You Care

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-Skye's POV-

I walked towards my house, noticing Kyungsoo standing there.

"Ayo D.O." I said without enthusiasm.

I walked until I my for was only inches from his.

"It's Kyungsoo, peasant." He said without his dainty heart smile.

My eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

I started walking towards the door.

"Hmph. And you don't even know?" he chuckled and turned to face me.

I stood there, frozen. Was he talking about the Luhan incident? How'd he see us?! I'm not cheating right? Pshh.

"Know what?" I turned to face him, my back on the door.

He took a step toward me.

"Ya know, the time when you kissed Luhan?"

My cheeks flared red.

"I-I-I.. H-How'd you know?" I stuttered.

"I was getting a drink of water. Until I saw you and Luhan hugging."


"It was only a friendly kiss, okay?" I broke the silence.

"A friendly kiss? Oh I see." He said sarcastically.

I was getting annoyed.

"Yes, a FRIENDLY kiss." I exaggerated on 'friendly', making sure he heard it right.

"And so your saying that you aren't.. perhaps.. cheating on me?"

"I-I'm not.." I muttered.

He leaned in next to my ear.

"I know you are.. jagi." He smirked.

He really had to add 'jagi' to make me feel guilty.

A blush crept up my cheeks.

He then flashed a half smile half smirk and then left me hanging.


As I entered the house, I saw a note on the dinner table.

'Skye-ah, your dad and I planned a trip to California to relax a bit during our 'break'. As soon as I reach Cali, I'll call Kyungsoo's family and ask him to come and take care of you. Hope you two do well! Love, mom.'

Aishh! Why Kyungsoo?! Ugh. He's gonna come any minute by now.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

"Yes, Mrs. Kim. Uh huh. Yes. Ne. Don't worry. Uh huh. No problem. You're welcome!"

Skye's mom just called me, telling me to come to her house and take care of Skye.

Hmmm.. I have something in mind. Something called revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge for the peasant.

Oh, and I live alone now. My parents have moved to Florida to work on their company.


As I walked to Skye's house, I noticed it getting dark.

Soon enough, I saw dark figures walking towards me.

One tried to grab me, but I quickly punched his face, causing him to collapse. The other person attempted to whack me. With a bat.

Pain strikes me in the leg, arm, and shoulder.

I didn't scream, for the sake of people's beauty sleep.

After a few minutes, the person ran away, leaving me on the floor.

-Skye's POV-

Where the heck is he?!

I peeked through the window.

No one.

I got a bad vibe about Kyungsoo, so I opened the door and searched around the neighborhood.

And just as I thought, I found Kyungsoo on the cement, beaten up. My eyes widened in horror as I shook him.

"Kyungsoo. Wake up!"

"Uhhhhh.." he said groggily.

"Aish! You! Why didn't you just drive in your car, doofus?" I gave him a very small lecture.

I attempted pulling him up, which probably took me ten minutes.

Dragging him in the house was horrible.

But carrying him into my room was even worse.

I took off his sweater, seeing bruises on his shoulder and arm. He probably had some injuries on his leg, but .. nahh.

I went towards the bathroom for a towel to wipe his dirty face, which was laying flat on the cement.

As I washed his face, I noticed his angelic features. His shimmering skin. His jawline and perfect lips. Aish! What am I thinking? Oh wait. He's my boyfriend.

[Author: LOL ]

I walked out to make some food. Well, TRY to cook.

I ended up making instant noodles.

It smelled really good, so I made one for myself.

As I walked towards my room, I noticed a light in the bathroom.

Huh. I remembered I turned it off before I left. I quickly flipped the switch and the light vanished.

I quietly placed the Cup Noodle on my desk.

I ate mine with my back facing him, so I couldn't tell if he was doing anything or not.

Suddenly, I felt arms around my waist.

"Yaah!" I yelled.

"Shh! Peasant!" Oh. It was Kyungsoo.

I turned around to see him half naked.

"What are you doing douchebag? Leave me alone. I wanna finish my noodles." My nose scrunched as I turned my back to him.

"Oh. These are for me." Kyungsoo said. "Never knew you cared." He smirked.

"I never said I did." I muttered.

"Well, because you carried me to your room and made me food, I can tell that you do care about me." He smirked.

"Whatever." I murmured.

He squatted down beside me and started eating.


"Imma take a shower." Kyungsoo said.

"Go ahead." I decided to go downstairs and watch play Just Dance.

Well, yeah. Just Dance is a super kiddy game but then again, I need some workout and attempt to dance. AHEM. ATTEMPT. AHEM

After a few rounds, I got bored and walked up. I was yawning and saw Kyungsoo sleeping on MY bed. I only let him stay there earlier cause he was injured but other than that..

I walked towards him, planning to lecture him, but he pulled me down instead.

"Stay." He said.

I was in an uncomfortable position so I turned and faced him, placing my hands on his chest.

Only, I didn't realize that he still didn't have a shirt on.

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