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Everything set and rolling according to our plan
We walking inside Marcel home and look around the music the mask the acrobat the people and inhaling in satisfaction and look at me sister beautiful dress next to me.
This certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight events I must say.....I said looking around until I saw Cami dress like an angel
What's she's doing here?......I ask Rebekah
What better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human new girl in a room chock full of vampires?....Rebekah said at my side already tensed and I though I was the cunning one.
But was making me dropping my jaw was Elizabeth going downstairs wearing a bloody red dress revealing daring good her curves with a v low neckline already I could hear so easily her heart beating. Her hair fall softly at her side. The red mask and those red lips. Accompanied with a diamond chocking necklace and revealing pretty good both of her legs up to her thigh. I'm really dying here.

I think red is your new favorite color

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I think red is your new favorite color....Rebekah said with a smile
Perhaps....maybe.....I said looking at Elizabeth
Go get her Romeo....Rebekah said pushing a little amused
The absolute perfect Queen for me and she's already killing me. Leaving my sister side passing through them to the stairs showing my arm polite.
Very bolt and daring.......I simple said actually proud waiting. She look at me taking my arm walk few seconds step standing next to me
I didn't choose this one....Elizabeth said polite but you can see her checks blushing.
You look stunning tonight. Definitely red is your personal color. You look like a Queen......I said taking her to the dance floor
And you still the same lovely dashing devil.....Elizabeth said facing me moving my hands at her waist and pull her closer
Maybe I'm the devil but right now there's no more beautiful devil wearing perfectly curves in a red dress like you perhaps that's why we are mean for each other......I suddenly said starting to dance and see her glide in my arms.
Maybe in another life......Elizabeth said calm dancing. Bringing her more closer lowing my head on her ear and she's already gasping. My words simple fly out ...
Maybe in this one......

The slow music playing watching both dancing together like nothing else exit around them and that's concerns me.....a lot.
Walking around and see someone the same daring that him wearing a lovely black dress..
Scotch pleased.......
You trying to be cute inviting her here?......I ask in reference of Cami last time both doesn't get alone to well
I think she's darling. I can tell you fancy her pure heart. Perhaps I'll feed it to you...Rebekah said very disdain.
Jealousy looks good on you Bekah....I said pointed at the bartender for a second round for both but.....
Excuse me......I said to Bekah and goes to Cami.
Cami!.....I said walking at her
Hey killer party......Cami said pointed around
Oh it's more of a work thing. I would've invited you......I started to said
Oh no we've been on one date. No explanation necessary. You do your thing. I'll entertain myself....Cami said passing my side. I can't let her walk away.
What, leave you alone looking the way you do? Hell with that....

We still in each other arms dancing at this moments there no fighting there no grudge or regret just enjoy our mutual company. But make me regret many times let her walk away from me.
You always forget I can read your thoughts.....Elizabeth said amused looking at me
My apologies for been to open. It won't happen again but you look ravishingly tonight....I said smiling circle her and bring her back in my arms.
Things would be different......Elizabeth suddenly said taking my complete attention
How's that?......I ask very softly reading her face.
Those eyes look at me between guilty tired but that particular glow.
Would you excuse me?....Elizabeth said trying to free herself from my arm but I didn't let her. My finger slowly move on her chin lifting her face to me and see was going on.
You need blood said concern taking her in my arms and walk apart going upstairs to her room without been notice.
She take her mask away and her hands already trembling. don't have any idea how I hate this.....Elizabeth said look at me and see her knees almost bending and helping her sitting weak
Is what you are now......I simple said
I could live without the taste for days even months but since you get the idea to bond with me is unbearable.......Elizabeth said playing with her fingers anxious
I have to make sure......I said walking at her kneeling facing her
For what?.....first of all you are my sire. If something happens to you is gonna happen with me and all your bloodline or I'm wrong...Elizabeth said with logic.
Your right but you are not them.....I started to said rolling my sleeve
How you could sleep at night?.....Elizabeth ask observing what I'm doing.
Like a baby.....I simple said cutting my wrist.
No......Elizabeth said leaving my side in a hurry
You must have to.....I said tensed and walk at her
No.......I don't want it just left me die......Elizabeth said getting pale covering her mouth at her owns words.
My whole system push the little demon inside of me.
I can make you one way or another.....I said anger walking at her she try to flee but using my speed I grab Eli by her waist. Bite my wrist and drink my own blood taking her lips and taste myself on her.....

His blood goes down softly through my throat. My hands was grabbing hard his blaze trying to do not let him do it. He keep pushing until I finally accept and very strange .....
Enjoy this....actually both.
I could feel how his blood burning each part of me inside. He didn't break our lips. He intensified more feeling already dizzy. Moving my hand to his shoulder so I can keep standing up. Like he understanding what's happening. He moves his hand around my waist and tightly ourself. Everything our breath our scents intensified.
And now he's kissing me and all my body is obeying him.
My heart want to go out of my chest. His breathing is so erratic also his heart.
It was a lost moment that I can assure you. It won't happen again. He break our kiss but he never leave my lips.
Why you hate me so much?......Klaus said low with trembling voice on my lips between continued or step away.
You hurt me.......I said trying to breath.
All I did was to protect you.....Klaus said trembling like me
You abandon me.......I said feeling my spine getting cold.
I swear ...I looked for you.....klaus said now looking at me and see for first time pain in his eyes. I'm just closing my eyes and feel my eyes wet.
If I could find a way to go back in the past. I would do it just to get you back with me....Klaus said moving his hand and make me face him again.
But for once I have to admitted.
I know.......

This little devil got me so tangled in her hands, in her scent, her body even her blood calling me than been away from her is a dead sentence for me.
Right now any plan or logic lose significant because she hoard everything about me.
But I need to leave her again and this time is gonna be very difficult.
I'm just kiss her again feel those trembling lips against mine. Listening her reaction against myself making the things more interesting but impossible to break.
I want be myself one with her. I want to take away all those years of loneliness.
She's mine in all forms possible nobody can take her away from me.
Forget Thierry......I said on her lips and kiss her again so possessive not even give her a chance to answer.
Just for a second I feel strong, I feel complete, I feel free and be myself. That's the feeling she always unlocked on me.
My hands move on her thigh going slowly up. The sound she made....ufff...
But what I'm doing. I want her that not wrong but I got plans so I can bring her back with me. But I have to takes any obstacle away.
Leaving her lips is like a part of me resting with her. I'm feeling already empty. And look those eyes confused looking back at me.
Moving my finger at her reddish lovely cheeks and compel her.

Moving my finger at her reddish lovely cheeks and compel her

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Listening to me love. I have few string to tie up before I'll bring you back with me. This separation is not gonna be forever......I started to said moving my hands lifting and carried her to the bed lowing her gentle making me growl for the way she look on the bed keep tempting all my demons.
Have some rest little sunshine. Remember all this I'm doing right now even gonna make you hate me. I'm doing for you......I said with my finger on her neck caressing slowly
Klaus....don't......Elizabeth said already getting sleeping.
I didn't dare to move until sleep finally take her away. Standing up walk at the door and look back at her and said those words that's was killing me this whole entered time since I saw her again.
I never stop loving you little queen....

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now