That's a Neck

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-Skye's POV-

"He said he doesn't.." Ash said.

I knew it.

I rolled my eyes.

"Lemme finish! I said, he said that he doesn't like you. Instead he loves you, doofus."


"Whatever. Like I care." I played it cool.

"Yaah! You do Skye! No wonder why you never broke up with him in the first place!"

Wait. Why didn't I ever think of that?!

"Ugh. Nevermind. He's an idiot anyways. Even if I wanna break up with him, he'll just rub it on me. Like walk around school trying to flirt with me or what so ever." I rolled my eyes once again.

"Skye-ah! Don't be negative! He's your boyfriend, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah." I said sarcastically.

Hours later, she left.

Soon, I quickly fell asleep on my desk.


I woke up, finding myself on my bed.

Wait wuuuuuut.

How'd I get here?

I know that I don't sleep walk.

Oh well.

After deep thought, I found Kyungsoo sleeping peacefully beside me. I was about to get off the bed, but his eyes suddenly opened.

"Aaaahhh!" I screamed.

I collapsed back on the bed with my back against the wall.

"Aish. What's wrong with you?!"

He smirked. "I just woke up."

"Ugh. Suuuuuree. You just woke up. Right now, huh?" I rolled my eyes.

He suddenly pinned me against the wall.

"You don't disrespect me, okay?"

I gulped. "O-okay.. idiot." I smirked.

He must've gotten really pissed. I mean, I was just joking around. Like, gosh. He can't take a good joke. NEVER.

His face was flaring red as he crashed his lips onto mine.

I started to squirm in my uncomfortable position. I wanted to escape, NOW!

I attempted to push him off, but he only tightened his grip on my wrist.

Soon, he let go and smirked.

"Serves you right." He then left me, speechless.

After five minutes of staring at the blank wall, I decided to dress up and buy Taco Bell.

I decided to wear my PE shorts and a muscle tee.

As soon as I was about to turn the door knob, I felt arms wrapped around my waist. A head the layed on my shoulder.

"Where ya goin'?"

I slightly turned my head to see Kyungsoo.

"No where. No duuh." I plainly said.

"Then what's up with the clothes?"

Frick. He caught me.


He then turned me around to face him, his arms still around my waist, and leaned in.

"Caught you babe."

A blush crept up my cheeks as he pronounced the word 'babe'. His forehead was now placed on mine.

"Get off of me you byuntae." I managed to whisper.

"What? I'm not a perve. You're my girlfriend, and I could do anything I want."

"Nu-uh. You can't do anything to your freedom. I'm a person, too ya know. And plus, you still are a pervert." I squeaked.

He chuckled.

"Well, kissing my girlfriend doesn't mean I'm a perve."

"Well--" I got cut off.

'By what?' You might say.

Of course, by his passionate lips.

He never really showed this 'loving' side of him. Well, yeah, I guess the kisses before were 'loving', but not as much as this one.

Naturally, my arms snaked around his neck.

Aha. Guess what's gonna happen next?

As you can see, I slapped his neck, which is also called a 'neck'.

I burst out laughing.

"Well, that's a neck!"

[Author: Ouuuuu. He got necked! Well, I'll be the one to say "That's a neck!" LOL. I'm one very awesome author.]

He was still holding onto me, so he slapped my butt.

"Well that's a butt." He smirked.

"BYUNTAE! HELP ME!" I yelled.

"Shhh! No one wants to help you anyways."

After five minutes of quarreling, I left to Taco Bell.

As I entered the store, I noticed a tall, skinny guy. He had blonde hair with brown streaks.

He turned around since the little bell rang.


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