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-To my child. I'm currently writing this letter preparing myself for the day you'll be sent to Earth. You'll have a better life there. There's a young guy-Travis-he'll be a better dad than I was. I'm sure he'll explain everything. Anyways if you wanna find me when you're older just ask your fellow Smyke if I'm alive or no. I shouldn't be hard to find, I'm a pretty big deal. Anyways love ya kid. Sorry I failed miserably.

-From Jayson Tarlvek *Your totally cool dad*-

"That's....vague." I say, staring blankly at the crumpled paper.

"So. It's confirmed then?" Taras asks. He's sitting beside me.

"I guess so..." I trail off. "Whatever. I'll sleep on it." I'm overwhelmed with information and even more unanswered questions. So I slept, not only am I confused out of my mind, I'm really fucking exhausted.

I awake the next morning. And by next morning I mean two in the fucking morning. My dream had scared the hell out of me. I don't know if it was just my twisted mind dreaming a fake dream, or this is legit. If it's legit oh god. But if it isn't, I need some serious help. So, anyways, the dream goes as followed. So we're casually gliding through the infinite vacuum and we come across an abandoned ship. Taras being the antisocial emo he is claims it. We fly around, take it for a test drive and all that shit and it works perfectly. We also get too close to a fucking exploding planet which has been destroyed by some random people. So picture this now, you're just casually in your ship, planet debris is flying everywhere. And you see Taras, I think he's going to finish the random ship off but, he doesn't. He has something completely different on his mind. He flies straight into the molten core of this here planet! What the fuck! And he dies. Just like that-gone.

My dreams have never been wrong. Not wrong in the slightest. But there's gotta be a way to prevent this. I can rebel against these dreams, right? I can prevent this. I gotta prevent this.

Well, there isn't anyway I'm getting back to sleep now. May as well write.

So I'm writing and I begin violently coughing. This goes on for a while and I feel like throwing up. I make my way to the bathroom but only reach the sink when I begin to cough up blood. This also goes on for a while before I begin to get mildly concerned. My random tendency to cough up blood happens like once or twice every year, but it's never gone on for this long. It's usually just a 'cough. Wow blood. And done' but this is different. All I gotta say is that I'm glad that we remembered to turn the gravity on or this would be an absolute mess. The bathroom just seems to echo and increase the volume of the random noises of death that I make and I think I woke someone up. I hear footsteps approach the bathroom; I look over, it's Taras.

"What are you doing?" Thanks for your concern Taras, not a 'you doin' good bro, I think you're internally bleeding.'.

"I'm fine." I say as literally have blood dripping from my lip.

"Are you sure?" He takes notice of the random blood that has kinda sprayed onto the wall and all over my shirt.

"Yes I'm totally fine." I gesture to the bloody mess. "This is just great!"

"You seem...oddly calm about this." So do you Taras. "Seriously though." I roll my eyes.

"So I wake up and I just cough up blood." Taras doesn't believe me. What? Does he think I was jacking off or something?

"Sure. 'Tis does not simply happen."

"To me it does." Here comes more blood. I lean over the sink, resting my elbows on the marble countertop.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes.

"You can go back to sleep. I'll be fine." I attempt to send him off but he stays put.

"There no way I'll be able to sleep hearing someone dying in 'te bathroom."

"Suite yourself then." I proceed to spit more blood into the sink and make more death noises. At least with Taras here I have one more person to help me clean up this mess.

Update-So it's like an hour later and I stopped coughing up my insides. Yay! We're currently cleaning up the bathroom.

"I think you stained the sink slightly..." Taras says and looks down at me while I wash off the wall.

"Oh well." I shrug. "This is weird but I forgot to ask earlier."


"Who even is your girlfriend? I've never seen her at N.I.S.E before."

"Vanessa Duke." Oh, her. She was a bitch to me back in grade school. She's probably still a bitch now. Taras deserves better; I can name a few suitable candidates for someone even as introverted as Taras. And by a few, I mean one person. No one really genuinely likes Taras. Anyways, Vanessa is a high school dropout. That's all I really need to say.

"Sorry, but she's a bitch." I say. He nods in agreement.

"I know."

"Break up with her then." I suggest. He nods again.

"I did. Right before we left I broke up with her. Now I never have to deal with bullshit again." I laugh. Perfect timing Taras. Anyways, we finish cleaning and attempt to fall asleep. But I can't; I just laid there on my side looking across the room. I give up and just decide to draw shit. I'm quite skilled not to brag or anything. I grab a pencil and some paper I have stored in the same cupboard as the journal. And I just let my mind carry from topic to topic and I'll just come up with a drawing. I decided to do some figure drawings, because you know, why the fuck not! I decided to use Taras as the reference since he was asleep. So I start drawing.

Halfway through I hear Taras.

"You know. I'm still awake. What 'ze fuck are you doing?" He turns over and looks at me.

"I'm drawing." I say.

"Okay..." He rolls back over, still awake. Neither of us say anything for the rest of the night. 

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