Bonus Chapter

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So I decided to post the preview for the first chapter of the second book. I won't spoil much, but I'll just post this. I might revise it in the future, but the current plot of  the Idiots in Space Sequel will focus on Astre (Alex) attempting to figure out what the hell is happening to him and their return to Earth to settle budding war. But when trying to reach Earth,  they draw some blood when fighting in a space war, and accidentally hack into a certain someones ship. We also learn more about Sebastian and Marcos past, and the origin of M.M and the Curse of the Smykes. 

Sleep is nice. But fuck that! I'm running late! Taras was at a meeting and he forgot to wake me up, shit! I rummage through the closet and try to find something that I can wear. I find flannel; that works. I burst out of the room and run to the kitchen to get some stuff.

"Mornin' Astre-" Luka greets but I run right past him.

"Mornin'!" I yell back at him. I get into the kitchen and no one's in there. I try to find something quick I can have for breakfast and I find a random orange. I go to put the peelings in the garbage but Nova is standing in the cupboard where the garbage is for some reason.

"What are you doing in there?" I pull her out.

"I don't wanna go to school." She complains.

"You have to go." I toss the peelings in the garbage. Nova looks up at me with her puppy dog eyes. "You're going. Now, have you seen your brother, we're running late."

"No actually." She shakes her head causing her black hair to flow with every movement.

"Just great." I sigh leaving the kitchen. "Be back in five. Be ready." Anyways, just to keep you up to date. It's been five years, Taras and I have been married for four, and we adopted the twins three years ago. Yeah so remember that random girl who gave me the flower crown, apparently her and her brother have no family whatsoever. So Taras and I were like, 'Hell yeah we'll be your parents.'. Nova and Lev are a dynamic duo. It's funny how much shit they'll try to pull off. Nova crawled through the vents just to sneak into the kitchen and steal a cookie. Now that's what I call commitment! This kid's goin' places.

I opened one of the broom closets and there was Lev.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. He's eating cookie dough in the closet.

"Luka said I could eat it." He looked up at me.

"Why are you eating it in the closet?" What the hell even..

"Are you mad?"

"Why are you eating it in the closet?"

"Oh..I don't know." These definitely are my kids. "I don't wanna go to school." He complained.

"You have to go. C'mon we're running late." He sluggishly walks out of the closet. "It'll be fine."

"Mmmmm." He sighed and walked back to the kitchen with me.

"Ready Nova?" She's sitting on the counter top getting her hair braided by Silver.

"Ready!" she cheered jumping down onto the tile floor. She grabbed her grey bag which was leading against the wall and headed out the door. Walking out I remember a bunch of shit. This room was once coated in the blood of the fallen. And I wonder why this place is haunted? Anyways I walk the two to the huge ass school they go to.

"If someone annoys me can I punch them?" Lev asks.

"No. Never." I answer.

"Have you ever gotten in a fight dad?" Nova asked me. The only thing I can't dodge are their questions.

"Yes. Yes I have."

"What did you do?" Lev wanted answers.

"I threw a folding chair at him."

"Who was it?" Nova asked. Shit, it was Taras. Back on Earth about seven years ago, Taras flung me into the wall during lunch. So I threw a chair at him. People on earth would never guess that we got together. It was always just a never ending feud between us, and everyone knew about it. When we would get in a fist fight, the news would spread like wildfire and people would make bets on who would win.

"His name was...George?" I made up a name.

"Oooooooooo. My dad's cool!" Nova cheered. "Everyone else is boring. They only have one dad. But I have two, which means I'm twice as cool." I can't help but laugh.

"I'm cooler because I'm taller." Lev added. How does that work?

"I'm cooler-er because I know my way around the vents." What?

"I'm cooler-er-er because I'm Lev. Lev is just cool."

"I'm cooler-er-er-er-er-errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr." What a compelling argument you got there Nova.

"You're both equally as cool." I put an end to this. "But I'm the coolest." We reached the school. "Okay my children don't beat anyone up! Have a good day!" We reach the door of the school and I pat them both on the shoulder. They wave me off and I leave. But when I get halfway back my eye begins to hurt like hell. It feels like I'm being repeatedly stabbed in my eye over and over again. It's almost like the torture that I experienced a while back. It keeps me up at night, I keep having flashbacks and it's lead to the development of insomnia. It sucks ass. Either way, insomnia or not, I'm usually up all night anyways with work and shit. I thought that I got into the swing of things but everything just seems to flip on its head and I have to fix it. But it's usually just the major stuff I deal with, the others get to deal with the other shit. Taras is head of our military, Victor and Sebastian deal with all the technical stuff. And everyone else just does whatever. I do appreciate their help a lot.

Anyways I get back and my eye still hurts. I just shrug it off and collapse on the couch in the sitting room. I stare down the hallway to my left and I hear footsteps. Who could it be? Taras, it's Taras.

"Yo," I greet, catching his attention.

"Ay." He comes to sit beside me.

"How was it?" Taras was at some meeting regarding the M.M.

"The M.M are now head of security here. They're also needed in any apparent war or anything. Also, M.M applications are being sent in. I'll get Leir to deal with those."

"That's good." I sigh. My eye hurts more. Then I remember something. "Our anniversary is in six days. Got anything planned?" I ask leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"I got a little somethin' somethin' planned."

"What is it?" I look up at him.

"It's a surprise. And no matter who you ask, they're not gonna say a word." This must be something very memorable. Something that he's put a lot of thought into. Saturday would mark five years and still goin' strong.

"I'll just ask Luka."

"He shouldn't say anything." He smiled at me, then his expression turned to fear. "Um..there is something wrong with your eye."

"Hm?" I place my hand to my eye then look back at my hand. Is that blood? I get up and run ot a mirror which in located in the corner of the room. That is blood. I get closer to inspect my eye.

It's entirely black, like a demon's eye.

"What the fuck?" I whisper. Why and how is this happening? I turn to Taras who has migrated to my side. "Why?"

"I have no idea..."

"Sebastian should know...He knows everything about shit like this!" I put my hand to my forehead which just smudged the blood all over my face. 

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