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The next thing I remember is being thrown into a cell, and when I mean thrown, I mean thrown. Like bitch fuckin' picked me up and tossed my ass into the cell. My shirt is torn to shit and all the markings are visible.

"Wait!" This person who had thrown me into the cell wore a hood which covered their face and black body armour with red/orange accents. They didn't care and walked away as I screamed at them. "Wait! Where am I! Wh-!" I stand up and tightly grasp the bars keeping contained in the cell. "What the fuck!" I turn behind me looking at the layout of this contained space. All that's here is a knife for some reason. Great! I can cut my way out! I grab it and start sawing away.

"It's no use kid." I hear a voice coming directly across from me. "It doesn't do shit. Trust me on this."

"Who are you! Where am I!"

"Name's Jay. And welcome to the Supreme Containment Wing. You must really dangerous to end up here."

"Dangerous? Dangerous how?"

"You got markings right?" He asks. Weird question but I nod. "You got logo one? The diamond thing?" I nod. "There it is, right there." He points to his hand where the symbol is. It covers the entire surface of his left hand. "Usually the symbols are about as big as an eyeball but...You know what they say-the bigger it is the more damage it does." He laughs. Good job, now is not the right time for a dick joke.

"I must be a hazard to every being then."

"It can't be that bad kid."

"Really?" My shirt is perfectly ripped so the marking is revealed. It covers the entire surface of my back unlike Jay, or anyone else with these mysterious symbols.

"Holy shit kid! How have you not ended up here sooner."

"I don't fucking know." I sit down and put my head in my knees. "Okay I know I have no idea who you are, but can you please explain to me what the fuck that is." Jay seems trustworthy, he doesn't look sketchy either. He has black curly hair and bright grey eyes. He wore something which looked similar to the Smyke armor and is about the same height as me. He looks to be in his mid thirties. He has markings that trail up his left arm in a similar form as mine and has a few that seem to wrap around his neck.

"We both obviously have time to waste so sure."

"Oh-Sorry-I'm Alex by the way." I say trying not to look flustered.

"Well hello Alex. Anyways..." He began explaining. It sounds like he's giving me a history lesson but I'll just tell you the basics. This symbol is known as 'The Mark of the Seer'. Anyone who possesses this mark are able to experience glimpses of the future. He explained that they throw people like us in captivity because they could 'overthrow the government-or take back the crown', yes this is also a mark of nobility-which I need more information about. Jay said that he just gets simple but constant deja vu but I told him that I get entire scenes that predict the future.

I then asked him to explain more about the whole nobility thing, and he did. Apparently the supreme Smyke overlord-Lewis-is a fraud.

"Wait if I have it. And you have it. Does that mean we're related?" I ask trying to process all this information.

"I guess...Where ya from?"

"I'm from Earth but-"


"Let me explain. Apparently my dad is of Smyke origin, and that's all I know."

"M'kay." he becomes lost in thought.

"What's his name," I vigorously snap my fingers trying to remember random information. "It's Jayson Tarlvek-do you know him by chance." He looks at me blankly.

"You know Travis Eiden, correct?"

"Um, yeah. He's my uh, 'Earth dad'."

"If I'm correct then I'm you 'Space dad'." Wait hold up.

"You serious?" I smile. If he's right this would be the only good thing to come out of this day. He quickly nods.

"I would hug you but there's bars." I say.

"Oh my god I have so much to catch up on." He talks so quickly, much like me. "I need to know everything about your life on Earth! How old are you?! Who are your friends!? Do you have a love life?!" he tones it down. "I'm being too enthusiastic. Also, what's with the random flower?" He chills out.

"I'm eighteen, and I only have five friends. I am very lonely." I removed the flower from behind my ear and held it infront of me. "I also got a rose from my Russian boyfriend." I wanted to share everything with my new found family member.

"What's a 'Russian'?"

"From Russia..."

"Never heard of it." I guess he's never been to Earth.

"You know Travis's close friend Victor. If you've ever talked to him you must know of Victor." He nods.

"Yeah-yeah. Travis told me about him."

"Victor's younger brother Taras gave me this."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh." He laughed-he seems really friendly and open. "Well good for you."

"Oh-before I forget. Why the fuck did you send me to Earth?" This was the main question I wanted to ask him when I met him.

"Long story."

"I got time." 

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