Breaking the Inner circle Thierry....

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See Thierry so closer and protective with Elizabeth making me want it to bite over and over again and left him die at his luck. But even now I have to hold myself....well at least for now.
I thought we were at bygones.....I said looking very calm but with daggers eyes on him.
Thierry just move Elizabeth next to him and my mind already is in action.
I see you've given him free reign of your compound now too.....Thierry said looking at me smiling.
I'm gonna smash that face.....Definitely. Especially having her away from me. Who give him the right to treat her like she belong to him?
Yes. Well seeing as my family and I lived here built the place in fact.....I said ready for any debate
All right. Come on. You both know the drill. Thierry is my guy inner circle. Klaus is my old time friend and mine and Eli sire. He's also a guest here. Peace all right?...Marcel said looking at us. I'm just enjoying the ways I could making him disappeared bringing a lot of satisfaction.
Enough Klaus.......Elizabeth said seriously in warning looking at me. I'm simple smile at her in my own way making her already blushing Thierry notice looking mad at me. He doesn't know how in advanced I'm with her.....our bond.
All right.....Marcel said fixing his tie and look at Klaus.
What you need my brother?....Marcel ask me
I'm afraid my sister Rebekah is insisting I demand Elijah's return. She's quite worked up about it....I said very trust
I'll say.......Marcel started to said but Thierry.....
Yeah.....he's getting on my nerves.
We're not gonna have three Originals walking around town, are we?. Half our guys think the sister killed the nightwalkers.......
This guy doesn't know his place.
Is that an accusation?......I ask him
Yeah.....Thierry said making me want it wound him.
Against an Original?......I said going over him
Marcel move between us but was a small hand who stopped me. My eyes goes direct to her. She move her hand away and look at Marcel.
What did I say about peace?.....Marcel said nodding at her and touching my shoulder
Come on walk with me?.......Marcel said waiting that bring me joy but was for a few seconds
Thierry take Elizabeth back to her room......Marcel said make me look at her tensed and very anger at him
Why?.......Elizabeth said tensed making Marcel turning looking at her
So I can keep an eye on you. So you won't disappear on me again.....Marcel said but his words make me focus more on her thinking. Why she disappeared? If she need blood again.
Marcel!.....I'm not a baby you can't make ......Elizabeth said not happy
Marcel turn on his heels and go facing her.
Yes.....I can and you still own me a big exponation....Marcel said getting anger on her face
Screw you!.......Elizabeth said anger surprising everyone.
Knowing that lovely sunshine When she's mad I have to take him away.
Love better listening and leave before I'm personally taking chop chop be a good girl and go........I said moving Marcel away actually happy because of her face.
She was boiling ready to go over me.
I'll take care of her....Thierry suddenly said moving his hands around her
Becareful........I said slow between my teeth looking at him very anger.
Thierry look at me knowing how that gesture bothers me and smile. Taking Elizabeth out turning looking back at me.
Or what!

We walk out to "my room" having Thierry like my I really need one...pleased....
He opening the door to me but my eyes was following Klaus and Marcel.
Eli!.......Thierry said pointed inside
Okay.....I said walking inside and look around
This is for you......Thierry said pointed at the bag dress
For me!......I said strange looking at the bag
For the party...we....I like you to wear it tonight....Thierry said uncomfortable and anxious. Those gestures make me question his.
What can I said?.....thank you but I wasn't planning to go......I said moving touching the bag curious
Is him .....right?......Thierry said in a way make me look at him tensed stepping back away.
Each time he appeared you acting like .....Thierry didn't finished looking at me
Like what?......I said tensed
Like both still together and that frustrated me a lot.....Thierry said walking at me
I'm just look at him then away
I cannot changed the past. My past with him. He's my sire.....he....I didn't finished feeling his hand on my arms and made me look at him.
He's only that and that's it and he should staying there....Thierry said tensed his hand slowly move at my check stroke very slow.
Since he confessed his feelings for me. His been trying everything to take my attention to pleased me behind my brother there was moment that I'm really wish to be with him and make my life but all of you know what keep me backwards.
We already talk about this. I though this theme was over. What's wrong with you?.....I said moving my hand at his face and see him closing his eyes at my touch.
Your jealous on him.....right?......I ask in understanding  His hand grab mine and take it to his lips.
I told you....there certain things that even I cannot changed..If you want me to look at you different if you want win my heart don't be like then and stop this right now...I said moving my hands away. That hurt him looking at me surrender but he doesn't said a word turning and walk at the door without look at me
I'll see you tonight......

Your inner circle man lacks a sense of humor....I said following Marcel.
I need to break his trust.
He's a little overprotective but loyal to a fault..he kill for me and die for me.....Marcel said going downstairs. I'm simple following him looking around.
Yeah ....I believe you but more very overprotective with your sister perhaps he likes her. Did you ever think about that?......I said knowing how to push
That's over ruled. He know where loyalty ends and she's out of limits even for you....Beside that boy can play the trumpet like you would not believe...Marcel said trying to keep himself cool.

Maybe I'll see if he can play a little tonight at the party

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Maybe I'll see if he can play a little tonight at the're coming right?.....Marcel said turning and pointed at me
How can I miss my chance to meet the city councilman.....I started to said make me look up and see Elizabeth walking out of room and look back at Marcel
As he accepts your gigantic charitable donation.....I said looking up again and see her looking straight at me making me smile see her flush and walk in a hurry away.
He's a schmuck but he lets us do our thing in exchanged for certain community services like keeping our fangs out if the locals....Marcel said looking around the preparations
Listen. About your brother, I would love to help you out but Thierry is right. My guys are on edge. See the Originals moving in vampires dying it makes them nervous. If I hand Elijah back now. It might give the wrong impression about who really in charged here. You know what I mean?.......Marcel said making the situation more difficult but I have keep my false pretenses
You understand I have to ask....

Walking those streets with my mind focus on my brother Elijah but talking with the devil of Klaus...
For the love of Mary Magdalene how long does it take to ask a simple question?...I ask
Much longer than you'd think considering the answer was as expected, no. Marcel man Thierry is suspicious. He thinks you killed ten nightwalkers..
Well that a lie. I only killed eight. Should I make Thierry the ninth?.......I ask when I keep my walk
Marcel is playing friendly. We can't kill his favorite son, I love too doing personally but he'll catch onto us.
So......war it is, then......I said crossing the street
Indeed.....Do you know what to do with the wicth?
I believe I do .....I said stopping at the shop
Good. You manage Sophie Deveraux. I'll take care of the next step....

I have many reason to kill Thierry many good reasons but I have to work with the plan that ......I can make it later.
Hanging my phone and look at Joshua doing with the knife

Hanging my phone and look at Joshua doing with the knife

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I ordered you to drain him of blood. What's taking so long?.....I ask him
Sorry. I'm not like medieval-torture-expert guy....he said in apology moving myself faster myself taking a rake and shoved at his stomach and leave it there.
What did he do to you anyway?.....he ask me with almost green face
It's not about what he did. It's about what he's going to do when we're done here which is whatever I want him to just like you.

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now