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-Skye's POV-

It was Monday.



As expected, Kyungsoo was standing in front of the door, outside, of course.

"Good morning peasant."

Ahhh, so everything was back to normal.

"Waddup D.O." I responded.

"It's Kyungsoo." he corrected.


We kept quarreling until we reached the classroom. Luckily, he didn't sit next to me, so I didn't have to worry about him bothering me.

As always, class took forever.


Ugh. It was only second period.

As I walked outside the classroom, I encountered a group or girls.

"Hey! Transfer student! Don't you DARE get near my Krease!"

They started to pull my hair and push me to the floor. I felt pain striking through my body as three of the girls kicked my sides. Soon enough, someone stomped on my hand. Then, another girl took out a bottle of pills.

"This will finish her."

They all started cackling.

"And don't even try to flirt with my Kyungsoo! Cause he belongs to me! But your gonna die anyways." A girl added.

I cried in pain as they tried shoving the pills in my mouth.

Suddenly, I heard screams.

Those screams were either fangirling or they were scared.

"Get away uglies!" I heard a familiar voice.. Kyungsoo.

I turned my head to see girls crying because he called them ugly. I forced a smirk as he made his way towards me.

"Skye! Are you okay?" He asked with a serious tone.

I heard girls crying and saying negative things like "Why does he care?" and "Maybe she was so desparate that he felt pity! Haha!"

I felt tears in my eyes as my smirk stayed on.

I ignored Kyungsoo's question.

"Yaah, I guess I was so desparate. I'll just go home then." I chuckled.

I attempted standing up, but I almost fell. Instead, Kyungsoo caught me.

"Jagi, you could barely walk. Here."

I heard gasps behind him. Maybe because he called me 'jagi'? I don't know and I don't care.

He picked me up, bridal style, as he walked to the office.

I was too injured and tired to fight against him.

"Mr. Principal, may I escort Skye home? She was severely bullied by Hyerin and her gang."

The principal nodded his head in approval and started writing something in his notepad.


I fell asleep in his car.


When I woke up, I found myself on a bed that wasn't mine. I turned to see Kyungsoo. Half naked.

I screamed.

"Aish! What was that for?" he rubbed his ears.

I found myself staring at his chest.

"Am I perfect yet?"

I snapped back to reality.

"Not even close." I rolled my eyes.

I tried to get up, but my body was too sore.

"Where are you going peasant?" he smirked.

"Out of this house, duuuuhhh." I attempted to push myself up again, but I ended up collapsing on the bed.

Aishh! Why won't my body cooperate?!

When I was busy complaining on how I couldn't get up, Kyungsoo picked me up.

"Yahh! Kyungsoo! Where are you going?!" I squirmed in his arms.

He plainly smirked.

Ugh. At least they're getting less annoying.. I guess.


Minutes later, I was on the couch. In MY house.

"Thank you Kyungsoo, dear. You two make a cute couple indeed! Thank you for helping Skye." My mom said.

"You're welcome Mrs. and Mr. Kim. Hope you have a wonderful day!" Kyungsoo grinned and left.

My mom then turned to me.

"Skye, congrats! He's such a wonderful boyfriend!"

"Aish, mommy. He's just some random guy who calls me jagi and peasant." I rolled my eyes.

"Dear, he is sooo handsome for such a young man! I'll make sure you two get married!"

Whhhhaaa--? MARRIED?! JUST NO.

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