Jeon Jungkook

321 9 1

-Skye's POV-

Ugh. When will my parents come back? Kyungsoo will be able to leave by then.

Oh, and I realized that ever since the Skyhan incident, Kyungsoo has been more irritating and putting distance between us. Like, I mean he still hugs me and stuff, but he seems to be breaking off. Or not.

I lazily walked downstairs, finding Kyungsoo taking selcas on my phone. Oh, I forgot it there since I was too tired after dinner yesterday.

I ran up to him and snatched the phone out of his hand.

"Hey! Why are you so conceited? And why won't you use your own phone?" I yelled at him.

"Well, first of all, I lost my phone. And two, you deserve pictures of your own boyfriend. Three, I am not conceited. Everyone takes selcas." He said innocently.

"Whatever." I muttered and got dressed.

I decided to wear a plain black skater skirt with a white blouse, along with a leather jacket. As for my shoes, I wore black combat boots to go along with my outfit.

I quickly escaped Kyungsoo without being noticed.

I took in a deep breathe, walking to school.


I turned to see a cute guy with round orbs and eye bags, yet, those eye bags made his eyes stunning.

"Hi." I smiled. "I'm Skye. Kim Skye."

"And I'm Jeon Jungkook." He held out his hand.

"What school do you go to?" I said as I shook his hand.

"Overdose High. I just transferred here." he grinned.

"Ohh.. I got a scholarship to attend Overdose High! It's a great school! But some people are just messed up." I laughed.

"Oh really? I heard that it was a wealthy school."

"Yeeah. Wait until you see the actual building."

"Yup! I hope to meet new people! Oh, and do you want to hang out at lunch?" he grinned.

"Sure! I'll introduce you to my friends!" we continued walking to school, talking about food and random things, like hobbies and amusement parks.


As soon as we reached the school, his jaw dropped. Like, literally.

I smirked.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder.

I tilted my head to see Kyungsoo.

"Ayo waddup D.O." I chuckled.

"It's Kyungsoo.." He glared at me. "Oh, and who do we have here?"

Jungkook was still staring in awe at the building, so I softly shook his shoulder for his attention.

"Huh? Oh sorry." He apologized.

"Meet my friend, Kyungsoo." I said sarcastically.

"Lemme make a correction. You're supposed to say 'Meet my boyfriend Kyungsoo.'" he smirked.

"Whateves." I murmured.

"Whaa-? Skye, you have a boyfriend? Wow! Nice to know!" Jungkook said ecstatically.

"Uhh.. well he forced me to." I said without enthusiasm. Totes the opposite of Jungkook.

"Aww, Kyungsoo wouldn't do that, would you?" Jungkook asked.


"Yup. She was the one who flirted with me first." Kyungsoo.. You liar..

We continued walking towards our classes.

As we found out, Jungkook had the same schedule as me. Yay! Bonding time! Oh, and he's older than me by one day, sadly.

During lunch, Jungkook and I talked more about ourselves. I accidently left out Kyungsoo. Oops.

-Jungkook's POV-

Meet my friend, Kyungsoo." Skye said sarcastically.

"Lemme make a correction. You're supposed to say 'Meet my boyfriend Kyungsoo.'" Kyungsoo smirked.

"Whateves."she murmured.

"Whaa-? Skye, you have a boyfriend? Wow! Nice to know!" I said ecstatically, covering up my disappointment about her being taken. I.. I guess I kinda like her.

"Uhh.. well he forced me to." Skye said without enthusiasm.

"Aww, Kyungsoo wouldn't do that, would you?" I laughed.

All of these smiles were fake I guess.

I sorta felt myself getting jealous about this Kyungskye thing.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

Ugh. That peasant. Purposely leaving my out of their conversation.

Whateves. Like I care. I mean, pshh.

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