The Old Bestie

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-Skye's POV-

I woke up, remembering about Kyungsoo and Hyerin.

Well, what the frick.

I guess he wants to end the relationship already.

That idiot.

When I'm in the process of falling for him, he decides to rub it on me.

To be honest, yes. I'm starting to actually like him. Surprise. Huh.

I sorta knew that it was gonna happen.

Aha! And if he breaks it, okay; do it already.

I can find Jonghyun again. Hehe..

I put on a pair of mint colored jeans, a white tank top, and a black bow to finish off my outfit.

Before I put the now in place, I styled my hair into a bun, placing my bow on the back of it.

As I walked out the door, I noticed Hyerin and Kyungsoo together again.

"Oh, and Kyungsoo. If you want it to be over, just say it already. Cause if you wanna, I can still be with Jonghyun." I smirked before shutting the door.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

My face turned red.

I.. I don't want our relationship to end.

I'm just using Hyerin to test if you like me or not.

And that Jonghyun! Curse that guy for coming into my jagi's life!

"Oppa~ Want a present?" Hyerin asked.

"No. Keep it to yourself. It must've costed a lot." I said plainly.

"Oppaaa~ Waeee?~ I didn't have to buy anything~" she replied.

"It's okay. Keep it. I don't want it."

-Hyerin's POV-

"It's okay. Keep it. I don't want it." Kyungsoo oppa said.

Does he not like me?

Oppa, I love you though!

Is it because of that Skye?

She's such a filthy, nerdy peasant. No wonder why she got a scholarship. She couldn't even pay to get into our school.

I brushed off the thought of Skye and walked towards him.

"Oppa~ wanna go out?" I asked.

"No. You can go home now." He said without enthusiasm.


"Just go. I don't like you. Never did."

I burst into tears as I ran out the house.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

Ugh. Skye.

Why are you trying to ruin my day?

Saying indirectly that it should be over.

I wanted Hyerin out of the house already. So obviously, I yelled at her.

Let's make Skye jealous with someone else.

"Hey.. Ash, wanna come over at my house? It's 1736 Overdose Rd. Uh huh. Okay, thanks! Bye!"

[Author: the address was made up, as you can see/ tell]

Five minutes later, she came in with Skye.

"Kyungsoo! Meet my best friend!" Skye introduced Ash, but I already know her.

"Uhh.. about that.. I already know her."


"Yeeah. We attended the same elementary school." Ash said.

"How come I never knew about this?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"It's because we don't make contact anymore, so we couldn't talk about life and stuff, yet we still have each other's numbers." She, Ash, replied.


I actually stayed in the conversation since my best friend was here.

I noticed Kyungsoo trying to flirt with her, but I didn't really care anymore.

Soon, Ash suggested girly talk between her and me ONLY.

We decided to go inside my room.

"Hey, Skye. Why are you at his house?"

"What?! This is my house! Don't you remember?"

"Oh yeah.. huh. Kyungsoo! You liar!" She cursed.

"You know what?"

"What?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Chicken butt."

"Hey!" she lightly punched my arm.

"I'm just kidding! And sooo.."

"So what?"

"I'm going out with Kyungsoo."

Her eyes widened. Probably even bigger than Kyungsoo's eyes.

"Wait whaaaaa-?" I covered her mouth before she can say anything else.

"Okay. Hold up. How did it happen?" she asked.

"Soo..." I told her the story about the day I met Jonghyun and Kyungsoo getting jealous.

"Ohh.. hehe.."

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, dear best friend." She smirked.

"Yaah! Tell me Ash!" I started hitting her.

"Fine, fine. So I was planning to ask Kyungsoo how much he loves you."

"Wait whaaaat?! I bet he doesn't even love me one bit. He probably is just using me." I responded to her plan.

She still had that smirk plastered on her face.

"Let's see."

Uh oh.

I attempted to keep her inside my room before she causes any trouble but I fell, face on the floor, instead.

Ugh! What are best friends for?

I heard her talking to him.

Can I die in a hole now?

I ended up staying in my room sleeping on my bed. Well, not really sleeping. I was actually just laying there, staring at my blank wall.

"Skye!" Ash crashed into my room.

"Whaat." I said tiredly.

"He said that.."

"He doesn't.."

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