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-Skye's POV-

He totes, for sure, lost his cool.

Kyungsoo grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the brick wall.

"Hey! Let me go! Do Kyungsoo! Stop whaa-?"

He put his face centimeters away from mine.

"Be quiet, can't you?!" he whispered forcefully.

"Well, why should I?"

"Touché. Anyways, why'd you do that?!"

"Aish, I think I felt spit on my face." I joked and attempted to make him loosen his grip.

Unfortunately, he did the opposite.

"I said, why'd you do that?" he asked again.

"Do what?" I teased.

"Kiss Jonghyun, you peasant!"

"Gosh, why do you care?" I rolled my eyes. "So your saying that.."

"I'm what."

"You're jealous!" I broke into laughter.

I could tell that he was furious.

"... Aish! Why do you have to be.."

"Right." I completely his sentence for him.

Oooouuuu. Since he 'admitted' that he liked me I should tease him.

"Ya know, Jonghyun really is my boyfriend. He saved me from a drunk man."


He turned and started walking away from me.

"Yaah! Why so down?" I started following him.

"Nothing." He answered almost immediately.

"Aigoo, why can't you say the truth already?" I smirked. "You know you wanna let me know." I cupped one ear.

"Stop it already Skye! You're just trying to piss me off, aren't you?"

I tried using aegyo.

"But Kyungie-ah, I'm just teasing you." I puffed out my cheeks.

His eyes widened, probably amazed how well my aegyo worked.

"..Fine... peasant." He smirked.

"Aish! Do I really look like a peasant to you? If I do, then that must mean you really like ugly girls." I then stomped off.

After a few minutes, I felt an arm on my shoulder and forced me to face him.

I almost screamed.

Lucky for him, he prevented my scream by placing his lips on mine.

I tried pushing him away, but he quickly hugged me.

By now, my face was pushed into his chest. He smelled very familiar..

"Skye.. I got jealous of you kissing Jonghyun, okay? It's because.. because.. I-I.. ilikeyou.. Wait no.. I love you."

I looked up to see Kyungsoo about to break down.

I burst into laughter.

"Your face though!" I laughed.

He then leaned in again, since I wasn't aware of him. So, pretty much, that was a considered as a 'surprise'.

"Aishh! Get your filthy lips off of mine pervert!"

He plainly smirked.

"So is it a yes or a no?"

"What is a yes or a no?" I asked.





".. I made you say yes.." he smirked.

My eyes widened as big as his.

I started punching his arm. "Yaah! Kyungsoo! Curse you!!"

I was busy trying to hurt him, when he pulled me into a hug.

"Lemme go!"

"No.. jagiya." I felt him smirk.

"Aishh! I ain't nobody's jagiya you doofus! Now let me go!"

"What's the magic word?" he asked.

"Uhh.. Please?"


"Uhh.. thank you?"

"No. I'll give you a hint." I swear, I saw his eyes flash. "It starts with a 'j' and you're supposed to call me that." he smirked.

"Jagiya?" I said without thinking.

Wait wuuuuut?! He made me.. call him.. jagi! Curse you Do Kyungsoo!

He then let me go and gave me a smirk.

Dream on Kyungsoo.. Dream on.

I came in the house and my mom seemed very hyper.

"Oh my gosh Skye, dear! He's your boyfriend! Congrats! Let us meet him soon!"

"Whaa--? I never agreed to him!"

"I saw you guys hugging." She giggled.

"Aish, mom. He forced me, okay?"

I started walking to my room.

'10:00' the clock read.

I decided to sleep after my so-called 'first kiss'.

I wanted to wake up, not remembering anything about that idiot.

In a matter of fact, I fell asleep in five minutes, touching my lips.

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