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-Skye's POV-

I woke up feeling cheerful.

Was it because of Luhan's text?

Or naaahh.

Oh, and today is Thursday.

I texted Chanyeol if he wanted to walk with me to school.


"Skye, honey, someone's here." My mom said.

"Okay mom! Wait a second!"

Oh! It's must be Chanyeol!

I ran downstairs, finding someone who I least expected.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

'Hey D.O.'

'Wasup Chanyeol.'

'Skye just asked me if she wanted me to walk with her.'

Huh?! Whaaaaa-? Why Chanyeol?!


'You jelly? hehe. Anyways, I was gonna say no anyways. Luhan was gonna carpool with me to school.'

'Oh. Bye.'

*end of text*


I walked up to Skye's door and pressed the doorbell.

"Hello, honey. Are you waiting for Skye?" her mom asked.

I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you Mrs. Kim.'

[Author : her last name is Kim btw .]


-Skye's POV-

My mouth parted.

Why. Is. Do. Kyungsoo. Here.


I checked my phone

'Sorry! I'm going with Luhan! Sorry!' Chanyeol's text said.


No wonder.

"Oh. You." I muttered.

"Skye, dear! Don't be like that! he was kind enough to pick you up!" My mom said ecstatically.

Kyungsoo smirked.

"Whatever." I mumbled.


When my mom closed the door, we started walking.

"Hey. Why are you ignoring me lady?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Why do you ask? I thought you hated me. So pretty much, if you hate me, you don't want me to talk to you. And it have a name; it's not 'lady' by the way."


"Hey. Why are you ignoring me peasant?" he broke the silence.

"Huh? Oh. Because you hate me and I hate you so pretty much, you want me to ignore you. Duhhh."

"It's quite the opposite." He said plainly.

"Huh?" What'd he mean?

"Nothing." He smirked.

"Tell me doofus!" I yelled.

He grabbed my wrist and pushed me against a wall.

And man, did it hurt like hey.

[Author : my friend says 'what the hey' so 'hey' will replace that one word. Lol Get it ? or nahhh. ]

His face was an inch away from mine.

My cheeks flared red.

I felt his hot breath against my skin.

It was gross.

However, I felt my heart flutter.

"I don't have to tell you if I don't want to. And it's Kyungsoo. You peasant."

He then let go.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? Pissing me off and then threatening me by putting your ugly face just an inch away from mine?! Ugh. I hate you sooo much D.O! Aha! I don't have to call you Kyungsoo cause I'm freeeee!~"

I started running.


Soon, he caught up with me.

He then grabbed my wrist, which was already red and throbbing from earlier.

I attempted to grab my arm away but his grip tightened.

As we reached the school, I felt glares.

The environment was intense; it was full of jealousy.

I took a peek at Kyungsoo and saw him smirking.

Aisshh! Why did I ever let him walk with me?!


We walked into the class.

Hand in hand.

I looked at Luhan so he could save me.

But he didn't.

-Luhan's POV-


Hold up!

Is that..


It's can be..

Is that..?

Kyungsoo and Skye?!

I thought they hated each other's guts!


Isn't that supposed to be my hand she's holding?

And yes.

I.. have develop feelings for her.

And she walks in with Kyungsoo.

I was looking down until Skye cleared her throat. I looked up to see her face.

It said 'Help me!! Get Kyungsoo away from me!'

Although I got the message, I was frozen. I was too shocked of this Skysoo or Kyungskye thing. I mean..


I guess there's a thing called fate.

In which it interferes with love.

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