First Day

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-Skye's POV-

"Bye mom!" I said as I walked out the door.

I was walking to school.

Oh yeah, today is the first day.

Last year, I earned a scholarship to go to a wealthy school, Overdose High School. Although I had to leave my best friend, Ash, she insisted me to go.

"Go there! It'll be fun! And this will be a great opportunity for you to get a good career!" she told me on the last day of school.

My eyes teared up as I thought about how much I missed Ash and my old school. I was in deep thought and unaware of bumping into someone.

"Huh? Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up to see a tall, cute guy.

He just smiled at me.

"It's okay. I'm Kris."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Skye."

I found out that he went to the same school as I did. We had a conversation about the school and me. He said that I'll do fine, but I didn't feel so confident in myself.

Soon, we reached a mass building, named Overdose High School.

"Well, welcome to Overdose."

I was frozen, gaping at the school.

Kris chuckled.

"Well, I guess you commoners don't have anything as fancy as this, huh"

I glared at him. He just called me a 'commoner'. In return, he smirked.

"C'mon. Let's find our classes."


As it turned out, Kris had the same classes as me. Luckily, he did, or I would've gotten lost. The school was HUGE.

Although it was a private school, it wasn't mandatory to wear uniform, unless it was P.E.

"Hey! Skye! Meet my friends!" Kris said.

I walked over to see a group of eleven pretty boys, not including Kris.

"Hey! I'm Baekhyun!" one of the guys said. He had a puppy face that could brighten anyone's day.

"And I'm Chen!" Then, a guy elbowed him.

"He means a camel dinosaur who sings with his cheekbones!" the guy next to Chen said. "Oh! And I'm Kai. " He smirked.

I felt myself getting red and felt Kris' hand on my shoulder. I turned to see him shake his head.

"And I'm Lay."

I slightly bowed at him.

"Hii!~ I'm Luhan!" a childish guy said. I could've mistaken him as a girl if he had longer hair.

I grinned at him.

"And I'm Sehun." The guy next to him said with a poker face.

"I'm D.O, but you can call me Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo.. what a sexy name.

[Author : my friend said that LOL]

"Hey! I'm Chanyeol!" the guy next to Kyungsoo said playfully.

"I'm Suho. And here." He placed his arm around someone next to him. "Is Xiumin."

Xiumin waved shyly at me, and I smiled back.

"Hi! And I'm Tao!" a guy with blonde hair said.

I slightly bowed at the whole gang.

"And I'm Skye."

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