The plan....Who Betrayed who?

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I'm just lost in my thoughts drinking watching my unwelcome company exactly not the person that I was waiting to see. The person of my interest was in one corner reading
Well this is a far cry from last nights party.....Klaus said sitting. I'm just move my fingers so they can bring a drink to Klaus but he notice where I was looking pursuit of the bartender from Rousseau's I see.....Klaus said taking his glass. She was reading and writing actually studying.
She's a work on progress......I said smiling drinking
And yet here you are pining over her. When you should be eating her for launch. Well she must be special....Klaus said serving his drink.
I didn't let him continued changing our conversation
Business first. The coroner called. He's got my number in case any dead tourist show up.....I said lying my back at the chair
Let me guess. Dead tourist with a stamp on their hand and vampire blood in their veins....Klaus said with logic
It happens. Someone takes a drunken tumble off a balcony or into the Mississippi. And today I got two of them to deal with.......I said but the sound of her ready to leave distract me Klaus move fast from my side and go to her.
Oh this is not gonna be good....
Excuse me love. What that you're studying?.....Klaus ask blocking her way out
Abnormal psychology........she said
Abnormal psychology....well perhaps you can help me diagnose my friend over here....Klaus said bringing her in front of me making me holding my laugh
He's been a little bit depressed......Klaus said
I was laughing but nervous to.
Can't keep his mind off a girl. He tells me she's a queen fit for a king. I think he should cut his losses and move on. What's your professional opinion?....Klaus said my face changed. I'm going to kill him until she talk.

Be a nice guy and maybe the opportunity will present itself someday

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Be a nice guy and maybe the opportunity will present itself someday.....she said leaving our side. I can't let her walk out without trying
How about tonight? Nine o clock? I'll meet you right here?.....I ask giving her my best smile
I'll take it under consideration.....she said smiling walking out
Hmmm....harsh.....I said watching her leaving
I dare said Ive lost my touch or you've lost yours......Klaus said thinking them smiling back at me.
I'm just smile back ignoring his comment.

I leave in a hurry before Marcel suspect especially when I found out there after on a wolf and there's only one wolf I know here on the Quarter.
This is why I told you never to leave the house.....werewolves are banned in the Quarter ..I said anger to my sister and Hayley
I have a plan and your little stroll put it all in peril....leave him!'ve done enough don't you think? ....I said to my sister making her stop approaching me
Leaving a trail of bodies like a roadmap to my door....I said not happy at all
Nick....if I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolf heads everyone here would be screwed and don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan and no ones seen you d a damn thing. Elijah made a deal to protect your child so that he could save you from your selfish rotten self but you obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah because what have you done to honor it?.....Rebekah said taking the worst part of me
I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you shall I?.....I said anger opening my arms
From the day I arrived Marcel hasn't trusted me. From day one he's hand his vampires ingest toxic vervain which as you know little sister protects them from my mind control. I needed a spy. Someone on the inside with me who Marcel would never suspect. So I created a day zero and got there first. Marcel just lost six vampires thanks to your little murder spree and he needed new recruits. So I made the new one mine before he'd had even a drop of vervain. But we all know the real way to a man is through his heart. So I compel her just to please him but knowing where he goes and who he sees .....I said now pointed behind me
And this one. I'm gonna drain him of vervain. Compel him to believe his mates found religion and move to Utah so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three vampires tonight......I said taking and dragging him inside the house dropping the body turning
Does anyone have any more questions?

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now