Cheating or Nahh

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-Skye's POV-

I woke up feeling a bit unconscious about Luhan. I decided to let it slide. It probably didn't mean anything. He's just my best friend, right? And nothing's gonna be wrong.

As I stepped out my door, I saw a bouquet of flowers, only inches from my face.

"Aishh!" I yelled.

"Hehe.. Wasup peasant."

"Kyungsoo.." I glared at the roses, pretending that it was him. "D.O, leave me alone. And why'd you bring flowers for? And why are you standing in my way, in front of my door outside my room in my house?" I placed my right hand on my hip.

"You really don't know? Hahaha! Peasant, it's our one week anniversary." He chuckled, showing off his heart shaped smile.

I smirked.

"Ya think I really care? You were the one who forced me into it doofus! You really expect it to be real? Hahahahaha! No." I blurted.

His face darkened for a split second as he flashed a smirk.

I have a feeling that he was hurting inside.

"I guess these won't be for you then." He smirked and left.

I rolled my eyes.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

I guess she doesn't want the flowers then. I smirked.


As I walked out the door, I tossed the flowers in a trash can.

Nice going, Kyungsoo.


She'll miss me and want me back after my new plan.. if plan A doesn't work.. there's always plan B..

-Skye's POV-

I tied my hair up in a messy ponytail as I walked out the bathroom.

I totally forgot about the Kyungsoo thing until I walked out seeing the bouquet of flowers in the trash.

I quickly took then out and admired them. It must've taken some time to pick a beautiful bouquet like this.

I then placed them on the porch and walked to school.

"Heyy! Skye! Wait up!" I heard someone tell behind me.

"Oh, hey Luhan!"


We walked to the school together.

I guess we took our time.

And the bell rang when we were walking up the stairs to the entrance of the school.

I looked at him, and he took my hand as we ran to our classroom.

Luckily, we were in the same class, so we could just walk together.

-Luhan's POV-

I couldn't hold it anymore.

Her warmth on my hand was comforting. And she even let me hold her hand. Although Kyungsoo was her boyfriend.

I was already holding onto her wrist, so I pushed her softly against the wall.

From the looks of her face, she seemed shocked.

"Skye-ah.. I want to tell you something.." I started.

"Yes, Luhan-oppa?" She raised an eyebrow.

Oppa.. oppa.. aiishh! Skye, stop making me fall hard for you!

"I.. I.. I love you Skye-ah~" I added a little charm to Skye's name.

-Skye's POV-

Omo. Did he really just do that? Even when I already have a boyfriend?

Wait. Since Kyungsoo thee away the flowers, does that mean that he dumped me?

Luhan was really cute when he confessed though.. So as a reward..

I leaned up and stared into his eyes.

"I love you too, but I already have a boyfriend Luhan oppa."

I closed my eyes as I pressed my lips against his.

As I pulled away, I noticed his arms wrapped around my waist.

He then layed his forehead on mine.

"If he ever leaves you, I'll be here jagi."

I giggled. "You can't call me jagi yet, oppa."

"Yes I can. Especially if I have a feeling that we might end up together."

How about Kyungsoo?

Wait. Why'd I get a weird feeling? Did I have a feeling that I'd be with Kyungsoo instead?

Oh well.

I kissed his cute, button nose and grabbed his hand as we walked to class.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

Aish. Where is the peasant?

"Mrs. Choi, may I get a drink of water?" I raised my hand and asked the teacher for permission.

"Yes, Kyungsoo. Now hurry." She replied.

As I took a step outside, I noticed two figures appeared to be kissing. They probably didn't notice me.

I quickly hid behind a trash can.

"If he ever leaves you, I'll be here jagi."

A girl then giggled. "You can't call me jagi yet, oppa."

They sound.. quite familiar.


Was that..?!

Skye and Luhan?!

How dare she kiss him?!

How..?! How.?! How..?!

My face was probably really red by now, but I didn't care.

Skye.. cheating on me..

Did I really sign up for dating a player?

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