girlfriend? It's probably his looks and accent; I cracked the code. But with his accent he seems to put a lot of emphasis on the letter 'h'. It's weird; hot becomes 'haught', hurry becomes 'heighrry' or something. It's fuckin' weird.

I finish putting my shit away with only fifteen minutes left 'till launch and leave the ship to say goodbye to mom. She's standing with Alice outside her ship. I go to hug them both.

"I'm gonna miss you two." Mom says. I think she's gonna cry. "You gotta say hi to your dad for me, okay?" We both nod.

"You nervous Al?" I ask Alice who stood fidgeting with her many bracelets.

"Pft. Nah." She moves her hand away from her accessorized wrist. "How 'bout you."

"Nah." I shrugged. "We should have everything under control."

"That's good. I don't want either of you getting lost." Mom added. "Well, you two better get back." She gives us both one last hug and we're sent on our way. But mom stops me, she hands me a envelope.

"Open this if you get lost. Only if you get lost and lose contact with all of us." She tells me. I walk back to the ship with my envelope in hand and Taras is waiting in his chair by the controls. I tuck the envelope away in one of my bags.

"Ready?" he asked facing the front. I go to sit in the pilot's seat which is beside Taras's. I take a look at the controls which I have memorized over and over again. Before dad left for work on Krebin he started training Alice and I when we were about nine. Alice wasn't into it but I convinced her to join in on the family tradition of casually getting launched into space and cheating death. Dad got his new job when I was fifteen and until then I was home schooled; and high school was a nightmare for me. I had no friends because the news that I was transgender spread like wildfire. But there was Leir-he's a great supportive friend and I'm lucky I have him. My thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking through the speaker in our ship.

"Launch in five. Get prepared." It cut out. I leaned over the control panel and pressed the button which would close the air tight door in the back. There was a buzzing noise and the door sealed. The take off will go as such; each ship will take off one minute apart from the other one, it will start from the right to the left. We will leave the atmosphere at mind breaking speeds; which kind of scared me. I could hear the ship to the far right taking off; we were about seventeen down. I strapped myself into the chair and prepared for launch. I put on my headset and adjusted it; proceeding to talk to Taras to see if it actually worked.

"I on?" I ask him. He gives me a thumbs up. The next few minutes until we take off were painful; I sat anxious in my seat until I heard this announcement.

"Launch in fifteen seconds." I started up the ship causing it to make a loud noise. The announcer counted down. Fourteen-thirteen-twelve-eleven-ten. I place my hands on a lever. Nine-eight-seven. I don't know why but I'm smiling out of fear. Six-five-four-three. Here we go. Two-one. I violently push the lever forwards causing us to blast off into the sky.

"Have a safe trip boys." I hear the announcer say before he cuts out again. 

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