Mr. Idiot

379 7 1

-Kyungsoo's POV-

Ahhhh. Friday.

I walked downstairs to eat breakfast. I ended up eating a poptart.


I quickly stuffed my backpack with my books and supplies.


Whaa-? I'm almost late!

I ran to Skye's house, clicking on thee doorbell.

"I'm sorry dear, but Skye had already left." Her mom said.

"Oh.. okay. Have a good day Mrs. Kim!"

I started running.

"Skye!" I yelled as I saw her walking towards the school. "Wait up!"

She turned around and stopped.

"Why should I?" she then quickly started walking again.

I was about ten feet away from her.

"Hold up Skye!"

"Ugh.. Can't you be a man and walk by yourself?" she muttered.

"I heard that peasant!" I yelled.

"Do you think I give a flip?!" she almost screamed.

"Aishh! My ears!" I complained.


Soon, we reached the school.

Luhan came up to us and took Skye away from me.

"Hey Kyungsoo! Waddup, Skye?" Luhan greeted us.

"Luhan oppa!" Skye ran and have Luhan a hug.

Her back was facing me but Luhan was still looking at me.

With a smirk plastered on his face.

I plainly rolled my eyes.

I walked to class. By myself.

-Skye's POV-

Yaah! Luhan saved me from the douchebag!

We walked to class together.

As I took a step, I saw Kyungsoo sitting in my seat.

"Yaah! Get off you dirty Kyungsoo!" I complained.

"Nahh. I'll stay here." He smirked.

I got pissed by his smirk right there.

"Huh? What did you just say mista?! This is MY seat, not yours, so get the frick out!" I pointed to his seat.

All he did was smirked.

Ugh! This guy is really getting in my nerves!

I grabbed the collar of his shirt forcefully.

"I said. Get. The. Frick. Off. Of. My. Chair." I demanded.

He then pulled me down, making me sit on his lap.

My cheeks flushed.

"Yaah! Let me go D.O!" I yelled.

He was lucky the teacher was late.

"Nahh. It's alright." He smirked.

He had his hands wrapped around my waist. I tried to flee but he wouldn't let me.

He then pulled me closer.

"You like it here, don't you?" he asked mischievously.

My eyes widened.

"Whaaa-?? Never! You flippin wish! Go find someone who would actually like you! Aishh! Die already!"

I struggled to get myself out of his arms.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

The principal came in.

"Skye? Kyungsoo? What's happening?!" he had a shocked expression on his face.

"He was harassing me!" I pointed at Kyungsoo.

"What?! No, she wanted to be my jagiya so she tried to flirt with me. That's how she got on my lap." He smirked.

"Whaa-? Wait. Hold up. I NEVER WANTED TO BE YOUR FRICKIN JAGIYA. Why would I even wanna flirt with you, a frickin douchebag?"

I held up my hand to slap him, but Kris stopped me before I could. I gave him a look so that he would let go, but he didn't.


"Stop this nonsense already!" he pointed at us. "Come to my office."

Uh oh..


"So who's story is true?" he asked us.

We both pointed at ourselves.

"Mine." We said in unison.

The principal looked at me.

"Skye, from your records, you have never had detention before or any suspensions. I've also heard that you have never been in a relationship before."

I nodded.

How'd he know all of this?!

He then looked at Kyungsoo.

"And for you, mister, you have had a reputation for flirting with girls. So we already know that Kyungsoo's story was plainly made up."

Kyungsoo smirked.

I flashed a smile at him.

"Thank you mister."

"Now you two go back to class." He nodded.



Kyungsoo got in trouble!

Not me.

I risked my scholarship right there!


I layed on my bed.

I then quickly fell asleep.


Kyungsoo texted me.

'Ily bby~'


'Let's have a nickname contest. Well list nicknames for each other.'

'Bring it on. You start.'





What's with this guy?!




'Frickin annoying guy.'


What da fu---?!

'The guy I hate.'


I'm creeped out now.

'Mr. Idiot.'

'Umm.. I don't have anything else.

Well, I do, but I guess you win!'

*end of dream*

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