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"What the fuck!" I yell as I'm weightlessly tossed around the ship. We both intensely screamed in unison blindly hurling through a wormhole in space. Each second spent in this void caused the ship to pick up even more speed-until it ended. But it didn't end well. We just kept hurdling into a new planet and we crashed into a forest. Taras and I crashed into the floor of the ship when we hit the ground.

I get up off the cold floor while holding my hand to my shoulder. The wounds have reopened from the impact. Taras had taken notice of this.

"You good?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Startup the Com. System. Find the others. That's our first priority." I say making my way to the bathroom to patch my arm up. I still hadn't put my shirt on. Blood is smudged all up and down my upper arm. I just grab something to wrap my arm and leave. I see Taras had gotten the ship to start up again but the Com. System is still off. Never mind it just turned on.

"Uh, can you wrap my arm?" I ask Taras. He nods while pressing one last button to contact the other ship. He walks closer to me and grabs the bandages. His hands are so fucking cold.

He finishes, pats me on the shoulder and returns to the control panel. I go to sit down beside him.

"So, find 'em?" I ask him. He nods.

"They're thousands of miles from us. Communication System is still down." He vigorously taps buttons.

"Should I head there?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Let me talk to them first who knows where 'ze hell we are." There's a beeping noise followed by static. "Got it."

"Where the fuck are you!" It's Luka.

"Miles away." I answer.

"You will never guess where we are!" Silver cheered. Taras gave her a confused look. "We're in Ucoria!" I can see her cheerfully dance around. "I haven't been here in years! Get over here so I can show you everything!" She is very happy. Makes sense; she said that she hasn't been home in at least twelve or so years. I guess her entire family was aboard the mothership when it was destroyed by us Earth bastards. She said that she had a huge fucking family. How interesting.

"Okay..." I fly the ship over the majority of the forest on the way to their location. The longer we fly I can see more and more of a huge city. The Ucoria City Center. Luka and Silver are spotted in a clearing and that's where we land. Silver can't contain her excitement.

We exit the ship.

"I need to show you everything! C'mon." She leads us out of the clearing and into this huge city. The sky is a blue/green colour which is almost magical. The trees look like they glow with a green light. The streets are actually paved unlike my hometown. The buildings here tower over you for stories high. These buildings are as high as Luka to say the least. The city streets are littered with people which are all about the same height as Silver and I.

"They're gonna step on me." I can hear Luka complain. We were just walking down main street then we reach a bridge which separates everything. We cross it, and on the other side is a fucking huge palace. The water on both sides of the bridge are filled with fish which I have never seen before. This place is fucking beautiful.

We get closer and closer to this palace and Silver picks up her speed. When we reach the door there are multiple guards which bear a threatening expression.

"You have to turn back." I hear him say in Ucorian. I can understand it but can't speak it, that totally makes sense. Silver squints at the guy.

"Clint?" She asks.

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