Skysoo or Skyhan ?

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-Skye's POV-

I got a text from Luhan.

'Let meet up at the bubble tea shop after school bestie!'

'Okay! I'll treat you if you do aegyo for me!' I replied.

'..Fine. Only because I want my free bubble tea.'


As I reached Overdose High, I noticed people glaring at me.

And that meant something bad.

I turned around to see nothing.

It must be yesterday when Kyungsoo called me 'jagi'.


As soon as the day ended, I rushed over to Luhan's locker and waited for him. In a couple of minutes, he appeared with a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Hello Skye." He greeted.

"Ayee bestie~" I smiled.

"Hold up. Lemme get my backpack first. Then we'll head to the bubble tea shop."

"Okay." I replied.

When I waited for Luhan to get his stuff, which probably took five minutes, I noticed a dark figure heading towards us. As the shadow made its way towards us, I noticed that it was Kyungsoo.

-Luhan's POV-

Aishh! Where is my money?! She must be thinking that I'm taking five ever! I promised to use my aegyo for her, but it'll be my treat. I used my peripheral vision to see some own approach her. It must be one of our friends.

Yes! I found my wallet!

"Peasant, why are you with Luhan hyung?"

That voice sounded like..

"We're having a bubble tea shop date. Douchebag." I heard Skye say.

I turned to see Kyungsoo.

"Aye! Waddup Kyungsoo! And don't call Skye a 'peasant'."

Kyungsoo smirked.

"She's my jagi. I can call her anything I want."


Hold up.



-Skye's POV-

"She's my jagi. I can call her anything I want." Kyungsoo smirked.

My eyebrows scrunched as I punched his arm. Yet, he still had that smirk plastered on his face.

"You can't call me whatever you want, doofus." I said.

We continued to quarrel for a few minutes, ignoring Luhan completely.

-Luhan's POV-

I stood there, astonished.

Kyungsoo, the bad boy, and Skye, the goody two shoes... DATING?!

I did notice him bother her since they met..

Oh well. Why do I care? Oh wait. Never mind. I have a crush on her. Duuuuh, Luhan.

As I snapped back to reality, I found Skye pinned to a group of lockers by Kyungsoo. My eyes widened, yet, they probably weren't as big as Kyungsoo's natural, big owl eyes.

I could tell that she was blushing furiously since his face was only a few centimeters from hers.

I started walking away, hoping that she wouldn't notice.

Unfortunately, she did.

"Luhan! Wait up!" she pushed Kyungsoo away and ran to me.

I forced a smile as she grinned at me.

"I'm sorry Luhan oppa.. Curse you Kyungsoo! It was all his fault!" she apologized and rant at the same time.


Soon, we reached the bubble tea shop.

I ordered taro milk tea with boba, while she got plain honeydew milk tea.

I quickly handed the cashier my credit card.

"Luhan, I thought I was gonna pay." Skye pouted.

"It's okay.. I was gonna do aegyo for you anyways bestie!"

I grabbed her hand and we walked to the park.


"Now show me your aegyo!" Skye demanded, not so forcefully, though.

I puffed my cheeks.

"Skye-ah! Buing buing! Let's go on the slide!"

"Ahhhh! You look so adorable Hannie!" she giggled from my cuteness. Maybe not.


"Night bestie!" I walked her home since it was dark.

As I walked up the steps of my house's porch, I remembered about the Kyungskye or Skysoo thing.

I guess I have no chance now..

I probably won't tell Skye my feelings at all. It'll ruin their relationship, and Skye will feel guilty..

I decided to forget and not worry about it.

I mean, it's only a relationship, right?

I can find someone else, right? No biggy.

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