The Negotiation

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How's the best way to keep Marcel online and make clear that I know everything he does including he have Elizabeth locked somewhere around this city with him.
Where should I started?
Humans have called a meeting. They're not exactly thrilled with the new status quo....Marcel said taking me out from my thoughts. Having a pictures of us in my hand from long long time ago.
How unfortunate for them ......I said calm.
Look. It's your show now, but you want to know how I built what I built? Politics. A little diplomacy goes a long way, especially with the human faction.....Marcel said meanwhile I was observing the picture and him.
Duly noted.....I said moving the picture away and prepared myself for the best part.
I feel there are some things I should probably confess to you.....I said to him smiling leaving the sofa and go to bar area and serving a drink.
But where to begin? goes nothing......
Thierry was never disloyal to you. I set him up in a attempt to locate my brother. And he was getting very closer to Elizabeth and that really I can't allow it. He's your friend, and consequently, he can return to the compound at your discretion but he have to know Elizabeth is with me. Cami's part you just learned, she's doing my memories and then there's young Joshua........I keep talking leaving the bar area looking at him pleased because of his face.
I've been compelling him from the beginning, although I suspect you already knew that, as he was the one who led me into your trap.......I said sitting and give a glass to him. Marcel taking the glass smiling surprised.
I may have fed the kid some misinformation......Marcel said drinking.
Mm mm....and then there's Davina. She's a powerful weapon. At this point, I like to keep her close at hand......I started to said lying my back and looking at my glass.
She can't leave the attic. I already tried to move her once.....Marcel said concern
Yes. About that, turns out your little witch is quite the actress. She made a deal with Elijah while he was in captivity, tricked you into letting her stay put in exchange for some spells from our mothers grimoire......I said moving on front looking at him. You have to see the face of disappointment and I didn't finished
Good to know. Is that all?.....Marcel said very seriously uncomfortable.
I do believe it is.....I said waiting
Appreciate the honesty.......Marcel said ready to leave.
Ahhhh one thing......I suddenly said stopping him standing from the sofa facing him.
And what's that.....Marcel said tensed.
I want her back.....I simple said seriously
If you talking about my sister.....Marcel started to said but I didn't let him finished.
Your sister have a particular scent very difficult to ignore is like part of her. Her essence, you don't need to touch her just been around closer and poof......I said touching his shoulder
Get impregnable, a scent I will recognized everywhere......I said observing his face.
You won't have her back......Marcel said more serious.
What is done is done. Remember you still breathing because I need you not because you pledge alliance to me, Marcel. You don't understand she's my other half you like it or not I don't care but shes my Queen. She should be reign our kingdom at my side. She's responsible for let my demons lose out of control and all this is thanks to you.......I said inhale and catch that sweet scent a very recently one.
That's not gonna happen.....Marcel said very defensive making me smile.
Them, I'll do it my way. I will find her. I recommend to you don't cross my path......I said very calm and clear in my meaning. Marcel look at me reading my face leave my side and walk at the door.....
The meeting is in a hour.....

His thoughts drive me crazy and I'm lock here. Marcel people is hunting wolves. I can't sit here and do nothing.
Think.....I said standing from the bed walk at the window and barely touch feeling the magic barrier on my fingers moving it away. My ordinary collar each time I touch it. ...feels that thing taking a part of me.
I need to get out........I said looking around the room standing at the vanity until.....
Ummmm.....I said finding a pair of scissors taking it in my hand and look at the mirror. Taking the collar and trying to used it but each cut to the collar cut my skin. Like I said this collar is magical.
Jesus!........I said in pain taking the scissors away and look myself.
I'm gonna burst you, Marcel......I said tensed touching my neck and see the cut healing. I wasn't do it leaving the scissors away until........
Taking the scissors in my hand almost to my lips close my eyes and chant a spell feeling the scissors getting hot. Moving to my collar and in one swing cut it. The collar break finally but also my skin making me kneeling in pain.

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now