Best Friends

441 10 1

-Kyungsoo's POV-

This week has passed by quickly.

It was already Saturday.

I decided to go to the park since it seemed like a beautiful day today.

-Skye's POV-


What a beautiful day.

I wanna go to the park, but I wanted someone to come with me.

I called Luhan, but he was busy with homework. Same with Chanyeol. And everyone else.

There was one person left, but I'd rather go without anyone than him.

I decided to put on a floral skirt, a plain, white tee, and converse.


I then headed towards the park.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

I was just admiring nature while a dirty, annoying peasant came by.

I saw her look at me and rolled her eyes.

Of course, I smirked.

-Skye's POV-

Ugh. His smirk. That annoying smirk.

I ignored him and walked to the playground.

Luckily, no one was there except for Kyungsoo and I so I went on the swings.

I was amazed by how beautiful today was.

But then again, Kyungsoo was here, so it was less beautiful, I guess.

It was so calm.

-Kyungsoo's POV-

I saw her.

She was so peaceful.

Aha. I have a plan.

"Yaahh!" I squealed as someone poked my sides.

I turned to see a smirking Kyungsoo.

"Yaah! What was that for?!" I yelled at him and hopped off the seat.

He started backing off, so I chased him.

Luckily, I was wearing my Converse, so I could run. Except I had a skirt on.

I was running, and suddenly, he turned around and stopped.

"Aisshh!" I fell into a firm chest.

I felt his arms snake around me, and I attempted to push him off, his grasp was too strong.

A blush crept up my face. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?! First, he annoys the poop out of me. Then, he hugs me. AWKWARD MUCH?

Anyways, I tried pushing him off again, and he let go. He had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Ugh. What's wrong with you? I frickin hate you D.O!" I then stomped off.

As I left, I felt him smirking behind me.


I went into my room.

Ughhh! Who knew just one person can totally ruin and piss you off in just one day?!

I took out my phone and texted Luhan. Oh, and by the way, we quickly became besties.

'Hey Luhan'


'Nothing much.. just really pissed hbu?'

'Wuuuut. Hold da fudge up! WHO IN THIS WORLD PISSED YOU OFF."

'Uhhh... Kyungsoo.'


'REALLY?! He's a dog?!'

'Huh? Oh no. Haha. It was just that.. nvm. Wyd?'

'I'm still pissed at Kyungsoo.'

'Oh.. well, can I make you happy again?'


'Soo... uhhhh.... ummm..'

'What? lol.'

'Umm.. I can think of anything..'

'Aha! it's okay Luhan!'

'Oh! I got one!'



I'll live today

As if I'll never see you tomorrow

I lived yesterday

As if I'll never see you the next day

I will live tomorrow

As if I'll never see you for eternity


Day by day,

I see your beautiful

Your beautiful smile

You're precious

Even more than a diamond or gem

I'll treat you as if

As if I were to lose you

And I will still be able to

Able to hold our memories

And treat you well

So you will be happy

And live happily

Happily without me'

'OMG. Awwwwwwww! Ilysfm Luhan!'

'And it's called 'When I'm with You'. and ilysfm too Skyee~'

'Well, goodnight bae! tysm!'

'Night! and your welcome!'


I quickly fell asleep after reading Luhan's sweet text!


Huh? Is that Kyungsoo?

"Skyee~ Saranghae!"


He came up to me and hugged me.

When was he ever like this? I thought he was ignorant when it came to me.

Although I hesitated, I hugged him back.

*end of dream*

I woke up.

Finding myself hugging a pillow.

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