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It's done. It's over! We did! I wipe blood off my face and walk over to Silver and Luka.

"Guys." I smile at them.

"Oh my god!!" Luka screams loudly. Silver also jumps with glee. The two hug me.

"I am so glad you're okay!" Silver cheers. She separates from the hug and looks past me at the M.M group which is just across the ballroom. An even bigger smile appears on her face.

"Sev!" She yells and runs towards him as he stands with his mask in hand.

"Wait-Silver!" He throws the mask aside and runs to her, and they meet in the middle with a hug. I guess Sev is her brother, considering that they look a lot alike. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I turn around. It's Victor.

"Someone's here to see you Alex." He whispers. He points to the middle of the ballroom. Standing there in tattered bloodied clothing is Taras. I can't help but cry and run towards him. I end up tripping and cause a scene, but I keep running into his arms anyways.

"You're okay!" I hear him say in his familiar thick accent.

"Mhm. I missed you. I missed you so much!" I cry out. My cries stop because they were interrupted with a tender kiss.

"That's who you hooked up with!" I hear Leir scream, the noise echoed all throughout the ballroom.

"Is it over?" I hear another voice. It'my dad, he came back from the ship, obviously conscious. Everyone says something along the lines of 'yes'. "Well." He walks my direction. "You ready to take charge Astre?"

"Hell yeah-"

"Shit guys! There's more!" Sebastian came into the room yelling. "Travis, Alex, you are staying back! We're not risking it!" There's more? They must have broken in?

"Masks take the front, other come with. One stay back incase they get in the ballroom!" Marco added. "Now let's go!" Everyone quickly filed out of the room, including Taras. I grabbed his arm.


"I will be fine. Don't worry." He turns and sprints out of the room with the group. Alice stays in the room with us.

"This is insane." Alice mutters while walking our direction.

"You must be Alice." Dad greets her.

"Oh-hi. You must be..." She squints.

"Jayson. I'm his actual father." He points to me. Alice nods.

"So explain to me what is all happening?" Alice must be very confused. Just 'Oh-you know your brother that got lost in space? He's an alien, not even human. Hell, he's not even your real brother!'.

"So like seventeen years ago I was sent to earth because everything was going to shit here. That's the basics." I quickly explain. Alice nods, processing the information.

I hear a loud creaking noise, then there's a loud snap.

"The hell was that!?" I yell. It sounded like it came from outside, where everyone was fighting. There was an even louder crash. I decided to go investigate even though that was a horrible idea.

"No, stay here." Alice took the lead. It looked like part the the roof caved it. Then there was a loud bang-a gunshot. My ears rang and my eyes opened. I turned around and someone was behind us. I look beside me and-.

"Holy shit!" they shot him. They shot my fucking dad! His probably dead body is limped over against the wall. Is this it? Is it all over now?

"Alice!" I yell. She turns the corner to see the shooter, now she's as scared as I am. She screams, then I scream.

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