Fleur de Lis

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All this time she was alive. I'm so disappointed, disturbed even mad with all this situation. They got Rebekah and now Nik. Almost burning Hayley and the child. I'm so blind right now making my way to our home and reclaim....
Wheres my brother?.....I said loud walking inside.
I got guys out looking for him right now....Marcel said moving his hands up. That's not convinced me making my way to him. His own people cross me and I'm simple taking each one away. What we didn't expect or better said me, is her.....reaction. She came out of nowhere taking me so easily away with a kind of force I totally forget she poses. Everybody stepped back very scared of her. Like always.
You better stay away from my brother....Elizabeth said growling low. Like a wounded animal. Her eyes was golden but with this distinctive red. She's looking for blood.
Elijah!.....Hayley said from upstairs but I can't move. I'm in a stressful situation.
Sis.....I'm fine...breath...Marcel said behind her. Her breathing was erratic and for I can see.....she's in pain.
We need to find him...he needs to know....Elizabeth said nervous and focus without release me
We are looking for him...Marcel said more closer looking at me worried
No, you dont understand...she said like breathing wasn't part of her.
Tell me.....I ask gentle
I won't be staying much longer and he need to know....Elizabeth said looking at me and for a second her eyes turning black. That's new
What are you talking about?... Marcel said very tensed trying to reach her but we all know that's impossible.
I will always love him ...that's bastard....I always will be. He won't forgive me for this but I dont have a choice. He doesn't have to know....Elizabeth said a little confused her hands tighly more my neck. I'm simple keep myself calm. My hand move slowly looking for her face and make her look at me
We know, and he deserved listening from you. I'm here to help you and support you. I always will .....I said observing any change. Her position was the same. Her hands locked on my neck. You can read through her eyes not only her years. The sadness ..her anger.......
Is to late.....Elizabeth said like a whisper. The vibration around us. Her power ready to unleash.
We have time. We gonna find him..Marcel said at her side. Understanding she's out of control. She look at her brother.
I'm not. I don't have much time......Elizabeth suddenly said released my neck and fall on her knee. We run catching her.
Pain....his.....mine...hurt. I don't want this...just let me .....die.....Elizabeth said trying for not screaming holding her chest. Making a fetal position her nose was bleeding. Her body was shaking.
What they did to you?...I said very concerning moving my hands gentle and lifting her against my body and look back at Marcel clueless. You can see in his eyes how impotent was right now. He simple touch her face.
Klaus threw one of his classic temper tantrum, snapped my neck, tried to take on a cove of witches by himself. He got dropped. I don't where he is or where to find him...Marcel said very concerned and concentrate on his sister. Who was already pass out in my arms.
They also have Rebekah......I said. We both look at each other tensed. I'm simple look around without released her.
Every one of you will help me to find them!......I said very firm and loud watching all of them leaving. Only me Marcel and Elizabeth. I'm simple turning to take her upstairs to her room.
They sharing a bond Elijah.....Marcel suddenly said making me stop moving my eyes on her them back to Marcel.
He suffered. She gonna feel it. All of it. I knew since she returned to me, to us. The voices of the Quarter don't lie. That the gift or better said the curse her own people throwing at her to get Klaus. The irony of the situation right now she's the only one who can find him but also meaning I'm gonna lose her......Marcel said with this kind of pain that I'm already know and taste many times.
My eyes goes down looking at her. All that we share that's contagious smile she have , the one in so long I miss to see. She's so easy ,pleasant, polite even with her bad temper, she someone you need to have around. I always like her. She don't deserved this. My brother doesn't deserve her either but if she's the only person who can keep my brother demons online and make him happy. I would do anything for him, for her, for my family.

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now