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"Silver the alarm clock here!" I awoke the next morning to Silver waking me up. The two had been awake for hours. "Are you ill? You've been sleeping for half the day already." Silver asked me as I slowly walked to my chair.

"No. I'm fine." I sat avoiding eye contact with Taras, he was doing the same.

"Hmmm.." She watched us. "Something seems weird. What did you do?" Is she on to us? What's the use of hiding it, she can read minds. "Well better get past it. I detected hostile ships ahead." Why does she sound so cheerful?

"Taras you have to man the ship for a bit, I have to do something." I grabbed my journal and wrote my dream.

"The fuck? You writing fan fiction or somethin'?" He has gotten suspicious of my frequent writing.

"If I told you what I was really doing you wouldn't believe me." I explained as I wrote.

"Try me." I sigh and tell him. I not only tell him the basics I explain todays prediction. We reach the enemy ship and they threaten to 'blow us to bits'. We then retreat to a nearby planet. Then someone falls off a cliff and onto our ships.

"Pft. There's no way you're right." Taras laughed hysterically.

"Hush. He could be onto something." Silver silenced Taras' laughter. I'm glad she doesn't think I'm insane.

Later like I said we came across enemy ships. We sat nervously in our seats watching the ships in the distance. There was one large ship with many smaller ones following it. An army of them. I thought.

"Smyke ships." Silver had said. Being an all knowing space princess she had filled us in on random information. "It would be best to avoid them." No shit, there's so many of them. I pushed back in my seat and watched these threatening ships glide in front of us. Wait. In front of us. They got too close! They're coming this way! Shit!

"Abort mission!" I clutched a lever which caused the ship to jerk backwards. Taras, not expecting this sudden force, fell off his chair.

"They saw us?" Silver mimicked my actions and moved her ship backwards.

"They're moving closer. Haven't you realized?" I quickly stated. Taras got up and glared at me. I shrugged it off.

"Piz'da." The fuck does that mean Taras. Whatever, that doesn't matter right now-our lives could be at stake. I look out the front and I see one of the Smyke ships quickly hurdling in our direction.

"There's a planet somewhere around here. Taras find it! Fast!" I quickly yell. I predicted a planet somewhere over here, I just don't know exactly where it is. Taras angrily but quickly tapped on the screen on the control panel. He zoomed in and out on random locations until it looked like he found something.

"Sending coordinates." He mumbled aggressively swiping tabs on the screen. "Sent."

"Got it." I could hear Silver say. I didn't even pay attention to her on the Com. System. I was too busy panicking up front.

"Down, left." Taras said to me. He's not very thorough with his instructions. I nod and head down a fuck ton then left, Silver doing the same. I've heard of the Smyke's before. Us on Earth and on Krebin have been trying to exterminate not only the Ucorians, but the Smyke's as well.

"Planet Medusa." Silver says. "When we reach the surface remain armed. Who knows what we'll find here." We speed towards a planet with physical similarities to Earth. The landing was not smooth, we crashed into the side of a cliff. Not my fault-I was following Silver.

So we both crash and fall into a barren wasteland populated by sharp threatening cliffs.

"Everyone okay?" Silver asks. I nod.

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