Elijah........Deal/Marcel .....Rules

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His more than my friend so many times my protector against Niklaus issues always watching keep it him on line sometimes my teacher even my confident but right now I didn't care said what I'm thinking really good about all this....issue
Screw you .......I won't do it.....I said very loud but that doesn't intimidate him at all
Charming like always. I always love that about you....he said drinking his tea amused looking at me
We are at my shop just the two of us nana go out looking for some stuff for us.
What you asking me? Is out of my league.....way beyond out.....I'm not gonna do it.....I said nodding negative
I asking you for protection....Elijah said very polite that scandalous my system more
No you are asking me been under the same roof having him breathing behind my neck at every move I made and that's not gonna happened...Elijah.....I said very mad
You are a witch ...Elijah said with logic
There are many ones around here.....I said pointed out of the window he followed my finger looking back at me
Your different your not like them...Elijah said like remind me
I'm the same like them...Im not so special....I said avoiding the subject until he stop drinking lowing his cup and looking straight at me
No...is true...you are his witch and a powerful one .....Elijah said with his unique charm he always have but that doesn't help me at all right now.
I was in past tense remember when he let me die back there.....I said pointed at the street without care
We looking for you until Michael interfering and we have to leave not by choice.....Elijah said sad remember
I didn't answer back already uncomfortable with the theme
My lady I...we are not exactly the kind of person than we trust in everyone especially Nicklaus not with this you should know us by now....Elijah said playing with the cup waiting for my answer
I'm just exhaled looking at him he was like always so polite elegant and very respectful. I always love that about him....why I never fall for him?....
Watching him looking at me reading my face already smiling he know he win..
Okay.....you win but I'm not gonna live in his house ....you can't make me ...I said drinking my cup
Fair enough......Elijah said pleased fixing his jacket.
I'm just standing look around taking a neckless from my shop looking like a star in my hand whispering divide in two and see it glowing and giving to him looking back at me strange
I want her to carry it all the time in case she need me this one is for you just whisper my name and I'll be there ....I said tensed sitting back
He won't like it ......Elijah said a little concerned
Standing from the table leave my side and approached to him smiling taking the neckless from his hand and gentle put it around his neck thinking
We know he doesn't know nothing about you asking me....Elijah...I know when this conversation finished you gonna give the idea to him but you already talk to me you not gonna give him a choice and you not gonna said is me who gonna do it. He have to accept against his will...like always....I said amused
You know me very well ......Elijah said smiling softly taking my hand at his lips very gentle
I believe we have ourselves a deal my dear Elijah......I said admiring him touching his face he just keep my hand at his lips admiring but thinking
We have a deal my lady.......

Marcel and his vampires are out of control.....Something have to be done....I said looking at my people
And you think bring more vampires will solution all this....Agnes said not happy
These aren't just any vampires...there are the originals.....I said debating her
What make you think you can control the Hybrid?....Agnes said seriously
She can't no one of you can't........
When I heard her voice my memories goes to my sister lowing my head in respect.
Elizabeth!........I said looking seriously back at Agnes
She just walk looking into our faces reading standing next to me in front of Agnes

I said looking seriously back at AgnesShe just walk looking into our faces reading standing next to me in front of Agnes

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