Feed Me

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-Skye's POV-

"Skye?" the blonde figure asked.

"Jong.. Jonghyun?!" I smiled as I ran towards him and gave him a teddy bear hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How's Kyungsoo doing?" Jonghyun asked.

"Ugh. Him. He's being a byuntae." I quietly continued my story about him slapping my butt.

"Ahahahahaha!" Jonghyun cracked up.

I punched his arm. "It's not funny."

"If it's not funny, then why am I laughing?" he smirked.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

Soon, I got my order and bid farewell to Jonghyun.


As soon as I reached my house, I opened the door, seeing Kyungsoo on the couch.

I ignored him as I walked into the kitchen and placed the tacos and drinks down.

I started eating my Doritos Locos Tacos, enjoying the burst of spiciness of the taco shell.

Suddenly, I felt Kyungsoo's muscular arms around my waist, just like before.

"Get off son of a baby." I muttered.

"Whatever." He didn't let go.

I continued eating my taco as if he wasn't there.


"Aah." I looked to my side to see Kyungsoo opening his mouth so I could feed him.

"Feed yourself. You're a man, after all." I smirked.

"Hmph. Lil' Ms. Attitude playing hard to get, eh?" I could feel him smirking.

"Barely even." I scoffed.

"What's the point of having a jagi, then?"

"I know right. Let's just have a break up!" I said sarcastically, yet ecstatically at the same time.

"You really want to break up, huh?" he smirked.

"Suree.." I wasn't sure, actually.

"Whatever." He then left me.


I woke up, seeing that Kyungsoo wasn't there. He probably was never there.

I checked my phone, noticing that it was Monday again. Ughhh. School. Lamest thing ever.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Kyungsoo cooking something.

I sat down on the couch, waiting for him to finish my meal.


"Here, peasant."

So pretty much, he acts all perverty, yet, he is still mean. Doofus.

"Gee, thanks, Mr. Lamest Guy Ever."

He grabbed my wrist, squeezing it.

I whined. "Get off of me."

"What's the magic word?" he smirked.

"Ugh. Jagi." I rolled my eyes.

He then let go and walked out the door with his backpack.

"Hey! Wait up!" I hurriedly grabbed my stuff and ran out the door.

"So now you want me?" he made his flirty face.

"No, I just want company when I walk to school." I answered back, determined not to back down.

"Pshh, you know you want me." He said in a creepy voice.

"Ahhhhhh! Creepsoo! Watch out!" I screamed and ran away from him.

After a minute or so, I got tired and slowed down. I turned around to see no one.

"Good." I mumbled.

Phew. He wasn't here anymore.

"Looking for me?" that voice sent a shiver down my spine.

I slowly turned my head to see the own and only, the byuntae, the Creepsoo of the land, MR. KYUNGSOO!

I almost got a heart attack.

"Aish!! You byuntae! Leave me alone!" I ran to the school and into my classroom.



I quickly gathered my belongings and walked towards my locker.

"Wasup beautiful." A husky voice greeted me.

I didn't dare turn and see who it was.

He then slapped my butt.

I moved my head to see Kyungsoo.

"Yaah! Byuntae alert!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention.

Kyungsoo quickly covered my mouth with his hands. I tried saying "Leave the world alone, Creepsoo! You byuntae!" but it sounded more like "leaf meh ah lon crepe sue! ooh byuntae!"

He flashed a smile at the crowd and quickly hid himself.

"What was that for?!" he forcefully asked me.

"Well, that's what you get!" I said like a kid.

"And you know what?"

"Chicken butt." I plainly said.


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