Found and Restarted

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-Skye's POV-

For this whole week, we've been searching for Luhan. Unfortunately, there were no results.


Oh! I remembered Luhan telling me about some kid who used to bully him because they were jealous of someone he liked..

-Luhan's POV-

I winced as the bat got my leg, although my body had already been numb for a few days now.

A young lady appeared in front of me as the men finished my beating, the third time today.

She had a slim figure. Her face was caked with atleast five pounds of make up, her high heels were four inches tall, and her crop top and shorts were very revealing. Eww, she's ugly as f.

"Ahh. I hope you don't want to see Skye hurt, eh? Which means that you'll be taking all of my revenge. Who knows? You might have coma or die after all of these beatings." She cackled wickedly.

"If this will protect Skye, I'll do anything." I smirked.

She chuckled. "By all means." She signaled the men to continue their job.

As soon as I knew it, a bat had already hit my head.. and everything turned pitch black.

-Skye's POV-

"C'mon guys! Hurry! He might be unconscious right now!" I cried and screamed at the same time.

My best friend was being tortured right now. What else can I do?

After a couple seconds of running, we reached her house. Without control over my actions, I had already token the door, revealing a girl, four men with bats, and an abused Luhan.

"Luhan!" I ran towards him and hugged him. "Don't leave me, best friend.." I sobbed.

"Skye..?" he asked weakly, his hand reaching towards my cheek and wiping my tears. "Baby don't cry.." he sang softly.

I heard punchings and slaps around me. It must be Kyungsoo and everyone else fighting against the buff men.

Suddenly, someone tugged on my hair. I looked up to see a girl with makeup blanketing her face.

"Hahaha! You deserve it! Kyungsoo was supposed to be mine, cry baby!" she frowned.


I winced at the pain.

"You don't deserve him, you peasant! You had to ruin our time together at your house!"

She raised her hand for another slap.

I waited for a few seconds but didn't feel the pain. Slowly, my eyes opened, seeing Kyungsoo, piercing his nails into her skin.

I smirked and stood up, facing her. "You can't say I don't deserve him just because you want him. Actually, you're the one who shouldn't even try getting him!" I screamed and slapped her. "Oh, and don't do anymore than this or I'll be turning real feisty and violent." I turned to my friends. "Guys, can you help Luhan to the hospital? I'll be there with Kyungsoo soon."

"Okay." The hurriedly picked up Luhan and left.

"So, let's continue our business, shall we?" I tilted my head, turning to her.

Kyungsoo laughed.

"First of all, he wouldn't even accept you. Second, you didn't have to hurt my best friend to get him because Luhan is Kyungsoo's best friend to, ya know. Third, you're probably too smokin.." I paused. "Too smokin' ugly for these oppas." I smirked.

Her face fumed red, causing her to pull away from Kyungsoo's grasp and stomp away.

As soon as she left, Kyungsoo and I cracked up.

"High five!" he raised up his hand.

I smiled and returned the high five.

He suddenly pulled me into a hug. "Saranghae, jagi."

Woah. When was he ever sweet?

"Nado saranghae, Kyungsoo."


*after a few weeks*

"Yaah! Luhan! Throw the football!" I yelled across the park.

"Hold up!" he said, positioning the football and throwing it.

As expected, I caught the spiral.

"Skye-ah! Can we talk?" I looked to my left, seeing Hyerin.

"Uhh. Sure." I threw the ball back to Luhan. "Wait up."

"Yes?" I turned to Hyerin.

"Umm.. Well, I just wanted to say sorry for making my brothers torturing your best friend, Luhan.. and sorry for everything else.. I feel really guilty about this and.. I want our relationship to start over. Can we?" she flashed a sincere smile.

"Sure! So how do we start?.. I'm Skye and you..?"

"I'm Hyerin! Nice to meet you!" We shook hands.

"Oh! And by the way.. I think I like Luhan.." Hyerin confessed.

-Narrator's POV-

From that day on, Hyerin and Skye became the best of friends. And soon, Hyerin finds her love for Luhan..

On the other hand, Kyungsoo and Skye are quarreling over the littlest things as usual.

And as for Jungkook, he became part of a band under Big Hit Ent., Bangtan Boys, also known as BTS.

As years passed, the Kyungskye and Hyehan/ Lurin couples got married. And what happens next?

Who knows?

It will remain a mystery.

It is what it is.


[A/N: yay! so this story is finished! I might decide to delete it later on or nahh. Hope you guys like it! Idek wuut else to put. LOL byeee~]

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