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"Greetings." I heard Silver say through the communication system.

"Allo..." I could hear Taras say. He was out of it, just dead and defeated-which is understandable.

"Hey Silver." I wave to her. I look down to my journal which is resting on my lap and continue writing down my dream. We would find an atmospheric planet. There we would get fuel then later leave right after because everyone hates us for some reason.

"I have found a nearby planet. Should we investigate?" Her voice is gentle and sapranno toned. I nod.

"You up for it Taras?" I ask him. Sure I hate this fucker but I'm kinda concerned about his state.

"Whatever." He sighs hanging upside down on his bed.

"Then. Lead the way." I close my journal and set it by my feet. I wait for Silvers ship to glide in front of ours and I follow.

"It's planet Surk. The inhabitants are neutral, atmosphere is positive. We can stop and get fuel here. Other than that if we piss these beings off we could possibly die." Silver explains. I'm glad that she has stayed with us, it's nice to have someone as threatening as her by our side. She's a really nice girl, would totally smash. I think I just laughed out loud, Taras is looking at me weird. But seriously are all Ucorians as hot as her? 'Cuz damn bitch she's fine!

"You coming off with us?" I ask Taras. He shakes his head. That's fine, he can watch the ships.

So we get to the surface of planet Surk. It looks like an apocalyptic wasteland littered with random buildings. When we landed the air from our ships blew away a shit on of rock and I think we broke a few random windows on someones house. I grab a gun open the back door and get off the ship and meet Silver on the ground.

"So where are we going?" I ask Silver. She points to a building which is just on the horizon.

"We can get extra fuel there."

"How do you know this?"

"I know people." She walked off to the building, I jogged to her side. I'm now realizing how fucking tall she is. Her red hair trailed behind like a veil.

"What's up with Taras?" She asked. I told her the truth.

"Oh-uh. His brother supposedly took his own life." I feel quite uncomfortable talking about it.


"Yeah..." I shift my gaze to the ground. "I don't know if he's okay. Obviously not but will he get better? I know he hates me and all, but I know he needs someone to be there." I spoke quickly.

"You hate each other?" She asked in her sweet innocent voice. I nod and sigh.

"Yeah." What am I doing, showing sympathy to a guy who treats me like shit. We hate each other-that's how it will always be. But, is it really hatred that keeps us apart? Sure we just don't get along but at the end of the day we are very alike.

"You seem stressed." Silver interrupted my inner ramblings.

"No-No I'm not."

"Yes you are." she lets out a small laugh. "I can read emotions easily." We reached the house Silver pointed to. It was not much of a house, a small shack to be exact. She went and knocked on the door and a short girl with purple skin answered. Silver spoke with her in some tongue that I didn't fuckin' understand. This short alien girl guided Silver to behind the shack house thing where crates of fuel were. She carried four with her telekinesis and told me to grab a few as well. I grabbed two and we headed back to the ship.

"So." I shifted the large crates slightly in my arms. "Why do you have telekinesis?" I ask struggling to keep the crates balanced on my thin arms.

"All Ucorians of royal blood have this ability."

"You're lucky." I smirk. Silver touched her shoulder to mine. Weird...

"I can also read your thoughts. So be careful." I guess this is one of those 'here. I will touch you and now I can see into your mind' things. Oh god. I nervously laugh because at that exact moment I was thinking about a specific human doing questionable things.

We reach the ship and evenly divide the crates between the two ships. I enter mine but I can't find Taras. Strange.

"Russian cunt. Where ya at?" I say looking in some cupboards. He's hiding in the bathroom isn't he. I walk over to the bathroom and beat on the door. "I know you're in there. Get out here." I wait a few minutes but no response so I load the crates. We end up taking off but Taras is still in there. Silver popped up on the communication system.

"Is Taras there?" She asks.

"He's still in the bathroom." I answer. "Yo, wanna stop here for the night?" I ask. If we were to go any further we would be entering an asteroid belt. And I need Taras for that; but he ain't comin' out. Silver agrees to my suggestion and I tell her I'm going to attempt to get Taras out.

"Taras." I'm standing in front of the door and place a hand on the center of its metal build. "C'mon." I can hear him trying to hold back tears. That sound is definitely worse than the sound of actual crying; it just sounds more heartbreaking-you know? "Taras" I say once more. I hear the door unlock and it slowly slides open. Taras stands there, his face is red and littered with stray tears.

"Happy?" he asks in a threatening tone.


"Shattap." He pushes me out of the way and storms to his bed. I grab at his arm to stop him.

"I wanted to talk to you-"

"I don't wanna talk with you-" He pulls away.

"Taras I-"

"No! Okay!" He grabs me by the collar of my shirt-it looks like he's going to beat the shit out of me. We've gotten into fist fights before, but this was very different. He was frustrated, lost, and defeated and needed to take his anger out. I normally would have fought back but something halted me. I closed my eyes and waited for him to punch. But he didn't-he just stood there with his arm raised. He let go, collapsed to his knees and sobbed. I turn to the front where Silver was watching all of this from the safety of her ship through the communication system. She looks as shocked and confused as I am. I turn back to Taras who is crying at my feet. I decide to sit down across from him.

"Why are you being nice to me?" He looks down avoiding eye contact. "I've been a dick to you." I shrug.

"We're lost in space together and we need to actually get along to get us out of this mess." I wanted to add something else but I would embarrass myself if I said it. He looks up at me.

"You're weird." He smiles. He smiles to rarely but I've come to like his smile. I grin back at him. I wasn't expecting this next part. He leans forwards and hugs me; the unexpected impact knocks us to the ground.

"You fell. Idiot." I can hear him say.

"Right back at ya Russian dude." I lied there staring at the ceiling. I could feel the anger and despair that Taras has kept within him. For some reason I knew exactly how he felt-defeated, lost, lonely.

"Oh my god! Yes!" Silver was cheering throught the system. I could see her happily raise her arms and make jazzhands. Taras freed himself from our failed attempt at a hug and went closer to the control panel.

"You're cheering 'bout what now?" He asks in his usual threatening voice.

"Oh nothing goodnight!" He shut off her system. She ships us, I can tell. Personally I don't know how I feel about Taras. It's confusing. It's not something one would consider to be love; when it comes to him I feel a bit of everything. It's not like I'm saying black and white that I'm in love with him. That's crazy! Not gonna happen! Plus he has a girlfriend so either way ain't gonna happen! 

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