Small Talk

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-Skye's POV-

"Oh, so now your flirting with someone else, eh? I heard that cutie's name was Jeon Jungkook." she slammed me against the wall of lockers.

"I just met him yesterday, Hyerin. And are you jealous that Kyungsoo is still mine?" I smirked.

"Yaah!" she slapped my face.

I winced at the pain, but I wasn't going to lose, especially to her.

"If you want Kyungsoo so bad, then why won't you get him? I don't think he'll give a flip so go for it." I plainly said. "I bet you're too scared that he'll reject you in front do the whole school!"

She raised her fist.

I waited for the blow, but, instead, I heard a voice.

I opened my eyes to see my best friend, Luhan. "Watch watcha doin' ugly." He then let go of his grip on Hyerin's wrist, which was now red.

"What?! Oppa, she was trying to hurt me Lulu deer!" she faked a cry.

I scoffed.

"Like I'll believe someone as hideous as you." Luhan chuckled.

"Hmph." Hyerin grunted and stomped away.

"Are you okay, bestie?" he raised his hand towards my cheek.

"Yeeah. Let's go." I started walking beside Luhan.


"So what's up with life?" he asked me.

"It's good. Just that Kyungsoo is being a perve and all." I laughed.

I saw him chuckle. "Well, if you decide to leave him, I'll be here." He smiled.

"Yeeah, don't worry about it. He won't even let me leave him. Yet, he seems like he just wants to get rid of me." I scoffed.

"Well, you see, Kyungsoo doesn't show much feelings for his girlfriends at first, but he then warms up after a year or so. I know that he loves you dearly." He flashed a genuine smile.

"Really? Cause all he showed me was ignorance and pervy-ness."

"Oh! We reached your house, Skye!" Luhan said.

I gave a long hug and a peck on his cheek. I actually feel a lot more confidence about Kyungsoo's love for me, although I feel like he still treats me like a peasant. Oh well. Life is full of mistakes right? And staying with Kyungsoo is one of them.

"Byee!~ See you at school! Annyeong Luhan oppa!"

I walked into my house, finding Kyungsoo in the kitchen. Man, this guy could become a chef one day. Or he could be that kind of husband who does house chores for you. Hahahahaha! That's funny. Me. And him. Married. What a joke.

I walked in my room, flopping onto my bed. I scrolled down my feed, liking photos on Instagram. Soon enough, I got bored and fell asleep.


Heyy! Ik that this chapter is really boring and all. Cuz I sorta ran out of interesting ideas.. buuuuuuut. This story will still continue. Just that I'll probably update less. This chapter will probably just be a filler chapter. Yeeaahh ~


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