Hyerin the Flirt

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-Skye's POV-

"Yaaaaahh!!" I screamed, after seeing my own hands on Kyungsoo's bare chest.

I was about to push myself off the bed and land on the cold, wooden floor, but he suddenly grabbed me before I could get hurt.

"Yah, what are YOU doing?" he probably just woke up.

".. Nothing." I didn't wanna tell him that I freaked our because we made skin ship. That's just.. I don't even know.

"Hmph." He smirked.

Just stop with those smirks Kyungsoo! They're getting less annoying.. I guess.

We were still lying down, facing each other, by the way.

He then got up.

I found myself looking at him.

"Ayee, am I too perfect for you to avoid?" he smirked.

"No. Why would I? Maybe it's cause you are too ugly." I snickered as I propped my head up with my arm.

He got off the bed and walked out the door.

What's wrong with him, huh?

He suddenly walked out like I wasn't even there.

Whatever. He's just being his jerky self.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

I walked out of the room.

Let my revenge start.. Hehe..

I picked up my phone.

"Hey Hyerin.. Uhh wanna come over at Skye's house today? Her mom asked me to take care of her while she's off to work, so it's just us two."

I know that Hyerin doesn't like Skye, so Hyerin will try to flirt with me in front of her. Hopefully, this will make Skye jealous. Plain, sweet revenge.

"Okay! Lemme get ready and I'll drive there!" Hyerin answered excitedly.

"Okay, bye!~" I quickly ended the call before Skye could find out.

-Skye's POV-

I can't believe I'm still in my room.

And it's been like, twenty minutes.

Yaah, think Skye! Logic! No, duhhr.

I decided to take a shower.

"Hey Hyerin.. Uhh wanna come over at Skye's house today?..." I heard Kyungsoo talking on his phone.

Eh. Who's Hyerin? Oh well, I'll ask him later.


I walked into the shower.


The warm water sizzled on my skin as the shower head forced it out.

My stress was suddenly released.


I wrapped a towel around my body as I walked toward my room.


I put on a white graphic tee of a daisy and a black, leather skirt with daisies all over it.

I walked outside, finding a girl sitting on a couch facing Kyungsoo.

They apparently didn't notice me because they kept talking like I wasn't there.

As I walked to the kitchen, I noticed her flirting with him.

"Kyungi-ah~ let's take a selca!" the girl suggested.

"Come here then Hyerin." Kyungsoo smirked.

She suddenly sat on him and took a picture.

I grabbed a glass of orange juice and turned to see her facing and sitting on his lap, her forehead in contact with his.

"Kyungie oppa~"

He was holding onto her waist like I wasn't there.

"Never knew you wanted a break up." I smirked, turning back to my drink.

Hyerin's eyes widened.

"You.. you dated her this whole time?!" she asked in bewilderment.

"No.. She's just kidding." He lied.

"Pshhh. He was the one who actually forced me into going out with him."

She ignored my comment.

"She's just lying, isn't she oppa?~"

"Yes.. Hyerin."

"Oppa~ you can feel free to call me jagi."

"Hyerin will be fine for now."

Her face fumed.

"But oppa~" she attempted aegyo.

I cracked up.

She gave me a death stare.

I didn't stop. Instead, I informed her about her aegyo.

"First of all, your aegyo obviously didn't work. Second, Kyungsoo doesn't get taken advantage of by aegyo. I tried that before. And third, it's true that he is dating me. He actually forced me into it. And he got jealous just because I was joking about dating Jonghyun." I said plainly.

"Kyungie-ah~ The past is the past, right? And now, it's all about us." She leaned in closer.

"Eww. He has filthy lips ya know." I joked.

"Do you think a give a flip?" she asked with an attitude.

"Hyerin.. maybe another day.." Kyungsoo was probably trying to play safe.

"Awww.. Oppa~ I want my kiss. My first kiss."

"I already got my first kiss."

"Ehem. With me. Ehem."


"Another time." He said, straight forward.

I almost cracked up again, but I kept my cool.

Soon, she left.

I smirked at him.

"Why didn't you give her a kiss, big boy?"

"Why should I?" he smirked.

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