Declaring war

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The sound of arrows make me move away and see one take Hayley and two for Rebekah. I didn't move observing hide myself using magic. Rebekah is gonna be alright Hayley is my priority.
But one there gone I'm just approaching to Rebekah but founding all this body around.........witches.
What the hell?.......I said confused and see Rebekah opening her eyes taking the arrow out and look the same thing like me.
Call Klaus........I said taking my neckless out searching. But his voice is very very loud. When she said the news.
What do you mean she's missing?
What do you think I mean? There's blood and bodies everywhere. Someone's ripped this lot to shreds and there's no smart aleck pregnant girl. Thank god Elizabeth is here trying to find her.......Rebekah said looking at me
Put her on the phone...
No.......I said firm pointed at the neckless
She can't right now. She's doing a searching spell.....Rebekah said but I'm listening him not exactly pleased.
Keep looking. Keep Elizabeth on your side. I'm on my way.
I'm just rolling my eyes at his words.

I don't have any intention to leave those ladies alone after already make my move between Davina and Marcel trust making my way to the clinic on the Bayou area standing behind her.
Wow, you abandoned your quest for power to help out your family. Having off day?....Rebekah said sarcastic looking at me strange. But I don't have time for her mood.
Who took her Rebekah?.....I ask
I don't know......Rebekah said
What do you mean you don't know?......I said approach not exactly happy
Then who killed her attackers? And where's Elizabeth......I ask now curious
I don't know. I had a arrow in my heart. She went after ......Rebakah said confused. We just staring a each other.
If it wasn't Hayley who killed them, then.......
The sounds of howling closer to us moving my eyes from the door back to Rebekah.
Lovely. Perhaps her cousins will know where she is......Rebekah said. We make our way out of the clinic finding Hayley and Elizabeth behind her. But for how both look worries me goes straight to Hayley.
Hayley, what happened?......I ask looking at both ladies covering in blood moving my eyes on Elizabeth
Tell me what happened?......I ask her concerned
She don't remember but she's fine see......Elizabeth said pointed at Hayley. I'm just checking her.
You've completely healed. There's no scratch on you......I said strange
One of the perks of being a werewolf, remember?....Hayley said tired
No. Not that fast......I said more worried and unconvinced
Leave her alone.....Rebekah said taking Hayley from my side leaving me with Elizabeth in front of me.
I did my promised. I should leave.....Elizabeth said turning ready to leave. I'm just grabbing her wrist stopping her.
Thank you.....I said observing her gesture.
Is the baby. Your blood in her system. Your child heal her.......Elizabeth said moving slowly her hand away from mine looking at me. Her word drums inside my brain turning and look at Hayley.
How did you escaped?. You were outnumbered,unarmed.....Rebekah ask Hayley
I think it was the wolf. I think is trying to protect me.....Hayley said looking at me. Im already lost my patience
The witches were supposed to protect you. You supposed protecting her.....I said anger looking at Elizabeth
And she did all this time......Rebekah said tensed
You better leave her alone.....Hayley said in her defense. I look both ladies than at Elizabeth disappointed face.
Is okay. Actually it was Agnes ......Elizabeth simple said uncomfortable
Fine. Agnes, Sophie. It's all the same to me. I'll slaughter the lot of them......i said blinded forgetting who was next to me.
Nik!......stop it....Rebekah said in warning
Is good to know how exactly you feeling about it.........thanks would be enough.
My whole stomach clenched turning slowly and look at her without words.  Elizabeth pass my side slowly to the girls her hand move on Hayley neckless.
I'll be around.....Elizabeth said to her walking inside the clinic opening the door.
Can we go home?......Hayley said standing feeling dizzy moving myself faster and carry her
I'm here love.......I said tensed turning and look at Elizabeth leaving. I know I can't following her. She wasn't there but I could still hear her scent her.
Elizabeth!.....I started low very sorry turning and taking Hayley back to the car but our link for once.

One day Nik just one day you would regret your own words and I won't be there to witnessed

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One day Nik just one day you would regret your own words and I won't be there to witnessed. You gonna be alone.

What I said something that I'm just see. Why I'm warning him? When he doesn't deserved even breath. God actually hurts like hell. What's wrong? I leave the area fastest that I can finished with Marcel and see the things getting worst.
You supposed to be watching my girls?.......Marcel said to one of his guys.
Well...girls little friend sneaks away from the party, and that's our fault?......he answer my brother back. Oh dear!
What, Marcel, you gonna send me to the garden now, too?.......he said to my brother. Marcel simple snap his head and everybody leave quietly.
When he wakes up, tell him that an apology would have gotten him a lot further than his attitude.....Marcel said looking at me smile and leave the guy side.
Eli!....What's up?.....Marcel ask reading my face
Nothing new......I simple said
What troubles you? Tell me a name and I send it to vanished away......Marcel said in front of me.
Nobody, I'm just want to be here with you......I said smiling at his protective way
In that case. I'm all yours.....Marcel said embracing. I'm just bury my head on his chest. This are the strange few moments we share like brothers.
You know where she really belong Marcel.......
This is very frustrating moving but Marcel keep myself closer and see Rebekah face.
That was long time ago.....Marcel said tensed still holding me
Still, is writing in ink...anyway...Awful what happened at the church. I hear they're calling it a gas leak. Such a pity.....Rebekah said walking at us. Marcel move me behind him and approach to her.
I heard that you were quite the woman on mission today......Marcel said admiring her..jeez...there certain things it would never change.
What can I say? I want Elijah back......Rebekah said
Is that all you want?.....Marcel said actually hoping very closer face to face
Oh get a room both of you.....I said crossing my arms displeased
Look who's talking.....Marcel said making me look at him pretty bad
You'll get Elijah back. In meantime stay out of this bar and stay away from my guys......Marcel said very calm
What's wrong? You jealous?....Rebakah said more calm than him. Those words make me look at them in shocked. I believe. I'm plus here.
Me? I've already found my queen......Marcel said to Rebekah
Cami, the bartender?......Rebekah said like nothing. I'm really can't stay. Making my way out and leave the love birds alone.
Okay, Im out of here don't think about me. The whole place is yours.......

Few days later......well weeks...
I keep walking the empty streets of New Orleans like every night and look around how quiet after the party was happened a moments ago. I keep myself hidden for many reasons dealing with to many things witches dead and avoiding vampire having all this knowledge and for what.
Back to the store from another night walking going upstairs..
I'm not hungry nana. I'm going to rest.....I said already at the shower feeling the water cool my skin until his voice. Actually very closer.
Klaus!.......I said drying and dressing faster walking at the door stopping. Listening the conversation between nana and him.
Maybe another time I could show you what this devil is capable to do......
My hands already shaking opening going downstairs and see he was gone.
Nana!.....I said worried watching her standing at the end of the stairs.
I'm fine child. Did you listening!....nana ask me. I keep walking downstairs standing next to her
Yes .....I said looking at the door.
He's looking for you......nana said taking me out of my thoughts
I know.......I said looking at my hands
The Reaping coming and he need to know.......nana said in warning. I walk at the door opening inhaling slowing and look back at nana.
I can't because is part of his punishment.

Never been his ....Queen (Klaus love story) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now