In Trouble

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-Skye's POV-

I woke up to the ring of my alarm clock.

It's was frickin Tuesday.

When will Friday come??

Ugh. I took my time getting ready, but I was still on time when I left the house.

"Wasup loser."

I turned to see Kyungsoo.

I have him the death stare.

"Well hello person." I sarcastically said.

"Hmph." He smirked.

I kept walking and fastened my pace to get away from him, but he caught up with me.

"Trying to escape me, huh?" he asked.

"Sure. Like you care if I got lost anyways." I replied.

He only smirked.

"Can you not? That little smirk of yours is so frickin annoying!" I yelled at him.

He didn't remove his smirk.

"Well fu then." I said and started running.

After a minute or so, I got tired. I looked behind me and saw Kyungsoo right behind me.

"D.O. Just leave me alone." I said plainly.

"Hmph. Whatever. And it's Kyungsoo, not D.O." He started heading another way.

"Okay then D.O." I smirked, and yes, mine are less annoying.

All I could see was his back now. Whatever. I kept walking towards the school.


As I walked up the stairs, I saw a group of girls that seemed to be waiting for me.

"Hey." I smiled at them.

They smiled back with angelic, innocent faces.

Then, one of them put her leg out, making me trip. I dropped my books and before I could pick them up, one of the girls stepped on them.

"Hey! Get off!" I said.

"Hmph. Stay away from our princes then."

"Huh? What princes?" I asked.

"Aha. Ya know, Kris and his gang." Her eyes sparkled when she said Kris' name.

"Uhh.. Okay I guess.." I quickly grabbed my books and left.


"Hey Skye!"

I turned to see Lay.

"Wasup?" I smiled.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

He must've seen the scratches on my knees.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."

I didn't want any of them to worry about me.



Yes! The school day ended!

I quickly gathered my belongings from my locker and happily walked home.

As soon as I reached my house, I saw Luhan, along with Chanyeol.

"Hey Skye!" Chanyeol chirped.

"Hii Skye!" Luhan said.

"Wasup guys? Watcha doing here?" I asked.

"Well.. we were gonna ask you to come to the park with us!" Chanyeol repsonded.

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