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"C'mon-c'mon-c'mon-c'mon." Taras shook me awake.

"Let me sleep." I groaned and put a pillow over my face.

"You can't sleep in Astre. Today's an important day!" It's been two weeks. The palace has been rebuilt and we all had moved in. Like literally this place can house fifty people so I'm like, 'Hell yeah. House party!'. But today was a very important day, today was my coronation.

"Astre. C'mon." Taras threw a pillow at me. I now officially go by Astre.

I climb-no-I fucking just rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. I fell onto my cold, metal arm. I got this prosthetic a week ago, and I'm not even close to being used to it. I keep accidentally hurting my leg on the sharp grooves in the arm while I sleep.

I stand up and go to the closet which is just across from the bed which is tucked away in the left corner. Sebastian sent me some stuff that was like customary. It's just a black suit with black dress pants. I was like 'oh this ain't anything crazy'. They he handed me a pile of other things and told me I had to wear that too. So there was a dark red cape with gold symbols on it, plus some random contraption of orange jewels that I had to figure out how to get just perfect so it was symmetrical. Then I had to put some weird neck thing on then take the cape and attach it to the neck thing. Then take a fucking headband thing and try to put that on my head. There was even more shit! I just gave up and got Sebastian to do the rest.

"Okay, for the most part you got it right." He said fixing the weird thing on my head. He then proceeded to sprinkle glitter in my hair. "Okay-okay." He brushed off his hands. He grabbed a marker. "So now I have to like draw on your face. Don't move." He proceeded to draw a line down my face, behind my left eye. Then finished it off by crossing it with another horizontal line just below my eyes. He then put random glitter on my face, and done!

"There. Now don't touch your face." He said putting away some of the materials.

"This is very uncomfortable." I complained.

"You look great." Taras came back into the room followed by Leir.

"How long do I have to stay like this." I shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

"Seven hours." Leir said.

"Seven hours! Are you serious?" Oh god.

"We're starting in twelve, get ready." one of the maids peeped her head into the room. Her name is Rose, I've talked with her on a few occasions, she's very nice. Almost too nice that it hurts my soul. Silver and her have became good friends. The amount of purity is too much!

I nod and she leaves. We all file out of the room and make our way to the ballroom.

"Nervous?" Taras asks. I nod. "You'll do just great. Nothing will go wrong." He's right, my prediction was of this event, and everything does go as planned.

For this event, the M.M were in charge of security. The organizer was shocked when I told her that, but I trust them with my life. Even though there are only five of the Masked I know they'll do the job. Plus Silver and Luka had volunteered to help out as well.

So we're walking and I just feel so majestic with this fuckin' cape on. Just enter the place like 'Woosh, woosh motherfuckers. Your king has arrived'. And we have reached the door. It's still about five minutes until the actual thing starts and Taras and Sebastian take their positions inside. Leir stays with me to guard the door when I enter.

I pace nervously.

"Three months ago I never would have guessed we'd end up here." He says.

"Heh. Yeah." I stopped my pacing. "You're a part of a gang and I'm an alien king. Wonder what those cunts at school would think now. I'm now superior to you all Earthlings!" I laugh.

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