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Walking home I think of some stuff. One more day until I'm launched into space with this cunt who I can't understand half the time. I try to think of everything I need to pack but other things overwhelm that particular topic. I tend to have these dream; they're like deja vu almost. I have the dream and then it happens the next day. I don't tell anyone about it because they'll think I'm crazy; I once mentioned it to mom when I was eight but she shrugged it off thinking it was a strange phase. Sometimes it scares me; they happen every single night. I once dreamt that one girl from Alice's class would commit suicide; and she did. And every detail was the same-exactly at ten o'clock, January 17th she would overdose on sleeping pills and cut her wrists while in her bathtub. I don't want to get close to anyone because if the dreams predict something bad happening to them I don't know how I could live with myself. I've tried searching up whatever crazy condition I might have but all that came up were urban legends.

I reach my house and open the heavy metal door. Mom was helping Alice pack.

"I'm home famalam." I collapse on the loveseat to my right which was facing the television.

"Alex you should start packing as well." I could hear my mom say in her gentle voice from inside Alice's room. I obey and sluggishly walk to my bland grey toned room. I decided to make a list of the necessities: 'lotta clothes, books, paper, journal, actual matching socks, pictures, testosterone shots, other important shit. Alice always called my T shots 'tea', like actual physical tea. When her friends would ask about me she would say I'm a tea fanatic. For those of you who have no idea what testosterone is, it's something that fucks with your hormones. In other words, when you're transitioning and shit one would take testosterone and alters your hormones, so like if you were FTM like myself it like lowers your voice, stops your period, more shit. Since I won't be returning home for a while I just fuckin' take all of them that I have stashed.

I finish packing while singing along to Britney Spears like the piece of shit I am and begin preparing for the party I'm being forced to go to. Eh' this shirt is still good. I think to myself picking some random article of clothing off the floor.Proceeding to put this shirt on I can hear Alice from her room; which happens to be right next to mine.

"What do you think I should wear!" She yells.

"Flannel!" I yell back.

"Hell nah. What else!?"

"That one really long sweater!?"

"Got it!" We finish our ramblings and Alice leaves her room to look for some weird sweater dress. I stand in my room looking myself in the mirror. What's the point in going to this, I know what's going to happen anyways. According to my dream I show up, sit in the corner and browse memes on my phone. But the thing is with this party, our mentors buys us one beer, pilot/second hand will buy another for you, and the other you get yourself. If you get drunk there is no way you're gonna be able to fly with a hangover.

I get super bored and decide to meet up with Leir.

"Damn. You're stuck with Taras."Leir says as we walk together back to the N.I.S.E center.

"Yeah..." I roll my eyes.

"What if you get lost in space together? That would suck balls."

"The possibilities of that happening are slim." I say swiftly while jumping over a puddle.

"How Alex?"

"We're top in our class." I proceed to point ot my head. "Plus the dreams." Leir laughs.

"Are they even real? The all powerful psychic dreams from Alex's mind."

"Tonight you will ask six girls to dance with you. Each one says no. At exactly ten o'clock you will give up and join me at my empty table. Three minutes later we will leave, but we need to take Alice with us. She will be found sitting on the left side of the stage with her friends talking about drinks." I say confidently reciting what I had dreamt. Leir had given me a confused look.

"That's..." He paused. "...oddly specific?" He laughed. "Psychic Alex enlighten me with your knowledge." I laughed as well. We we're nearing the N.I.S.E center; blaring music could be heard from outside. We entered.

The night went as how I predicted. I looked up from my phone to see Leir.

"You were right.." He sighed sitting down beside me.

"Who'd you ask?" I asked him shutting my phone off.

"Sarah, Arin, Lucy, Octavia, Jacklyn, and Opal." I nodded; that's who I predicted. I waited for three minutes to pass and we found Alice right where I said she would be.

"Are we leaving?" Alice asked swinging her legs which hung off the stage. I nodded and gestured for her to come.

"Have fun?" Leir asked her leaving the building.

"Eh'. We didn't really do much." She shrugged following behind him. "I wanted to participate in the shot spin but I'd rather not die."

"Leir fell into a ice sculpture once after doing the shot spin." I said. A year ago we went to some random party. I wasn't invited but Leir brought me along anyways. Leir insisted he would do the shot spin but I told him 'fuck no Leir' and he fell into a ice sculpture. 

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