Authors Note

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Hello, Skeena here. 

I'd like to share some things about Idiots in Space! 

So, one thing I'd like to say is Idiots in Space, by far is my favorite of my works. I love and cherish the characters. You see,  the way I write my characters is mostly based off of past experiences and feelings. An example is Alex himself. Like Alex, I myself am a closeted bi guy. Alex's reasoning for being moderately depressed and dying is closely based to my own. Or Vincent from So Something Fell is loosely based on something else which I'll explain in the Something Fell authors note. 

Writing to me, is like a coping method almost. I have turned every thought and feeling trapped inside me into this. I pour hours on end into crafting these unique characters and lore. You see, my writing style is kind of odd. I start with the climax of the plot, and mold each chapter to lead up to that. And from there build the ending. So, because of this style I have to put extra time and effort to make sure everything adds up. 

Now, if you did read the chapter one preview of the sequel all I gotta say is that Alex will be fine. Annie I'm tellin' you-HE'S GONNA BE FINE FAM. 

Anyways, thanks to Annie for helping to create  Alex and Taras's ship name-Talex

I will end up uploading official art somewhere, might be here, might be somewhere else. Idk, but I'll make an official announcement of where. 

Anyways, the official release date of the sequel should be in at least two or so months. Considering this took about months two to write and I still need to finish So Something Fell. 

Until then, so long and goodnight. 

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